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Media Advisory Note for the Fifth Mid-Year Coordination Meeting of the African Union, Regional Economic Communities (RECs) and Regional Mechanisms (RMs).

Media Advisory Note for the Fifth Mid-Year Coordination Meeting of the African Union, Regional Economic Communities (RECs) and Regional Mechanisms (RMs).

June 27, 2023

Theme of the Year: “Acceleration of AfCFTA Implementation”

Hashtag: #AUMYCM

Important Dates:

13 -14 July 2023: 43rd Ordinary Session of the Executive Council 

16th July 2023: Fifth Mid-Year Coordination Meeting (5th MYCM) of the African Union, Regional Economic Communities and Regional Mechanisms

  1. Online Accreditation For Media Personnel BasedOutside Kenya

Accreditation is required for all media who wish to cover the 5th Mid-Year Coordination Meeting of the AU, RECS and RMs. Media accreditation is strictly reserved for media professionals (print, photo, radio, television, film/documentary, news agencies and online media) who represent a bona fide media organization, and have a valid accreditation in their home countries. 

Journalists should apply through online registration system on the AU website:

Confirmation of receipt of application will come from the ICD, while confirmation of accreditation will come from the Government of the Republic of Kenya, which is hosting the summit. 

Once journalists receive confirmation of accreditation, they should print it, along with their application documents and passport. All accredited journalists should fill the online visa application using the Government of Kenya portal

Required documents to accompany application form

  • Passport size head and shoulder photograph in colour, not more than six months old;
  • A letter of assignment on official letterhead of your media organization signed by the Editor-in-chief indicating name of representative and duration of stay.
  • Copy of a valid professional press card or equivalent assignment letter from the media house (for technical team)

It is advisable to carry hard copies of all the required documents in case of any necessary checks. Applications should reach the Directorate before 30th June 2023.

For further Inquiries regarding media accreditation contact: 

Mr. Molalet Tsedeke, Media Center Coordinator, Information and Communication Directorate; AU Commission; Tel. +251-115 182014; WhatsApp+251-911-630631; E-mail: ;

  1. Accreditation For Media Personnel Based In Kenya 

All media personnel operating from/within Kenya must fill in and submit a registration form that is available at 7th July, 2023. The application must be provided before the deadline set by the authority. Please contact the following officials for details: 

Mr. Felix Anyona Accreditation CentreTelephone: +254 725 539864

  1. What to do in Kenya 

Journalists will need to get two badges:

  • The Government press badge will be issued by the host authorities. This involves being photographed before the card is processed. This badge will allow access into the conference compound.
  • The Accreditation Centre will be located inside the United Nations Office in Nairobi (UNON), which is located on the United Nations Avenue, Gigiri. It will be open for the issuance of access badges from 0800hrs to 1800hrs from 10th July, 2023
  • AU Conference Badge: After getting the government issued press badge, journalists will be issued a conference badge by the African Union Commission at the press center. This badge will give them access into the conference and media rooms during the meeting. 
  • Journalists are advised to make sure they arrive in Kenya in good time so as to have the documentation done before the meetings start. 
  • Journalists are also advised to arrive at summit venues early to ensure that they clear all entry procedures before the meetings start. 
  1. Yellow Fever Cards And Covid 19 Protocol
    • Yellow Fever vaccination certificates will be required from delegates coming from countries with risk of yellow fever transmission or who have transited through countries with risk of yellow fever transmission for 12 or more hours or anybody from a country currently reporting an active or on-going outbreak of yellow fever. Travelers should be vaccinated at least ten (10) days before travel. Refer the link below for countries require for yellow fever vaccination certificate:
    • COVID-19 Precaution: All delegates arriving through any port of entry in Kenya shall no longer be required to show proof of either COVID-19 vaccination or a pre-departure COVID-19 test. However, Pre-departure Rapid Diagnostic Test (RDT) or PCR testing may be considered at the discretion of any of the airlines departing from or terminating in Kenya.
  2. Customs Clearance For Media Equipment

Accredited media personnel bringing technical equipment with them to Kenya will be subjected to full Customs Control. Journalists are requested to send their list of equipment together with their application for accreditation. Media equipment form is available on the summit accreditation page:

Journalists wishing to request live transmission facilities should contact: Mr. Albert Wafula,

  1. Media Facilities 

A media center with facilities for print, online and electronic media will be available at the summit venue. Access to media facilities will be available only to accredited media representatives.

  1. Interviews With Auc Leadership 

The Information and Communication Directorate will help media to arrange interviews with the leadership of the AU. Journalists wishing to conduct interviews during the 5th Mid-Year Coordination Meeting should submit their requests to Mrs. Esther Azaa Tankou, Head of Information Division at the AUC; YambouE@africa, and/or Mr. Molalet Tsedeke; Media Coordinator; Information and Communication Directorate; Tel/WhatsApp +251-911 630 631;

  1. Press Conferences 

Briefings by the AUC leadership and leaders of the various African Union organs and programmes will take place at the meeting venue. The AUC will organize press conferences of the AUC and other AU organs. The schedule of the press conference will be posted in advance and will be available in the media center. A WhatsApp text message will also be sent to their mobile phone, if a mobile number has been provided.

  1. Media Coverage Of The Meetings 

Opening and closing sessions of the meetings are open to journalists. Numbers will depend on availability of space within the meeting rooms. Entry will be on a first come first served basis.

A briefing session will be held prior to the summit commencement to ensure all attending media understand the entry procedures, as well as the various opportunities to access information. A media advisory will be circulated regarding the time and date of the briefing. 

  1. Live Streaming 

Opening sessions of the statutory meetings and press conferences will be streamed live from 13-16 July 2023 as follows: 

5th Mid-Year Coordination Meeting of AU, RECs and Regional Mechanisms

43rd Ordinary Session of the Executive Council

AU Press Conferences at the 5th MYCM

  1. Telephone

Telephone SIM cards will be available at the summit venue on a commercial basis.

  1. Television And Radio 

Media will be notified if live links to their national broadcasters will be available. The Government of Kenya and the African Union will apply the pool system of media coverage. Journalists will be able to access live feeds, including images from a duly identified host broadcaster. (Details of the broadcaster to be provided in due course). Inquiries in this regard should be sent to Mr. Molalet Tsedeke on:; Tel. +251-11 5182014. Cell: +251-911-630-631; and Lucy Kawira on

  1. Accommodation 

Accommodation will be on self-arrangement basis. Journalists are advised to make their booking early to avoid last minute inconveniences. For accommodation and hotels please refer to the Protocol and Administrative

Guidelines on:

  1. Summit Communications Enquiries

Enquiries on the arrangements made for the media for the summit should be directed to Mrs. Wynne Musabayana, Head of Communication at the AUC, E-mail:

For further information:

Information and Communication Directorate | African Union Commission I E-mail: I Website:

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