Negotiations on Development Cooperation between the African Union (AU) and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 27 November 2014 –Negotiations on development cooperation between the AU and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany were held in Addis Ababa on 27 November 2014.
The high level negotiations on substance and financial envelop of the on-going and new cooperation program were preceded by working level discussions between the German delegation and respective African Union Commission directorates /officials on key areas of cooperation, i.e. Peace and Security, Infrastructure, Agriculture, Human Resources Science and Technology, as well as Institutional Transformation, from 24th to 26thNov 2014.
The negotiations link up to a continued annual political dialogue between the African Union Commission and the German Government and reached to an agreement on the allocation of the funds available. It is to be noted that agreement upon and signature of an intergovernmental project/program between Germany and AUC is of foremost importance.
“We note the importance both sides attach to this project and have taken on board the need to actively engage other partners to also provide additional support to make this project a success” said H.E. Mr. Erastus Mwencha, Deputy Chairperson of the African Union Commission.
In that regard, specifics benchmarks are to be taken up by both partners in order to achieve a strong start of the academic year 2015/2016. The African Union Commission, as the Political lead partner will assure that commitments made by the German side will be fulfilled accordingly.
The Head of German Delegation, Mr.ChristophRauh, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development noted “…our joint portfolio continues to grow and cooperation in our focal areas is deepening with new commitments in 2014 up to 17.5 million €.”
The AU delegation was headed by the Deputy Chairperson of the African Union Commission (AUC) H.E. Erastus Mwencha and the Federal Republic of Germany by Mr.ChristophRauh, Head of Division on Policy Issues with Development Cooperation with Africa, African Union, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) together with the German Ambassador to the AU Mr. Joachim Schmidt.For more information, please contact:
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Ambassadors urge increased investment in health to end AIDS by 2030 in Africa
Addis Ababa, 27 November 2014- Ahead of the continental World AIDS Day commemorations on 1 December 2014 Ambassadors based in Addis Ababa met to discuss the key priorities for Ending AIDS by 2030.The African Union Commission has already started the process of consultations on the future of the AIDS epidemic that include post 2015 development negotiations, meeting with technical experts in Member States and theevaluation of health policy frameworks that will expire in 2015.These consultations will inform the development of a new continental strategy for ending AIDS, TB and Malaria by 2030.
“Addressing AIDS is a key priority under our African Common African Position on the Post 2015 Development Agenda” said H.E Erastus Mwencha, the Deputy Chairperson of the African Union Commission, “To end AIDS by 2030 the African Union Member States will need to invest more domestic resources to ensure sustainability of the responses” he added.
The fundamental pillars of the African Common Position on the 2015 Development Agenda including AIDS, TB and Malaria were all taken into consideration in the report to the Secretary General of the United Nations on the Post 2015 development agenda. All the pillars directly impact on Africa’s ability to address health and development challenges.
“In order to sustain the results in responding to the AIDS epidemic there is need to ensure that there is increased domestic financing for health and increased accountability for resources available” said Ambassador Hamadi Meimou on behalf ofPresident of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania, Chairperson of the African Union and AIDS Watch Africa, H.E. President Mohamed Ould Abdel-Aziz.
The May 2013 Mauritania Member States experts report and the June 2014 AWA Decision of Heads of State and Government reaffirmed African leaders’ commitment to accelerate innovative domestic financing.
Ending the AIDS epidemic is key priority for the African Continent. This has been clearly articulated at the highest level by Heads of State and Government, including the “Abuja + 12” Special Summit which calls for ‘ending the epidemics of HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria’ by 2030. These calls and commitments are consistent with the global pledge to ‘have halted by 2015 and begun to reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS’ in the Millennium Development Goals, and with the targets and commitments in the 2011 UN General Assembly Political Declaration on HIV/AIDS.
“I am very optimistic that achieving an AIDS free society by 2030 is grounded on realistic expectations. The battle against AIDS and other diseases is surmountable but only if we collectively do our part in marshalling the necessary resources and infrastructure for decent health care on the continent”, said Dr.AbdallaHamdock, the Deputy Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa.Africa has made tremendous progress in tackling the AIDS epidemic. From very few people accessing treatment a decade a ago, Africa is now leading the world in expanding access to antiretroviral therapy, with almost 10 million people on therapy by end of 2013. New HIV infections have declined by 33% and the number of AIDS-related deaths fell by 39% from 2005 to 2013. Since 2009, there has been a 43% decline in new HIV infections among children in the 21 priority countries of the Global Plan in Africa. This year the continental the World AIDS Day is being commemorated under the theme “Getting to Zero in Africa-Africa’s Responsibility, Everyone’s Responsibility.
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The African Union spearheads Africa’s development and integration in close collaboration with African Union Member States, the Regional Economic Communities and African citizens. AU Vision:to accelerate progress towards an integrated, prosperous and inclusive Africa, at peacewith itself, playing a dynamic role in the continental and global arena, effectively driven by an accountable,efficient and responsive Commission. Learn more at:
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African Union Commission and World Bank launch a 25 Million Dollar Project to Fund Capacity Development of the African Union
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 26 November 2014 - The ‘Support for Capacity Development of the African Union Commission (AUC) and other African Union (AU) Organs Project’ was launched during a workshop that was held on 24 and 25 November 2014 at African Union Headquarters, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The launch heralded the International Development Association (IDA) grant of US$25 million to support capacity development of the AUC and other African Union organs.
The grant will be used to strengthen African Union Commission’s institutional capacity and to facilitate economic development results with stakeholders. The fund will be used during the period 2014-2018.“The Project supports implementation of important AU programs intended to enhance the process of continental integration,” said H.E. Mr. Erastus Mwencha, Deputy Chairperson of the African Union Commission, adding “it benefits not only the Commission but also other AU Organs.” Stating the project’s role in strengthening the AU and World Bank partnership he added: “It gives us opportunity to deepen partnership with the Bank and to advance mutual objectives to enhance implementing regional related projects.”
This project will assist the AUC to operationalize the Strategic Plan 2014-2017 and the Agenda 2063 regional transformation priorities by encouraging the participation of all stakeholders including Member States, AU Organs, Permanent Representative Committee (PRC), Regional Economic Communities (RECs), private sector, civil society, media, development partners, African Diaspora and citizens. Mr. Waleed Haider Malik, World Bank Project Team Leader noted: “The AUC’s Strategic Plan 2014-17 and its Agenda 2063 clearly articulates this vision of peace, security, and development in the continent as well as the AUC’s proactive, facilitating role in promoting collective action for results. We are delighted that the World Bank will be able to join development partners already engaged in assisting AUC implement its Strategic Plan and Agenda 2063 activities. ”
Also in attendance were the representatives of the African Court and the African Commission on Human People’s rightsAbout ‘Support for Capacity Development of the African Union Commission and other African Union Organs Project (P126848)’:
This project was approved by the World Bank Board on May 7, 2014. It was later signed on August 8, 2014 by H.E. Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, AUC Chairperson and the World Bank President Dr. Jim Yong Kim.For more information, please contact:
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Engaging Smallholders through Investments in Agriculture
2014 is the Year of Agriculture and Food Security in Africa. This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) and provides an opportunity for communities, state and non-state actors to express their views on what is working, what challenges remain, and what our priorities should be for the next decade.
The elimination of hunger and reduction of poverty through agriculture remains our goal.
We bring to this next decade a clear sense of how far we have come, and also how much we have left to do. We must focus more intently on:
• Advancing implementation of country plans on the ground
• Getting results and measuring our impact
• Supporting inclusive dialogue and broad consultation
Public sector funding - from African governments as well as development partners - remains strong. These funds are enabling the implementation of CAADP National Agriculture and Food Security Investment Plans, including through significant direct support to smallholder farmers. Our reach to smallholders through public sector efforts is expanded, but not replaced, by complementary private investments in the New Alliance.
But we can do more.
We must pursue innovative approaches to achieve our development objectives and reach out to new partners. The New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition is an example of such a new model.
Positive economic trends in many African countries are bringing new opportunities to smallholder farmers, entrepreneurs and African and international companies. Participating companies agree to partner in the New Alliance because they wish to partner with smallholder farmers. As just one example, in Ghana, grain processor Premium Foods provides nucleus farmers financial guarantees that allow them to supply inputs to out-growers on credit. The project has established a more reliable market for farmers through the immediate purchase of harvested grain, has reduced farmers’ postharvest losses by 40 percent, and could increase their incomes by up to 80 percent
By working responsibly with these actors, we can expand our reach, sustain our progress, and ultimately achieve our goals to cut hunger and poverty in Africa.
In this Year of Agriculture and throughout the next decade, we must continue to monitor our efforts and measure our progress. The 2013–2014 Progress Report for the New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition is an important part of mutual accountability and transparency under CAADP.
The author is the Deputy Chairperson of the African Union Commission, H.E. Erastus Mwencha. The article is adapted from the foreword of the 2013-2014 New Alliance Progress Report. Download the full report at -
Host agreement signed between AUC and Government of Burkina Faso in preparation of Ouagadougou 2004+10 Conference
Ouagadougou, 24 July 2014. HE Erastus Mwencha, AUC Deputy Chairperson, and Mr. Vincent Zakane, Minister of Public Service, Labor and Social Welfare, representing the hosting Country, on 15 July 2014 signed a host agreement for Ouagadougou 2004+10 Conference. The signing ceremony took place in the Conference Room of Burkina Faso Foreign Affairs Ministry.
After recalling the theme of the meeting which is related to Youth unemployment, Gender and Inclusive Development, HE Mwencha underlined the importance of this high level summit for all Africa, challenged by poverty and unemployment notably with youth and female actors. He commended the efforts displayed so far by the Government of Burkina Faso to facilitate this Conference.
On his part, Mr. Vincent Zakane, was confident to underscore that: “The agreement will mark a decisive stage in the commitment taken by the government of Burkina Faso and the African Union Commission to hold the summit of Ouagadougou ".
Taking opportunity of his stay in Ouagadougou, HE Erastus Mwencha paid a significant visit to the Bureau of African Union SAFGRAD. During his visit, HE Mwencha met with the Coordinator Dr. Ahmed Elmekass and all the staff. A presentation on the main achievements of the Office was done by Dr. Elmekass and a video projection of the important activities undertaken during the last 50th AU/OAU anniversary. The AU Deputy Chairperson later held a working session with the staff of the AU-SAFGRAD office in Ouagadougou. He recalled the importance of Agenda 2063 and the necessity of all the staff to play their role in order to achieve the AU goals. HE Erastus Mwencha urged every staff member, regardless of his position, to be an AUC Ambassador in order to attain the AU vision.
HE EratusMwencha, AUC Deputy Chairperson and Minister Vincent Zakane signing the host agreement Group photo with AU-SAFGRAD Staff at the end of the visit of HE Deputy Chairperson
For more details, Please contact:
Mr. Youssoupha MBENGUE, AU-SAFGRAD. Tel. +226 50 31 15 98 / +226 78 23 41 78
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Joint Press Release
March 24, 2014 Addis Ababa
European Union and African Union renew the African Union Support Programme II with 31.8 Million EuroThe African Union Commission (AUC) and the European Union (EU) have signed an agreement renewing funding of the African Union Support Programme II (AUSP II) with EU €28.8 Million and AU €3 Million contribution at the AU headquarters in Addis Ababa. The programme aims to support the acceleration of African integration and sustainable development efforts as foreseen in the vision and mission of the AU, while building capacity of the AU organs.
The first phase of AU Support Programme, under which EU provided € 55 Million from 2006-2013, facilitated an integrated and comprehensive support to the AU organs (AU Commission, Pan African Parliament, African Commission for Human and Peoples' Rights and the African Court for Human and Peoples' Rights).
Taking stock of the achievements and the lessons learned of the previous programme, the AU Support Programme II will assist the AUC and the other AU organs to establish and maintain the institutional and management capacity to timely, effectively and efficiently implement AU medium and long term visions and strategies, and to contribute effectively to the implementation of the Africa-EU Partnership for the coming three years (2014-2017).
Speaking on the occasion, EU Head of Delegation to the African Union Gary Quince noted the new funding shows EU's commitment by delivering uninterrupted support for the AU Support Programme and consider it as a flagship programme among the Africa EU strategic partnership initiatives.
As for H.E the Deputy Chairperson, Mr. Erastus Mwencha, signing on behalf of the African Union Commission, “the Africa - EU partnership is a seamless partnership; the fruits are there for all to see, in terms of capacity building, institutional and programme implementation.
The 4th EU-Africa Summit will take place in Brussels on 2-3 April 2014, bringing African and EU leaders together under the theme "Investing in People, Prosperity and Peace". -
The Deputy Chairperson of the Commission meets with the Minister of Economy of the United Arab Emirates
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 19 March 2014: The Deputy Chairperson of the African Union Commission, H.E Erastus Mwencha, received H.E. Eng. Sultan Bin Saeed AI Masnoori, Minister of Economy of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) at his office today to discuss possible areas of cooperation.
The visit was part of an African Tour undertaken by the UAE Delegation of 50 people businessmen, aimed at reinforcing economic relations with the Continent, whereas Sultan Bin Saeed AI Masnoori, stressed the importance his country attaches to its relationship and cooperation with Africa in all areas. The UAE wishes to strengthen its business ties with AU Member States, through experience sharing in the fields of infrastructure, trade, Small and Medium Enterprise development using a transfer of technology, all aimed at increasing regional trade.
On behalf of the AUC, the Deputy Chairperson welcomed and congratulated H.E. Eng. Sultan Bin Saeed AI MAsnoori and his delegation for the excellent initiative to visit Africa that will no doubt boost the existing Business cooperation already underway with UAE. He also indicated that the African Union Commission greatly appreciates such ventures along with bringing support to the continent in areas where it has more experience and skills.
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Addis Ababa Ethiopia, 24 February 2014- The outgoing Permanent Representative of Eritrea to the Africa Union, Ambassador Girma Asmerom Tesfay paid a farewell call on the AU Commission’s Deputy Chairperson, Mr Erastus Mwencha on the 4th of February 2014.
In the meeting, Ambassador Girma expressed his deep appreciation to the Deputy Chairperson for his leadership and cooperation during his tenure in Addis Ababa. He also called on the African Union to fulfil its responsibility as the Guarantor of the Algiers Agreement signed between Eritrea and Ethiopia in 2000.
In turn, the Deputy Chairperson praised Ambassador Girma for his excellent diplomatic skills and the commitment which he brought to the work of the Permanent Representatives Committee (PRC). Mr. Mwencha also called on Ambassador Girma to remain in the service of Africa’s integration and development in his new post as Eritrea’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations in New York.
Press Release N.017/ 2014
Erastus Mwencha to the South Sudanese parties’: The African Union will assist you, but the solution is between your hands
Addis Ababa 11 February 2014 - The African Union Commission’ s Deputy Chairperson, Mr Erastus Mwencha, in the opening of the second round of peace talks, session of the peace talks, held in addis Ababa on the 11th February 2014 expressed the readiness of African Union (AU) to provide the necessary assistance in the commencement of the broad and inclusive dialogue appealing all South Sudanese parties to provide the necessary leadership in placing the interest of their young country above narrow political considerations.
Speaking on behalf of the AUC Chairperson, Mwencha welcomed the resumption of the talks, and mentioned that the AU is encouraged to note that both parties are making diligent efforts to fulfill the commitments they entered into following of the two agreements on session of hostilities and the status of the detainees signed in Addis Ababa on 23 January 2014. “I welcome the release of seven detainees and hope that the process required for the release of the remaining four will be expedite so as to allow them join their brothers and sisters in these talks” Mwencha said.
The African Union Commission’ s Deputy Chairperson underscored that the AU, in partnership with IGAD, will continue to provide the necessary assistance in the political dialogue noting meanwhile, that “the opportunity, the will and the responsibility for finding such a solution which are here today are in the hands of South Sudanese”.
Ethiopian Prime Minister and current Chairman of the East Africa regional bloc (IGAD),Mr. Hailemariam Desalegn attend the opening of peace talks in Addis Ababa with Ethiopian foreign minister and the AU representative, the three mediator and South Sudan government as well as rebel chief negotiators.
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Press Release Nº010/2014
African Union Commission and European Commission emphasize need to promote common positions as preparations for Africa- EU summit gather pace
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 11February, 2014:The African Union Commission and the European Commission have emphasized the need to make good use of their partnership in promoting common positions, especially as they are preparing for the Africa EU summit to take place in April in Brussels.
In a meeting held on 10th February at the African Union in Addis Ababa between the AUC Deputy Chairperson Mr Erastus Mwencha and the Deputy Director General of the Directorate General of Development Cooperation of the European Commission Mr Klaus Rudischhauser, the two Commissions agreed to promote any points of convergence in their post 2015 development agendas to defend their common interests. Mr Mwencha however outlined that Africa’s common post 2015 position will only be confirmed by the forthcoming high level meeting to be held in N’djamena, Chad at the end of this month. He also mentioned that the post 2015 agenda will be informed by Africa’s Agenda 2063, a common framework that is being drafted to guide the continent’s development for the next fifty years. This is in accordance with a decision of the AU Assembly held in January this year, which endorsed the articulation of the African development goals consistent with the existing continental frameworks and to serve as milestones for tracking and monitoring progress towards Agenda 2063.
In discussing the forthcoming Africa EU summit, Mr Mwencha and MrRudischhauser stressed the need to come up with an agenda and outcomes that Heads of States and Governments can agree on and sign up to. Generally, some of the critical areas identified were around infrastructure, energy, the green economy, trade, migration, peace and security, investment and the transformation of Africa.
Prior to the summit however, the two Commissions will jointly host an energy conference from the 12th to 13th February in Addis Ababa. Energy poverty is one of the biggest challenges for sustainable development in Africa. While the continent’s energy needs are growing substantially, the available resources are more than sufficient to meet the continent’s demand. The conference will therefore bring together African and European political and business leaders to review successes in the African energy sector and further deepen energy collaboration of the two continents. “This sector has a lot of promise for Africa’s future”, said Mr Mwencha, while MrRudischhauser said “Sustainable energy for us means focusing on Africa. We would like to step up cooperation with the AU on energy because we need overall coherence”.
The conference will take place under the aegis of the Africa-EU Energy Partnership (AEEP), an established framework for energy cooperation between the two continents, offering a platform for dialogue and coordination of joint activities.
More information on the energy conference is available at or WZM/
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