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RECs Dialogue on the Implementation of TVET in Africa

RECs Dialogue on the Implementation of TVET in Africa

août 30, 2019
RECs Dialogue on the Implementation of TVET in Africa

Nairobi, Kenya, 27-30 August 2019 – The East African Community (EAC) hosted the Regional Economic Communities (RECs) TVET Dialogue Forum in Nairobi, Kenya. The forum aimed at strengthening and harnessing the potential of TVET for socioeconomic development of partner states. The forum also established a TVET Technical Committee (TECHCOM) whose main purpose is to operationalize a TVET harmonization strategy and make recommendations on the way forward.

Under the theme, ‘’Harmonization and Harnessing TVET for Regional Integration and socio-economic development’’, panel members underlined the value chain of TVET, labour market analysis, training, labour market requirements, key processes, referential and all other components important in implementing TVET in Africa. RECs such as the EAC have a key role in the implementation of strategies that will contribute towards the harmonization and mutual recognition of qualifications in enhancing skills and labour portability across the region.

Mr. Nicholas Ouma, Senior Youth Advisor at the African Union mentioned that, TVET harmonization is important in enhancing skills portability in the RECs and addressing youth employment challenges, particularly as the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) is being implemented.

During the RECs TVET Dialogue, the African Union Continental Strategy for TVET to foster youth employment was presented. The panel members also had a discussion on the implementation of the Plan of Action for the African Decade for Technical, Professional, Entrepreneurial Training and Youth Employment during the TVET dialogue.

Furthermore, there is need for transformation of TVET to foster youth employment through systemically addressing the challenges witnessed in the different components of the skills development, entrepreneurship and youth employment ecosystem in Africa. It was observed that TVET must be transformed from low quality and relevance with noticeable skills mismatch between training with labour market needs into higher quality, demand driven and relevant learning opportunities required national development.

The panel members discussed nine focus areas identified as building blocks of the Plan of Action, which are; Strengthening Labour Market Information, Quality of Employment Services, and Career Guidance; Improving Quality and relevance of TVET in Africa for an ever-changing world of work; enhancing equitable access of TVET for all; promoting digital, blue and green skills in African TVET systems; fostering Innovation and entrepreneurship in Africa; strengthening governance, leadership and management capacities at all levels; image building, advocacy and social mobilization for TVET; ensuring sustainable TVET financing mechanisms; and monitoring and evaluation system for TVET.

The panel members observed that there is still much needed awareness creation especially amongst key stakeholders and development partners on the development in East African Community TVET harmonization. Partner States were urged to closely align their TVET policies and strategies with the continental and regional strategies and policies, to incorporate the much needed reforms that will respond to aspirations of the youth by providing the needed skills for gainful employment and job creation.

For More Information Contact:
Nqobile Mbali Zwane
Communications Officer- AUC Youth Division
E-mail: zwanen@africa-union.org


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