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AUC ACBF Ministerial Roundtable,Sunday April 3rd 2016 UNECA Conference Centre Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

AUC ACBF Ministerial Roundtable,Sunday April 3rd 2016 UNECA Conference Centre Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

April 03, 2016


The Ministerial Roundtable will afford Ministers an opportunity to appreciate the challenges in economic and financial management as well as agricultural production arising from the declining commodity prices and increased intensity in floods and drought. The meeting will hence help in defining effective mitigation efforts as well as humanitarian response and disaster management strategies.

Specifically, the Roundtable aims at:

• Sharing perspectives on the nature, depth and width of the current deteriorating financial and economic crisis facing the continent;
• Sharing ideas and experiences regarding immediate, short – term and medium term policy measures and interventions aimed at containing the deteriorating financial and economic situation, mitigate adverse effects of drought and floods and deal effectively and efficiently with the looming humanitarian situation;


Sunday April 3rd, 2016
UNECA Conference Centre

09:00 – 09:15 Opening remarks

09:15 –10:00 Kick-off presentation by ACBF – Addressing the Impact of Drought, Floods and Declining Commodity Prices in Africa: What Coping Strategies and Capacities are required?
Lead Discussants
Roundtable Discussions

10:00 – 10:15 Coffee/Tea break

10:15 – 12:00 Addressing the Impact of Declining Commodity Prices, Drought and Floods in Africa: Experiences and Initiatives:

 (i) financial and macro-economic challenges;
 (ii) effects and mitigation in agriculture given severe drought and floods; and
 (iii) addressing humanitarian situation and disaster management; and each group should propose viable and pragmatic policy measures and address capacity needs.
(selected personalities will briefly introduce sub-topics for discussion in each group)
 Roundtable discussions

12:00 – 12:45 Proposing viable interventions and pragmatic responses
Moderator: Minister (TBA)

12:45 – 13:30 Communiqué & final remarks
 Final draft communiqué
 Final remarks
• Minister Representative

13:30 Lunch

Key questions for discussion

• In the Ministers’ views, what are the main causes of the deteriorating financial and economic situation facing the continent: do they believe the declining commodity prices, rising interest rates in USA, drought, and floods are the main contributing factors?
• Do Ministers see capacity challenges as key in the problems being observed? If so which specific capacities do they think are required?
• What do Ministers propose as the immediate, medium to long term, policy measures and interventions aimed at containing deteriorating financial and economic situation?
• Can Ministers share credible stimulus packages and mitigation strategies adopted by their countries?
• How have/can countries effectively mitigate adverse effects of drought to curtail the looming humanitarian situation? And what do Ministers propose to be done to resort to drought resilient agricultural methods as well as strengthen climate resilience in general?
• How have/can countries effectively mitigate adverse effects of floods to curtail the looming humanitarian situation?
• Do member states have adequate capacity for efficient and effective administration of humanitarian interventions and what can be done to further improve in this regard?
• What capacities do African economies require to be weaned off from commodities prices dependency – those that have succeeded to share experiences?
• Have countries embraced Accelerated Industrial Development for Africa (IADA) Commodities Strategy as well as CAADP?
• Have countries integrated Agenda 2063 First Ten Year Implementation Plan (FTYIP), which is Africa’s blueprint for economic transformation, into their national strategic frameworks and action plans?

For information on this session in Addis Ababa please contact: Ms. Kesaobaka Pharatlhatlhe at: KesaobakaP@africa-union.organd Tel: 0115182635

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