An Integrated, Prosperous and Peaceful Africa.

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Executive Council Fifth Ordinary Session


1 EX.CL/Dec.93 (V)
Decision on the Vision and Mission of the
African Union and Strategic Plan,
Programme and Budget of the Commission 1
2 EX.CL/Dec.94 (V)
Decision on the Report on the Sixth Session
of the Advisory Sub-Committee on
Administrative, Budgetary and Financial
Matters on the Implementation of the
Recommendations contained in the Report
of Ernst and Young 1
3 EX.CL/Dec.95 (V)
Decision on the Report of the Sixth
Ordinary Session of the Advisory Sub-
Committee on Administrative, Budgetary
and Financial Matters on the Preferential
Rates Applicable to the Salaries of the Staff
of the Brussels and Geneva Offices 1
4 EX.CL/Dec.96 (V)
Decision on the Recommendations of the
Group of Fifteen Experts from Member
States on the Alternative Sources of funding
the African Union 1
5 EX.CL/Dec.97 (V)
Decision on the Report of the Sub-
Committee on Contributions 2
6 EX.CL/Dec.98 (V)
Decision on the Budget of the Pan-African
Parliament for the period July to December
2004 2
7 EX.CL/Dec.99 (V)
Decision on the Draft Budget Programme
for the 2005 Financial Year 1
8 EX.CL/Dec.100 (V)
Decision on the Recruitment Process within
the Commission 1
9 EX.CL/Dec.101 (V)
Decision on the Project on the Unified
Numbering Space of Telecommunications in
Africa 1
10 EX.CL/Dec.102 (V)
Decision on the State of Africa’s Children 1

11 EX.CL/Dec.103 (V)
Decision on the Report of the African
Committee of Experts on the Rights and
Welfare of the Child 1
12 EX.CL/Dec.104 (V)
Decision on the Implementation of the
Maputo Declaration on Malaria, HIV/AIDS,
Tuberculosis and other related infectious
diseases in Africa 5
13 EX.CL/Dec. 105(V)
Decision on the Second Ordinary Session of
the AU Labour and Social Affairs
Commission 2
14 EX.CL/Dec.106 (V)
Decision on the Plan of Action on the
Family in Africa 1
15 EX.CL/Dec.107 (V) Decision on the Second Ordinary Session of
the AU Conference of Ministers of Trade 1
16 EX.CL/Dec.108 (V) Decision on WTO Negotiations 1
17 EX.CL/Dec.109 (V) Decision on the Negotiations for ACP-EU
Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) 2
18 EX.CL/Dec.110 (V) Decision on the African Growth and
Opportunity Act (AGOA) 1
19 EC.CL/Dec.111 (V) Decision on the Establishment of the
African Customs Network 1
20 EX.CL/Dec.112 (V) Decision on the Reform of the All-Africa
Trade Fair (AATF) 1
21 EX.CL/Dec.113 (V) Decision on a Business Plan for the
Proposed African Commodity Exchange 1
22 EX.CL/Dec.114 (V) Decision on Economic Empowerment of
Women 1
23 EX.CL/Dec.115 (V) Decision on Protecting Consumers in a
Context of Market Liberalization and
Globalization 1

24 EX.CL/Dec.116 (V) Decision on the 16th Ordinary Session of
the Conference of African Ministers of
Industry (CAMI XVI) 1
25 EX.CL/Dec.117 (V) Decision on the Report of the First African
Ministers Conference in the Context of
NEPAD on Science and Technology 1
26 EX.CL/Dec.118 (V) Decision on the Report of the Chairperson
of the Commission on the World Summit on
Information Society (WSIS) 2
27 EX.CL/Dec.119 (V) Decision on the Relationship between the
AU and the RECs 1
28 EX.CL/Dec.120 (V) Decision on Follow-up on Africa-Europe
Summit 1
29 EX.CL/Dec.121 (V) Decision on Training Programme on
Economic Integration in Africa 1
30 EX.CL/Dec.122 (V) Decision on Follow-up on the TICAD
Initiative 1
31 EX.CL/Dec.123 (V)
Decision on African Civil Aviation (AFCAC) 1
32 EX.CL/Dec.124 (V) Decision on the Meeting of Experts on
Elections, Democracy and Governance in
Africa 1
33 EX.CL/Dec.125 (V) Decision on the Draft Protocol to the OAU
Convention on the Prevention and
Combating of Terrorism 1
34 EX.CL/Dec.126 (V) Decision on the African Centre for Studies
and Research on Terrorism 1
35 EX.CL/Dec.127 (V) Decision on the Situation of Refugees,
Returnees and Displaced Persons 2
36 EX.CL/Dec.128 (V) Decision on the Status of OAU/AU Treaties 1
37 EX.CL/Dec.129 (V) Decision on the Meeting of Experts on the
Review of OAU/AU Treaties 1

38 EX.CL/Dec.130 (V) Decision on the Establishment of Regional
Offices in the Five Geographical Regions 1
39 EX.CL/Dec.131 (V) Decision on the Relations Between the
African Continent and Other Continents of
the World 1
40 EX.CL/Dec.132 (V) Decision on Criteria for Hosting AU Organs 1
41 EX.CL/Dec.133 (V) Decision on Criteria for Granting AU
Observer Status 1
42 EX.CL/Dec.134 (V) Decision on the Proposed Amendments to
the Rules of Procedure of the Permanent
Representatives Committee (PRC), the
Executive Council and the Assembly 1
43 EX.CL/Dec.135 (V) Decision on the Accreditation of Non-
African States and Regional Integration
Organizations 1
44 EX.CL/Dec.136 (V) Decision on Accreditation of International
and Inter-Governmental Organizations 1
45 EX.CL/Dec.137 (V) Decision on the Selection of the AU Anthem 1
46 EX.CL/Dec.138 (V) Decision on NEPAD 1
47 EX.CL/Dec.139 (V) Decision on the Economic, Social and
Cultural Council (ECOSOCC) 1
48 EX.CL/Dec.140 (V) Decision on the Report of the Ad-Hoc
Ministerial Committee on the Mitigation of
the Scale of Assessment 1
49 EX.CL/Dec.141 (V) Decision on the Crisis in Darfur Region of
The Sudan 2
50 EX.CL/Dec.142 (V) Decision on The Sudan Peace Talks in
Naivasha 1
51 EX.CL/Dec.143 (V) Decision on the Situation in Burundi 1

52 EX.CL/Dec.144 (V) Decision on the Central African Republic
(CAR) 1
53 EX.CL/Dec.145 (V) Decision on Equatorial Guinea 1
54 EX.CL/Dec.146 (V) Decision on Ethiopia-Eritrea Peace Process 1
55 EX.CL/Dec.147 (V) Decision on the Situation in Somalia 2
56 EX.CL/Dec.148 (V) Decision on the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) 2
57 EX.CL/Dec.149 (V) Decision on the International Conference on
the Great Lakes Region 1
58 EX.CL/Dec.150 (V) Decision on the Situation in Guinea-Bissau 1
59 EX.CL/Dec.151 (V) Decision on the Situation in Côte d’Ivoire 1
60 EX.CL/Dec.152 (V) Decision on Liberia 2
61 EX.CL/Dec.153 (V) Decision on the Situation in the Comoros 1
62 EX.CL/Dec.154 (V) Decision on the Report of the Chairperson
on the Commemoration of the 10th
Anniversary of Rwandan Genocide 1
63 EX.CL/Dec.155 (V) Decision on the 17th Annual Activity Report
of the African Commission on Human and
Peoples’ Rights 1
64 EX.CL/Dec.156 (V) Decision on the African Standby Force
(ASF) and the Military Staff Committee
(MSC) 1
65 EX.CL/Dec.157 (V) Decision on Middle East and Occupied
Palestinian Territories 2
66 EX.CL/Dec.158 (V) Decision on the Non-Aggression and
Common Defence Pact 1
67 EX.CL/Dec.159 (V) Decision on the Digital Solidarity Fund 1

68 EX.CL/Dec.160 (V) Decision on the Development of African
Position on International Convention
Against the Reproductive Cloning of the
Human Being 1
69 E X.CL/Dec.161 (V) Decision on Adjusting the Structure of the
Commission of the African Union 1
70 EX.CL/Dec.162 (V) Decision on African Candidatures in the
International System 5
71 EX.CL/Dec.163 (V) Decision on Maritime Transport Security in
Africa 1
72 EX.CL/Dec.164 (V) Decision on an African Common Position on
An Anti-Personnel Landmines 1

Wednesday, July 21, 2004 - 11:00

Topic Resources

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