An Integrated, Prosperous and Peaceful Africa.

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Decision on the Establishment of the African Union COVID-19 Response Fund



The Executive Council,

1. RECOGNIZING that COVID-19 virus is a pandemic and public health emergency, which creates an additional burden to Africa’s public health systems and negatively impacts the economic, social and humanitarian efforts.

2. WELCOMING the African Union’s Communique of 26 March 2020 regarding the teleconference meeting of the Bureau of the Assembly of the Heads of States and Government to tackle the COVID-19 virus outbreak and find a lasting solution to the economic impacts through the establishment of an the African Union COVID-19 Response Fund.

3. ALSO WELCOMING with appreciation the seed funding of USD 12.5 million by the Members of the Bureau of the African Union towards the Fund.

4. FURTHER NOTING Member States, Partners and non-governmental bodies, enterprises, multilateral organizations interest to provide assistance, including financial commitments, technical support and in-kind donation in scaling up emergency efforts.

5. ALSO NOTING the role of Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC), within its existing mandate, to a timely and effective health emergency preparedness and responses;

6. DECIDES to request the Chairperson of the African Union Commission, in conformity with Articles 26 and 29 of the African Union Financial Rules and Regulations to establish the African Union COVID-19 Response Fund, with the objective to fight the socio, economic and humanitarian aspects arising from COVID-19 and to further boost the capacity of Africa CDC.

7. REQUESTS the Chairperson of the Commission to undertake all necessary measures to operationalize the African Union COVID Response Fund, and to submit through the Permanent Representatives’ Committee a detailed report to the Executive Council.

8. DECIDES to remain seized of the matter.

Monday, April 13, 2020 - 18:00

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Outbreak Update:  As of 3 May 2023, a total of 765,222,932 COVID-19 cases and 6,921,614 deaths (case fatality ratio [CFR]: 1%) have been reported globally by 232 countries and territories to the World Health Organization (WHO).




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