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22nd AU Summit


juin 30, 2014

The 23rd Ordinary Session of the African Union ends in Malabo

Malabo, Equatorial Guinea 30 June 2014 - The 23rd Ordinary Session of the Summit of the African Union concluded in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea on 27 June 2014. The summit’s Assembly, comprising Heads of State and Government of the African Union, was held from 26-27 June 2014. In their Assembly organised under the theme: “ 2014 Year of Agriculture and Food Security”, the Heads of State and Government adopted a number of key decisions with a view to enhancing the socio-economic and political development of the continent, notably in the areas of education, health, agriculture, trade, women and youth development.

The Assembly adopted the AU Budget for 2015 which amounts to a total of US$ 522,121,602.00, including US$142,687,881.00 for operational costs and US$379,433,721.00 for programmes.

The Assembly received an update report on the development of Agenda 2063: the fifty year vision for Africa. The popular version of Agenda 2063; the Africa we Want was tabled, and the Assembly instructed the Commission and the NEPAD Agency, together with the UNECA, the African Development Bank to popularise it widely and solicit further inputs from the African citizenry. Member states who have not yet made their submissions on Agenda 2063, further undertook to have national consultations and submit inputs on behalf of their countries as soon as possible. The Assembly further mandated the AU Commission to explore Agenda 2063 flagship programmes, such as the Continental Free Trade Area, free movement of people, the continental integrated high speed rail network, and to report to the Summit in January 2015. The Summit in January 2015 will also adopt Agenda 2063 and its first ten year plan.

The Assembly adopted the Protocol and the Statute for the Establishment of the African Monetary Fund. It further called on Member states to sign and ratify that Protocol as expeditiously as possible, for its early entry into force.

Regarding the Post-2015 Development Agenda, the Assembly considered the report of the High Level Committee (HLC) on the Post 2015 development agenda and requested Member States to mobilize together, to ensure that the agreed Common African Position (CAP), which is to eradicate poverty in all its forms, is the key message for all African representatives in the intergovernmental negotiation process on that crucial subject for Africa. In this regard, the Assembly mandated the HLC to coordinate Member States with the support of the secretariat and in collaboration with partners and other relevant African stakeholders, as Africa engages in the negotiation process with the rest of the world on CAP. The CAP will serve as the basis for Africa's input at the global level into the on-going post-2015 sustainable development intergovernmental deliberations, including the work of the Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Intergovernmental Committee of Experts on Sustainable Development Financing and the final phase of intergovernmental negotiations on the post-2015 development agenda. The assembly further requested Member States to enhance their statistical capacity to enable them to effectively monitor progress in the implementation of the Post-2015 Development Agenda, and urged them to speedily ratify the African Charter on Statistics.

The Assembly called for the enhancement of the Pan African Productivity Association, to provide it with the capacity enabling it to act as a regional think tank, catalyzer, research and knowledge developer and policy adviser on productivity at the continental level. Additionally, it called for the establishment and enhancement of productivity organizations at national and regional levels, which would eventually become members of the Pan African Productivity Association.

The Science, Technology and Innovation Strategy for Africa -2024 (STISA-2024) was adopted as the continental framework for accelerating Africa’s transition to an innovation-led, knowledge-based economy within the overall framework of the AU Agenda 2063.

Similarly, the Statute of the African Observatory on Science Technology and Innovation (AOSTI) was considered, with the Heads of State and Government calling upon Member States and development partners to avail the necessary technical and financial support for sustaining the AOSTI. Further, the Assembly, while recognizing ARIPO and OAPI as building blocks of the Pan African Intellectual Organization (PAIPO), welcomed and endorsed the offer of Tunisia to host the Headquarters and Secretariat of the PAIPO.

A proposal by Republic of Congo to organize in Brazzaville every two years, an International Salon on Invention and Innovation under the auspices of the African Union; and to host a high level Ethics and Bioethics Forum in Brazzaville was welcomed and endorsed by the Assembly.

The Assembly underscored the importance of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) to Africa’s development, particularly for youth empowerment, employment and entrepreneurship and adopted the ten-year AU Continental TVET Strategy.

The Summit in Malabo decided that the APRM shall be an autonomous entity within the AU system. In this regard, the African Union Commission and the APRM Secretariat were requested to consult on the practical modalities for the integration of the APRM into the African Union system.

The following legal instruments were adopted in Malabo: Protocol on the Establishment of the African Monetary Fund; African Convention on Cross border Cooperation (Niamey Convention); African Union Convention on Cyberspace Security and Protection of Personal Data; African Charter on the Values and Principles of Decentralization, Local Governance and Local Development; Protocol on Amendments to the Protocol on the Statute of the African Court of Justice and Human Rights; Protocol to the Constitutive Act of the African Union on the Pan-African Parliament. Furthermore, Member States were called upon to speedily sign and ratify the above legal instruments as well as all the other legal instruments they have not yet ratified.

The Assembly, while considering the Report of the High Level Committee on African Trade (HATC), directed the AU Commission to prepare Draft Terms of Reference of the Continental Free Trade Area (CFTA) Negotiating Forum based on best practices in the regional economic communities (RECs)/Tripartite, refined draft Guiding Objectives and Principles as well as Institutional Arrangements to be submitted to the next AU Trade Ministerial Conference for consideration, along with other negotiation-related issues, and subsequent endorsement by the Assembly in January 2015 so as to facilitate the effective launching of the CFTA negotiations in June/July 2015. In this regard, the Assembly called upon Member States to maintain the momentum to fast track the establishment of the Continental Free Trade Area (CFTA) as scheduled by providing the necessary financial and technical resources at national, regional and continental levels.

On the UN Reforms, the Assembly considered the Report of the Committee of Ten on that issue, and endorsed its recommendations, notably heeding the call for Africa to speak with one voice on this crucial matter, for it to be adequately represented in the UN system, and for the intensification of efforts towards building alliances with diverse interest groups engaged in intergovernmental negotiations, with a view to gathering support of the African Common Position.

On climate change, the Assembly considered the Report of the Committee of African heads of State and Government on Climate Change (CAHOSSC) and endorsed the Framework Work programme on Climate Change Action in Africa as a continental framework that will guide the African Union, its Member States and the RECs in addressing climate change in the near future. It further reaffirmed that adaptation is a priority in all actions on Climate Change in Africa. In this regard, the Assembly urged all Member States to urgently complete the development of their National Adaptation Plans (NAPs), and put in place systems and structures for Africa to take full advantage of the global mechanisms in support of climate change mitigation and adaptation measures. The Assembly moreover took note of the global events on climate change to be convened by the UN Secretary General in the months ahead, notably in New York on 23 September 2014 and in Lima, Peru in December 2014.

The decision was made that the Thirty-First Ordinary Session of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the Union will be held in Dakar in June/July 2018 following an offer by the Republic of Senegal to host it.

The Conference of Ministers in charge of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and the Conference of Ministers of Communication, with the participation of national and international regulatory entities for the broadcasting sector, were directed to take up the issue of migration from analogue radio/television broadcasting to digital transmission, and to work in concert to protect the interest of the public broadcasting services of the AU Member States. The Commission, in collaboration with the African Union of Broadcasting and the African Telecommunication Union (ATU) was requested to expeditiously establish an African Technical Committee for the Information and Media Society, to accompany Member States in their transition to full digital broadcasting, while at the same time stimulating economic recovery in Africa.

The offer by Togo to host a Regional Conference on Maritime Piracy and other Criminal Acts Committed at Sea was welcomed and as such, Member States and their appropriate Administrations, Regional Economic Communities and Regional Mechanisms, African and International Institutions specializing in maritime and related activities, as well as development partners, were encouraged to participate actively in the Conference when it is convened.

The mandate of the African Union Commission of Inquiry on South Sudan (AUCISS) was extended for an additional three (3) months in order to enable it complete its work.

Regarding the Report of the Peace and Security Council (PSC) and the State of Peace and Security on the continent, the Assembly called for renewed efforts by the AU Member States and the Commission, as well as by the Regional Economic Communities/Regional Mechanisms for Conflict Prevention, Management and Resolution (RECs/RMs) towards achieving the objective of a conflict-free Africa by 2020, as provided for by the Solemn Declaration adopted at its 21st Ordinary Session held in Addis Ababa, on 25 May 2013.

At the same time, the Assembly welcomed the continued progress in post-conflict reconstruction and development and peace building processes in the Comoros, Côte d'Ivoire and Liberia. It expressed satisfaction at the continued positive evolution of the situation in Madagascar. The Assembly welcomed the completion of the transition and restoration of constitutional order in Guinea-Bissau following the presidential and legislative elections held on 13 April and 18 May 2014, and the resumption of the participation of Guinea-Bissau in AU's activities, following the decision taken by the PSC at its 442nd meeting held on 17 June 2014.

It further welcomed the restoration of constitutional order in Egypt following the constitutional referendum and the presidential election held in January and May 2014, respectively and noted, with satisfaction, the resumption by Egypt of its participation in AU's activities. The positive developments that have taken place in Somalia were welcomed by the Assembly.

Concerns were raised at the prevailing situation in Libya and its impact on the conduct of the on-going transition and the cohesion of the country, as well as on regional security and stability.

The cowardly kidnapping by Boko Haram of over two hundred young girls in northern Nigeria elicited outrage from the Heads of State and Government who also welcomed the on-going AU efforts to address the scourge of terrorism, notably through the cooperative mechanisms being implemented by the African Centre on the Study and Research on Terrorism (ACSRT), the Nouakchott Process, the Regional Cooperation Initiative for the Elimination of the LRA. It hailed the AMISOM achievements in Somalia. For each of these issues, the Assembly recognised efforts being exerted to resolve them and made further recommendations towards consolidation of gains.

Heads of State and Government at the Malabo Summit also adopted some declarations related to accelerated agricultural growth and transformation for shared prosperity and improved livelihoods; ending preventable child and maternal deaths in Africa; support of small island developing states ahead of the third international conference on small island developing states; and nutrition security for inclusive economic growth and sustainable development in Africa. The Assembly also adopted a Resolution calling for the lifting of embargo of the USA against the Republic of Cuba.

Finally, the Assembly agreed to hold its 24th Ordinary Session at the AU Headquarters in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on 30-31 January 2014 under the theme: “Year of Women’s Empowerment and Development towards Africa’s Agenda 2063”.

(All the decisions of the 23rs AU Assembly will be posted shortly on the AU website: www.au.int ).


For further information contact

Directorate of Information and Communication | African Union Commission I E-mail: dinfo@african-union.org I Web Site: www.au.int I Addis Ababa | Ethiopia

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février 04, 2014


Press Release Nº42/2014

AUC Chairperson appoints Special Envoy for Women, Peace and Security

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 4 February, 2014:The Chairperson of the African Union Commission, H.E. Dr. NkosazanaDlaminiZuma has appointed Ms. BinetaDiopas Special Envoy for Women, Peace and Security.Dr. DlaminiZuma announced the appointment on 30th January during her opening address to the 22nd Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the African Union, holding in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from 30-31 January 2014.

Ms. Diop has over 35 years of experience working in human rights, peacebuilding and development issues in Africa and internationally.She founded the Femmes Africa Solidarité (FAS), a leading global organization with an objective to strengthen women’s leadership and engender peace processes in Africa.

She has also served in numerous other positions amongst which are: Secretary-General of the African Women’s Committee on Peace and Development (AWCPD), President of the African Union Economic, Social and Cultural Council (ECOSOCC) Gender Cluster (2009-2011); member of the Global Agenda Council on Conflict Prevention of the World Economic Forum (2010-2011), an advisor in the 6thAdvisory Group of the International Committee of the Red Cross (2004-2007), and as a member of the Board of Directors of the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue (2008-2011).

Her work contributed toincreased and more effective participation of women in peace and development processes on the continent, notably mainstreaming a gender perspective in the transformation process of the Organization of African Unity (OAU) to the African Union (AU). She championed the achievement of gender parity within the African Union Commission in 2003, with the election of five women outof the 10 AU Commissioners. Her work also contributed to the adoption of the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and People’s Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa (Maputo Protocol, 2003) and the Solemn Declaration on Gender Equality in Africa (2004).

Ms Diop’scommitment and dedication to the cause of women have earnedhercontinental and global recognition as a champion of women’s rights and gender issues, with numerous honors and awards. TIME Magazine 2011, listed her amongst the 100 Most Influential People in the World; the University for Peace, in 2012, awarded her a “Doctor HonorisCausa in International Peace Studies” and she was awarded the Chevalier de la Légiond’Honneurby the French government in recognition of her work on women, peace and security.

Ms. Diopis from Senegal,has a Ph.D. Session Certificate, and is completing another in International Relations and Diplomacy at the Center for Diplomatic and Strategic Studies.


For further information contact
Directorate of Information and Communication | African Union Commission I E-mail: dinfo@african-union.org I Web Site: www.au.int I Addis Ababa | Ethiopia

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Conference de Solidarite initiant le processus des contributions en appui aux pays sortant de conflit │Conference au niveau des chefs d’etats et de gouvernements
février 01, 2014
février 01, 2014

La Commission de l'Union africaine lance la Fondation de l'Union africaine
Addis-Abeba, le 1er février 2014 – La Présidente de la Commission de l'Union africaine, le Dr Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma, a lancé aujourd'hui 1er février 2014 la « Fondation de l'Union africaine » au Siège de l'Union africaine à Addis-Abeba (Éthiopie) en présence du Vice-président de la Commission, M. Erastus Mwencha, des Commissaires de l'UA, de l'ancien Premier ministre de la Jamaïque, M. P.J. Patterson, et de nombreuses personnalités
et autres invités.
Le Dr Nkosazana a indiqué aux participants que la fondation certes accepte des fonds de donateurs extérieurs, mais que d'autres sources de financement venant de l’Afrique sont nécessaires pour que les Africains puissent revendiquer leur appropriation de la fondation : « nous devons commencer à financer nous-mêmes notre développement » a-t-elle dit. Les ministres de la Planification et des Finances se sont penchés sur la question, mais en discuteront encore plus en détail en mars, a-t-elle ajouté. En outre, la question des sources internes et alternatives de financement a été un élément essentiel des engagements du continent en ce qui concerne les valeurs panafricaines que sont l'auto- détermination, la solidarité et l'autonomie. La Présidente de la Commission de l’UA a invité les participants à être des ambassadeurs de bonne volonté de la
Créée par la Conférence de l'UA en mai 2013, la Fondation de l'Union africaine a pour objectif de financer les priorités de l'Afrique grâce aux contributions volontaires. La Fondation se concentrera principalement sur les questions d’importance critique en ligne avec l'Agenda 2063. Au nombre des priorités que financera en outre la fondation figurent le développement des compétences et des ressources humaines, l'autonomisation des femmes et l'égalité entre les hommes et les femmes, l'intégration régionale, le développement et l'entrepreneuriat des jeunes en Afrique. La gestion de la diversité, question également cruciale et élément inhérent de la paix et de la stabilité, sera également abordée.
Direction de l'information et de la communication | Commission de l'Union africaine E-mail: dinfo@africa-union.org

La Fondation soutient et est née de la vision de l'Union africaine qui est de « bâtir une Afrique intégrée, prospère et en paix, dirigée par ses citoyens et constituant une force dynamique sur la scène mondiale». Elle accueillera les contributions volontaires du secteur privé africain, des citoyens d’Afrique, des organisations philanthropiques, de la diaspora africaine, des entreprises en activité en Afrique ainsi que d’autres dons et contributions.
La question des sources internes et alternatives de financement a été un élément essentiel des engagements du continent en ce qui concerne les valeurs panafricaines que sont l'auto- détermination, la solidarité et l'autonomie. À cet égard, il est nécessaire que les différents acteurs y compris les secteurs public et privé et la société civile se mobilisent au sein d’un partenariat visant à accélérer le rythme de l'intégration jusqu'ici menée en grande partie par l’État.
Pour plus d’informations, veuillez contacter
Direction de l'information et de la communication | Commission de l'Union africaine I E-mail: dinfo@african-union.org I Site Web: www.au.int I Addis-Abeba | Éthiopie
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janvier 31, 2014


22nd Ordinary Session of the African Union Assembly concludes: A summary of key decisions

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 31 January 2014- The 22nd Ordinary Session of the African Union (AU) Summit holding on the theme: “Agriculture and Food Security” ended Friday 31 January 2014 at the AU headquarters in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, with the adoption of key decisions by the Assembly of Heads of State and Government.

The following is a summary of decisions made by the Assembly. Full decisions will be posted on the AU website www.au.int in due course:

The Assembly approved the offer of the Republic of Cote d’Ivoire to host the African Statistical Training Centre that will be based in Yamoussoukro (Institut Polytechnique Felix Houphouet Boingy), and resolved to allocate adequate resources for the production and use of statistics, in line with the principles of the African Charter on Statistics. This is in pursuit of implementing the African Charter on statistics and the strategy for the harmonisation of statistics in Africa.

Assembly welcomed the establishment by the AU Commission, of a panel of independent experts to assess the status of the operationalization of the African Standby Force and its Rapid Deployment Capability (RDC), as well as the development of proposals for the operationalization of the African Capacity for Immediate Response to Crises (ACIRC), and requested the Chairperson of the Commission to submit a comprehensive report on the implementation of its Declaration at the next ordinary session in June/July 2014.

Under the discussion on implementation of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification, Assembly commended the Commission and partners for the efforts in enhancing Africa’s visibility in COP.11/UNCCD in Windhoek, Namibia; and renewed its commitment to the Namibian Declaration to enhance the implementation of the UNCCD in Africa in order to address land degradation, desertification, biodiversity loss and effects of drought, and to promote sustainable development on the continent. It endorsed the establishment of an African working group on desertification and sustainable land management, to be convened by the Commission.

While expressing its disappointment that the request by Kenya supported by AU, to the United Nations (UN) Security Council to defer the proceedings initiated against the President and Deputy President of the Republic of Kenya has not yielded the positive result expected; and that the request by the Union to the UN Security Council to defer the proceedings initiated against the President of the Republic of The Sudan has not been acted upon to date; the Assembly, in its discussions on the implementation of decisions on the International Criminal Court decided that:
(i) African states parties should comply with African Union Decisions on the ICC and continue to speak with one voice to ensure that the African proposals for amendments to Articles 16 and 27 of the Rome Statute of the ICC are considered by the ASP working Group on amendments as well as by the forthcoming sessions of the Assembly of States Parties (ASP) to the Rome Statute;
(ii) There is an imperative need for all member states to ensure that they adhere to and articulate commonly agreed positions in line with their obligations under the Constitutive Act of the African Union;
(iii) The group of African states parties in New York and the African members of the bureau of ASP should follow-up on the implementation of various Decisions of the Assembly on ICC, in collaboration with the Commission and ensure that the African proposals and concerns are properly considered/addressed by the ASP and report to the Assembly through the Commission on actions taken regularly;

Discussions on maternal, new born and child health (MNCH) led to the endorsement of the recommendation of the Chairperson of the Commission on the establishment of an annual award to recognize significant contributions or action of individuals, organisations and governments in Africa towards ending preventable maternal, newborn and child mortality as well as enhancing their survival and well-being; and that the annual award be named “Mama Afrika Award” in honour of Miriam Makeba. The Commission was requested to coordinate the process of investiture.

With regard to Africa’s strategic partnerships, the Assembly welcomed the offer made by the Republic of Cameroon to host the TICAD Ministerial Meeting in May 2014 and welcomed the adoption of the principle of rotation in hosting the TICAD V follow up mechanisms, including the summit, and requested the Chairperson of the Commission to undertake consultations with Member States of the African Union with a view to identifying the host for TICAD VI Summit to be held in Africa in 2018.
In the same vein, the Assembly endorsed the Kuwait Declaration and the Eight Resolutions adopted by the 3rd Africa-Arab Summit and expressed gratitude to the Amir of Kuwait for the initiative to grant concessionary loans to African countries to the tune of one (1) Billion US Dollars, in the coming five years, through the Kuwaiti Fund for Arab Economic Development and also to finance investment and its insurance in Africa, with emphasis on infrastructure, to the tune of one (1) Billion US Dollars, through cooperation and coordination with the World Bank and other International Institutions. It welcomed the establishment of an Annual Prize of one (1) Million US Dollar, to be allocated by the State of Kuwait for development research in Africa, under the auspices of the Kuwait Scientific Development Institutions.

The Assembly adopted the 2050 Africa Integrated Maritime (AIM) Strategy plan of Action Plan. It also retained the 2015-2025 decade as the "Decade of African Seas and Oceans”, and the date of 25 July as the African Day of Seas and Oceans. Assembly invited Regional Economic Communities and regional mechanisms to develop and adopt a regional strategy against piracy, armed robbery and other illegal activities committed at sea, consistent with the 2050 AIM Strategy.

While welcoming the fact that more than 10,000 students have received higher and post graduate studies and more than 5,000 doctors from Africa have received continuous medical training (CMT), and that 48 countries are now connected to the Pan Africa E network under the Africa-India partnership, Assembly requested the Commission to prepare and submit to member states at the January 2015 Assembly Session an action plan for the sustainability of the services of the network.

Assembly endorsed the organization of an extraordinary summit of Heads of State and Governments on the assessment of progress made in the implementation of the 2004 Ouagadougou Declaration and Plan of Action on employment and poverty alleviation, proposed to be held in Burkina Faso this year.

Assembly requested the Commission to work out the modalities, in collaboration with the Government of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and other interested member states including the legal, structural and financial implications relating to the establishment of an African Center for Disease Control and Prevention (ACDCP) and to submit a report in January 2015 to the Assembly.

On Ghana’s proposal for the adoption of the Encyclopaedia Africana Project (EAP) by the African Union; Assembly called upon the Commission in consultation with the secretariat of the Encyclopaedia Africana, to submit at the next Summit proposals for sustainable financing of the project, including strategies for making it financially self-reliant.

The Assembly deliberated on the issue of peace and security on the continent. In this regard, it expressed satisfaction at the continued progress in the consolidation of peace and reconciliation in The Comoros, in Liberia and in Côte d’Ivoire; It welcomed the conclusion of the process of transition and restoration of constitutional order in Madagascar; the conduct of legislative elections in Guinea on 26 September 2013; the positive developments in the situation in Tunisia and the commitment of the various Tunisian stakeholders to foster consensus and dialogue with a view to bringing the on-going transition to a successful conclusion; developments in Mali, particularly the conduct of two rounds of presidential election on 28 July and 11 August 2013; the progress that has continued to be recorded in Somalia; and the advances made in the implementation of the Regional Cooperation Initiative for the Elimination of the Lord’s Resistance Army (RCI-LRA),. It expressed satisfaction at the positive developments in the situation in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) following the end of the M23 rebellion and the signing in Nairobi on 12 December 2013, of Declarations by the DRC Government and the M23; and noted with satisfaction the continued progress in the relations between The Sudan and South Sudan, and this, within the framework of the Cooperation Agreements signed between the two countries in Addis Ababa, in September 2012.
However the Assembly expressed its concern and made recommendations on the eruption on 15 December 2013 of violent conflict in South Sudan and the grave consequences inherent in this situation for both the country itself and the region at large; and at the situation in the Central African Republic. It underscored the need for more sustained effort to overcome the difficulties facing the peace process between Eritrea and Ethiopia, and to normalize the relations between Djibouti and Eritrea, reaffirmed its support for the Libyan government, expressed its solidarity with the Egyptian people and strongly condemned the acts of terrorism being perpetrated in the country.

While discussing the report of the Committee of Ten on UN Security Council Reform, the Assembly requested the committee to endeavour to reach out at the highest political levels for the purpose of garnering and galvanizing the necessary political will in support of the African Common position; and reiterated its call for Africa to continue to speak with one voice and cohesively on all issues relating to the UN Security Council reform and related matters.

The Assembly adopted the Common African Position on the Post 2015 Development Agenda; requested the high level committee that was formed to sensitize and coordinate the activities of African leaders and members of the High Level Panel as well as build regional and inter-continental alliances on the Common African Position on the post 2015 Development Agenda, to meet as soon as possible to launch the Common African Position in Ndjamena, Chad.

On African development goals especially in the post 2015 period, the Assembly endorsed the articulation of the African development goals consistent with the existing continental frameworks and to serve as milestones for tracking and monitoring progress towards Agenda 2063.

In recognizing that boosting intra-African trade, industrial development and economic integration are the most viable means for African countries to achieve structural transformation and sustainable development, while discussing the report of the high level African Trade Committee on Trade Issues, the Assembly urged Member States and Regional Economic Communities to consider carefully the impact of the negotiations of bilateral and multilateral trade agreements on the African integration agenda, so that they do not compromise the African trade integration process and undermine the vision and scope of the Abuja Treaty. It also mandated the Ministers of Trade to hold an extra ordinary session to consider and adopt a work plan, negotiating modalities and principles towards the effective launch of the CFTA negotiations in 2015 to be presented through the High Level Committee on Trade to the next Summit meeting in June 2014.
On the biennial joint AU/WHO conference of the AU Ministers of Health, the Assembly called upon member states, RECs, regional health organizations and other stakeholders to utilize the biennial meetings to strengthen coordination and create synergies.

The Assembly appointed the ten members of the Peace and Security Council of the African Union for a two year term as follows:
1. Burundi Central Region
2. Chad Central Region

3. Ethiopia Eastern Region
4. Tanzania Eastern Region

5. Libya Northern Region

6. Namibia Southern Region
7. South Africa Southern Region

8. Gambia Western Region
9. Guinea Western Region
10. Niger Western Region.

While discussing the report of the Heads of State and Government Orientation Committee (HSGOC) on NEPAD, Assembly reinforced the critical need for financial investments and leveraging public private sector partnerships and in particular welcomed the Africa 50 investment vehicle by the African development Bank to mobilise adequate funds for infrastructure developments.

Assembly decided that the 23rd session of the Assembly of the African Union will be held in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea from 26-27 June this year, preceded by meetings of the PRC and the Executive Council from 21-21 June and 23-24 June respectively.

Following deliberations of the Assembly, the large conference hall at the African Union Commission has been renamed Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela Conference Hall.

Assembly encouraged the Commission to pursue its efforts in enlisting the inputs into Agenda 2063 of all Africans and the Diaspora and engage member states to submit their written inputs before the end of April 2014.

On the democratic transition in Tunisia, Assembly expressed its satisfaction with the establishment of a new government of highly qualified technocrats with no affiliation to any political party, mainly tasked with securing the continuation of the democratic process.

For further information contact
Directorate of Information and Communication | African Union Commission I E-mail: dinfo@african-union.org I Web Site: www.au.int I Addis Ababa | Ethiopia

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janvier 31, 2014



Within the frame work of the 22nd AU Summit, H.E. Ambassador Smail Chergui, Commissioner for Peace and Security will on Friday 31st January 2014 at 11:00 hold a briefing on the following issue:

- Africa 2063:a continent at peace with itself and the rest of the world

The briefing will be held in Small Conference Hall 4, at the new AU Conference Center, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Journalist are invited to take part in the press briefing

Media Contact

Mr. Molalet Tsedeke
Media Center Coordinator
Directorate of Information and Communication
AU Commission
Tel:+ 251911630631
E-mail: molalett@africa-union.org

For further information contact

Directorate of information and communication /African union commission/ E- mail:dinfo@africa-union.org/Web site: www.au.int/ Addis Ababa / Ethiopia

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janvier 15, 2014

2014 Year of Agriculture and Food Security in Africa, Marking 10th Anniversary of CAADP

“Transforming Africa’s Agriculture for Shared Prosperity and Improved Livelihoods, through Harnessing Opportunities for Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Development ”

Concept Note

1. Introduction
The African Union Assembly of Heads of State and Government, during its 19th Ordinary Session, held from 15-16 July 2012 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, declared the year 2014 to be the Year of Agriculture and Food Security in Africa, marking 10th Anniversary of the adoption of the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP).

Over the last decade, through the instrumentality of CAADP, African agriculture and food security concerns remain high on the policy agenda at national, regional, continental and global levels. Thanks to such concerted actions, the performance of African agriculture has been encouraging – with annual agricultural GDP growth having averaged nearly 4 per cent since 2003 – well above the agricultural GDP growth rates for the previous several decades. It is absolutely necessary to sustain the momentum of such a positive change and development taking place in Africa well into the next decade. The AU Decision declaring 2014 to be the Year of Agriculture and Food Security in Africa, and marking 10th Anniversary of CAADP, is an important milestone and an opportunity that should be seized in the resolve to continue to uphold agriculture and food security as priority for policy and practical actions to generate concrete results and impacts.

True to its name, the African Year of Agriculture and Food Security will be commemorated across Africa, in Member States, Regional Economic Communities, Continental organisations, and of course at the AU Headquarters in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. It will be a year that gives opportunities to communities, state and non-state actors in Africa to interact, express their voices on what works and chart the focus and targets for the next decade. The process will facilitate for this voices to contribute towards setting the agenda for sustaining the CAADP momentum which forms the basis for African leaders to recommit themselves towards realizing the vision set out in 2003.

It is also remarkable that the African Year of Agriculture and Food Security is to be commemorated in 2014 following, and overlapping with at least for the first half of the year, the continued celebrations of the 50th Anniversary of the OAU/AU, particularly at a time when the thrust of the African Union Agenda 2063: “A Shared Strategic Framework for Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Development” is being deliberated. Truly, the agenda of agricultural transformation is strategically positioned to provide enormous opportunities for an inclusive and sustainable development in Africa.

This concept note is intended to provide general information on how 2014 the Year of Agriculture and Food Security, marking 10th Anniversary of CAADP, is envisaged to be commemorated. It briefly presents the proposed theme and sub-themes around which the various events are going to be organized, which will be followed by an outline of the actions and events that will guide the activities outlined. Finally, the different structures and mechanisms that are proposed to steer and manage the process to fruition are defined.
2. Background and rationale
Africa has recognised that enhanced agricultural performance is key to growth and poverty reduction through its direct impact on job creation and increasing opportunities, especially for women and for the youth; on food security and improved nutrition; and on building resilience. This is due to both the heavy weight of agriculture in African economies and livelihoods, and the strong linkages that agriculture forges with other sectors.

In 2003, the AU Assembly of Heads of State and Government adopted the Maputo Declaration on CAADP setting broad targets of 6% annual growth in agricultural GDP, and allocation of at least 10% of public expenditures to the agricultural sector. The leaders signalled their intentions to achieve these targets through collective actions across the continent focused on improving agricultural planning and policies, scaling up investment to implement these plans and policies, and harmonising external support around African-owned plans.

A decade of CAADP experience has demonstrated that Africa as a region has a well-crafted, home-grown framework guiding policies, strategies and actions for agricultural development and transformation; which has been instrumental in raising the profile of agriculture at the centre of development agenda at national, regional and global levels; which has also facilitated mobilization and alignment of multi-stakeholders partnerships and investments around national agriculture and food security investment plans that have been developed through the CAADP process.

CAADP has also encouraged and facilitated for evidence based planning, and commitment to institutional and policy reforms with a sense of mutual accountability for actions and results, as well as for demonstrated African ownership, and for active engagement of partnerships of multi-stakeholders. Mechanisms such as agricultural sector reviews at country level, and annual CAADP Partnership Platforms are increasingly being used as review and dialogue platforms in fostering accountability for results on agriculture performance.

It is significant to note that to date 34 AU Member States have signed CAADP compacts; 30 among them have developed formal national agriculture and food security investment plans – and these have become their medium term expenditure frameworks for agriculture, thus resulting in improved agricultural planning. At regional level, four (4) out of eight RECs have also signed Regional compacts out of which three have developed fully costed investment plans. On average public agricultural expenditures have risen by over 7 per cent per year across Africa since 2003, nearly doubling public agricultural expenditures since the launch of CAADP .

Obviously demand for more clarity has been expressed in terms of further elaboration and refinement of the CAADP targets, and assessment of technical efficacies and political feasibilities for success as well as identifying key factors that define success in agricultural transformation. The AU Commission and NPCA have recently commissioned studies to try and provide some answers to these vexed questions. The outcomes of the studies are expected to provide an important input into the series of deliberations and mutual learning and experience sharing opportunities planned during the Year of Agriculture and Food Security in Africa, marking 10th Anniversary of CAADP.

In terms of performance, annual agricultural GDP growth has averaged nearly 4% since 2003 – well above the agricultural GDP growth rates for the previous several decades. Several Member States have also achieved significant improvements in tackling the challenges of hunger, undernourishment and extreme poverty. It is important to note that in most African countries, it is the improvement of agricultural performance that can contribute towards the achievement of pro-poor growth. Empirical evidences suggest that a 1% gain in GDP originating from agriculture generates a 6% increase in oval all expenditure of the poorest 10% of the population; in contrast a 1% gain in GDP originating from non-agricultural sectors creates zero growth.

These experiences are strong indicators that inclusive growth as advocated under CAADP is a process requiring sustained and concerted actions and efforts in application of quality policies, strategies, programmes, and investments driven by strong political commitment and leadership and fostering effective partnerships. It is therefore, desirable that the next decade will build on this momentum to deliver in an accelerated manner, positive changes towards prosperity that directly impacts on livelihoods of African citizens through an inclusive agricultural transformation process.
3. Objectives and expected outcomes
3.1. Objectives
i. To facilitate broad-based and inclusive consultations, and dialogue among all relevant stakeholders (parliamentarians, women groups, youth groups, farmers organisations, CSOs, private sector, etc.) on African Agriculture and food and nutrition security,
ii. To facilitate mutual learning and experience sharing among countries with a view to strengthening and deepening country engagements and ownership to advance the agriculture and food security agenda.
iii. To facilitate high level political dialogue on collective actions and seek demonstrable commitment by the Heads of State and Government for a sustained support and engagement on agriculture through the CAADP framework.
iv. Facilitate dialogue with Africa’s strategic partners – for demonstrable commitment to programme alignment, harmonization, coordination and mutual accountability for results.
3.2. Expected Outcomes
(i) Enhanced level of awareness and engagement among broad spectrum of African citizenry (legislators, farmers organisations, CSOs, women and youth groups, private sector, etc.)
(ii) Improved platforms for multi-sectoral actions at country and regional levels.
(iii) Renewed demonstrable political commitment by African leaders through adoption of an AU Declaration to sustain the momentum to deliver on a set of measurable goals and targets.
(iv) Renewed demonstrable commitment by Africa’s partners to alignment, harmonization and coordination of programmes and support and to mutual accountability for results.
4. Theme and sub-themes
The proposed theme for 2014 Year of Agriculture and Food Security, Marking 10th Anniversary of CAADP is:
“Transforming Africa’s Agriculture for Shared Prosperity and Improved Livelihoods, through harnessing opportunities for inclusive growth and sustainable development”.

There is now broad consensus that without a successful agricultural transformation, neither could agricultural growth be sustained nor would its impact on prosperity and poverty reduction be ensured.

The goal of agricultural transformation in Africa, first and foremost is to enable production and availability of food for the population, and provide livelihoods to those involved, raise income, create jobs and wealth of those involved in the sector and along the entire value chain. But it is also functional to the attainment of other macroeconomic objectives through its forward and backward linkages with the other sectors. African agriculture needs a major transformation if it has to significantly contribute towards the improvement of livelihoods of the population as well as to the broader countries macroeconomic welfare and prosperity.

As is known, African agriculture is predominantly smallholder agriculture – the majority of which is organized by women farmers; hence, unavoidably should be at the centre of the transformation agenda. Moreover, due to demographic dynamics, the future farmers in Africa are going to be younger, but also they are going to be better exposed to new technologies and ideas, better informed, and with growing needs and aspirations. The issue of motivating the youth to see their future in a growing and transforming agriculture and rural economy presents a real challenge. Therefore, the sooner these considerations are factored in the transformation agenda the better.
Pursuing such critical considerations in a consistent manner, which have hitherto been customarily neglected in policies, strategies and public actions, is nothing but to embrace an inclusive process of growth and sustainable development; and there are clear opportunities if seized can help realize this goal. Some of these opportunities include: (a) the fact that currently agriculture has been high on the agenda at national, regional and global levels, (b) the growing focus on agricultural value-chain development and enhancing the profile of local enterpreneurs, (c) ease of accessibility and wide use of ICT in rural and urban areas, and (d) Africa’s huge untapped productive resources (land, water, human capital, among others).

Therefore the theme is intended to capture these key messages of transformation, impacts, inclusiveness and opportunities.
4.1. Sub-themes
Agricultural transformation and sustained inclusive agriculture growth for shared prosperity and improved lives and livelihoods, as a key plank of Africa socio economic development strategies in the next decade must address the following, which will serve as sub-themes:
(i). Increased agriculture production, productivity and value addition
(ii). Functioning agricultural markets (country and regional markets & trade)
(iii). Increased investment financing (public & private) along the agriculture value chains

(iv). Towards ending hunger in Africa by 2025

(v). Building resilience to address vulnerability to risks

5. Major activities and events
It is anticipated that a series of events and activities are going to be organised throughout the year by various stakeholders at national, regional and continental levels. It is therefore necessary to provide guidance and coordinate these efforts.

During the first half of the year, efforts will mainly be focussed on articulation of the key messages through a process of stakeholders’ consultations, in particular RECs and Member States, and deepening engagement for high level political commitment.

At the continental level, the main events planned for the first half of the year, in the run up to the July 2014 AU Summit include:
i. Launch of 2014 Year of Agriculture and Food Security in Africa, marking 10th Anniversary of CAADP, during the January 2014 AU Summit in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia-
ii. The 10th CAADP Partnership Platform Meeting to be held from 19th – 24th March, 2014 in Durban South Africa – organised by AUC and NPCA, which brings together Member States, RECs, key African Institutions and partners to review progress, and synthesise lessons for way forward.
iii. The Joint AU Conference of Ministers responsible for Agriculture, Fisheries and Aquaculture, and Rural Development, to be held from 28th April – 2nd May, 2014 also in Durban South Africa – which will deliberate on the theme and sub-themes and make resolutions for consideration by the AU Policy organs.
iv. The African Agribusiness Forum planned for June 2014 in Addis Ababa – which among others is expected to explore business opportunities for African entrepreneurs particularly women and youth, in the context of agricultural transformation and inclusive growth; and
v. The July 2014 AU Summit, whose theme will focus on the Year of Agriculture and Food Security in Africa and commemoration of CAADP at 10 - where discussions and deliberations will be dedicated to agriculture, food and nutrition security– and a declaration on “agricultural transformation and inclusive growth for shared prosperity and improved livelihoods” is sought.

An effective advocacy and communication campaign will be launched throughout the year targeting a broad spectrum of audiences. Relevant events that will be co-organised with partners shall be used as important platforms for advocacy, communication and fostering partnerships.

At regional level, RECs are encouraged to take lead to organise events on the theme. Countries will be sensitised and facilitated to organise events on 2014 Year of Agriculture and Food Security. In addition, forums and organisations with stakeholders representation (women groups, youth groups, farmers organisations, etc.) will be encouraged and facilitated to organise events relevant to their respective concerns.
In shaping the key events leading to the July Summit and mainly towards and during the CAADP PP and Joint Conference of Ministers responsible for Agriculture, Ministers of Fisheries and those of Rural Infrastructure, the engagements and discussions will be guided along the areas of broader thematic areas .

At the launch during the January 2014 Summit, guidelines will be presented for Member States and RECs to engage in extensive in-country and regional consultations to facilitate effective dialogue with all stakeholders.

Launch of 2014 Year of Agriculture and Food Security in Africa, marking 10th Anniversary of CAADP.

It is befitting that the 2014 Year of Agriculture and Food Security in Africa, marking 10th Anniversary of CAADP, is formally launched during the Assembly session of the January 2014 AU Summit in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
The purpose of the proposed launch is to sensitise all stakeholders, in particular Member States and RECs, and provide update on the roadmap for the commemoration, and seek further guidance from Heads of State and Government on way forward.

In addition, a dinner event hosted by the AU Commission on 29th January 2014 in which all African Heads of State and Government, Executives of RECs, Heads of development partners will be invited, will provide opportunity for an interactive of session and interventions from Heads of State and Government on the significance of the theme will be solicited.

janvier 15, 2014

2014 Year of Agriculture and Food Security in Africa, Marking 10th Anniversary of CAADP

“Transforming Africa’s Agriculture for Shared Prosperity and Improved Livelihoods, through Harnessing Opportunities for Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Development ”

Concept Note

1. Introduction
The African Union Assembly of Heads of State and Government, during its 19th Ordinary Session, held from 15-16 July 2012 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, declared the year 2014 to be the Year of Agriculture and Food Security in Africa, marking 10th Anniversary of the adoption of the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP).

Over the last decade, through the instrumentality of CAADP, African agriculture and food security concerns remain high on the policy agenda at national, regional, continental and global levels. Thanks to such concerted actions, the performance of African agriculture has been encouraging – with annual agricultural GDP growth having averaged nearly 4 per cent since 2003 – well above the agricultural GDP growth rates for the previous several decades. It is absolutely necessary to sustain the momentum of such a positive change and development taking place in Africa well into the next decade. The AU Decision declaring 2014 to be the Year of Agriculture and Food Security in Africa, and marking 10th Anniversary of CAADP, is an important milestone and an opportunity that should be seized in the resolve to continue to uphold agriculture and food security as priority for policy and practical actions to generate concrete results and impacts.

True to its name, the African Year of Agriculture and Food Security will be commemorated across Africa, in Member States, Regional Economic Communities, Continental organisations, and of course at the AU Headquarters in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. It will be a year that gives opportunities to communities, state and non-state actors in Africa to interact, express their voices on what works and chart the focus and targets for the next decade. The process will facilitate for this voices to contribute towards setting the agenda for sustaining the CAADP momentum which forms the basis for African leaders to recommit themselves towards realizing the vision set out in 2003.

It is also remarkable that the African Year of Agriculture and Food Security is to be commemorated in 2014 following, and overlapping with at least for the first half of the year, the continued celebrations of the 50th Anniversary of the OAU/AU, particularly at a time when the thrust of the African Union Agenda 2063: “A Shared Strategic Framework for Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Development” is being deliberated. Truly, the agenda of agricultural transformation is strategically positioned to provide enormous opportunities for an inclusive and sustainable development in Africa.

This concept note is intended to provide general information on how 2014 the Year of Agriculture and Food Security, marking 10th Anniversary of CAADP, is envisaged to be commemorated. It briefly presents the proposed theme and sub-themes around which the various events are going to be organized, which will be followed by an outline of the actions and events that will guide the activities outlined. Finally, the different structures and mechanisms that are proposed to steer and manage the process to fruition are defined.
2. Background and rationale
Africa has recognised that enhanced agricultural performance is key to growth and poverty reduction through its direct impact on job creation and increasing opportunities, especially for women and for the youth; on food security and improved nutrition; and on building resilience. This is due to both the heavy weight of agriculture in African economies and livelihoods, and the strong linkages that agriculture forges with other sectors.

In 2003, the AU Assembly of Heads of State and Government adopted the Maputo Declaration on CAADP setting broad targets of 6% annual growth in agricultural GDP, and allocation of at least 10% of public expenditures to the agricultural sector. The leaders signalled their intentions to achieve these targets through collective actions across the continent focused on improving agricultural planning and policies, scaling up investment to implement these plans and policies, and harmonising external support around African-owned plans.

A decade of CAADP experience has demonstrated that Africa as a region has a well-crafted, home-grown framework guiding policies, strategies and actions for agricultural development and transformation; which has been instrumental in raising the profile of agriculture at the centre of development agenda at national, regional and global levels; which has also facilitated mobilization and alignment of multi-stakeholders partnerships and investments around national agriculture and food security investment plans that have been developed through the CAADP process.

CAADP has also encouraged and facilitated for evidence based planning, and commitment to institutional and policy reforms with a sense of mutual accountability for actions and results, as well as for demonstrated African ownership, and for active engagement of partnerships of multi-stakeholders. Mechanisms such as agricultural sector reviews at country level, and annual CAADP Partnership Platforms are increasingly being used as review and dialogue platforms in fostering accountability for results on agriculture performance.

It is significant to note that to date 34 AU Member States have signed CAADP compacts; 30 among them have developed formal national agriculture and food security investment plans – and these have become their medium term expenditure frameworks for agriculture, thus resulting in improved agricultural planning. At regional level, four (4) out of eight RECs have also signed Regional compacts out of which three have developed fully costed investment plans. On average public agricultural expenditures have risen by over 7 per cent per year across Africa since 2003, nearly doubling public agricultural expenditures since the launch of CAADP .

Obviously demand for more clarity has been expressed in terms of further elaboration and refinement of the CAADP targets, and assessment of technical efficacies and political feasibilities for success as well as identifying key factors that define success in agricultural transformation. The AU Commission and NPCA have recently commissioned studies to try and provide some answers to these vexed questions. The outcomes of the studies are expected to provide an important input into the series of deliberations and mutual learning and experience sharing opportunities planned during the Year of Agriculture and Food Security in Africa, marking 10th Anniversary of CAADP.

In terms of performance, annual agricultural GDP growth has averaged nearly 4% since 2003 – well above the agricultural GDP growth rates for the previous several decades. Several Member States have also achieved significant improvements in tackling the challenges of hunger, undernourishment and extreme poverty. It is important to note that in most African countries, it is the improvement of agricultural performance that can contribute towards the achievement of pro-poor growth. Empirical evidences suggest that a 1% gain in GDP originating from agriculture generates a 6% increase in oval all expenditure of the poorest 10% of the population; in contrast a 1% gain in GDP originating from non-agricultural sectors creates zero growth.

These experiences are strong indicators that inclusive growth as advocated under CAADP is a process requiring sustained and concerted actions and efforts in application of quality policies, strategies, programmes, and investments driven by strong political commitment and leadership and fostering effective partnerships. It is therefore, desirable that the next decade will build on this momentum to deliver in an accelerated manner, positive changes towards prosperity that directly impacts on livelihoods of African citizens through an inclusive agricultural transformation process.
3. Objectives and expected outcomes
3.1. Objectives
i. To facilitate broad-based and inclusive consultations, and dialogue among all relevant stakeholders (parliamentarians, women groups, youth groups, farmers organisations, CSOs, private sector, etc.) on African Agriculture and food and nutrition security,
ii. To facilitate mutual learning and experience sharing among countries with a view to strengthening and deepening country engagements and ownership to advance the agriculture and food security agenda.
iii. To facilitate high level political dialogue on collective actions and seek demonstrable commitment by the Heads of State and Government for a sustained support and engagement on agriculture through the CAADP framework.
iv. Facilitate dialogue with Africa’s strategic partners – for demonstrable commitment to programme alignment, harmonization, coordination and mutual accountability for results.
3.2. Expected Outcomes
(i) Enhanced level of awareness and engagement among broad spectrum of African citizenry (legislators, farmers organisations, CSOs, women and youth groups, private sector, etc.)
(ii) Improved platforms for multi-sectoral actions at country and regional levels.
(iii) Renewed demonstrable political commitment by African leaders through adoption of an AU Declaration to sustain the momentum to deliver on a set of measurable goals and targets.
(iv) Renewed demonstrable commitment by Africa’s partners to alignment, harmonization and coordination of programmes and support and to mutual accountability for results.
4. Theme and sub-themes
The proposed theme for 2014 Year of Agriculture and Food Security, Marking 10th Anniversary of CAADP is:
“Transforming Africa’s Agriculture for Shared Prosperity and Improved Livelihoods, through harnessing opportunities for inclusive growth and sustainable development”.

There is now broad consensus that without a successful agricultural transformation, neither could agricultural growth be sustained nor would its impact on prosperity and poverty reduction be ensured.

The goal of agricultural transformation in Africa, first and foremost is to enable production and availability of food for the population, and provide livelihoods to those involved, raise income, create jobs and wealth of those involved in the sector and along the entire value chain. But it is also functional to the attainment of other macroeconomic objectives through its forward and backward linkages with the other sectors. African agriculture needs a major transformation if it has to significantly contribute towards the improvement of livelihoods of the population as well as to the broader countries macroeconomic welfare and prosperity.

As is known, African agriculture is predominantly smallholder agriculture – the majority of which is organized by women farmers; hence, unavoidably should be at the centre of the transformation agenda. Moreover, due to demographic dynamics, the future farmers in Africa are going to be younger, but also they are going to be better exposed to new technologies and ideas, better informed, and with growing needs and aspirations. The issue of motivating the youth to see their future in a growing and transforming agriculture and rural economy presents a real challenge. Therefore, the sooner these considerations are factored in the transformation agenda the better.
Pursuing such critical considerations in a consistent manner, which have hitherto been customarily neglected in policies, strategies and public actions, is nothing but to embrace an inclusive process of growth and sustainable development; and there are clear opportunities if seized can help realize this goal. Some of these opportunities include: (a) the fact that currently agriculture has been high on the agenda at national, regional and global levels, (b) the growing focus on agricultural value-chain development and enhancing the profile of local enterpreneurs, (c) ease of accessibility and wide use of ICT in rural and urban areas, and (d) Africa’s huge untapped productive resources (land, water, human capital, among others).

Therefore the theme is intended to capture these key messages of transformation, impacts, inclusiveness and opportunities.
4.1. Sub-themes
Agricultural transformation and sustained inclusive agriculture growth for shared prosperity and improved lives and livelihoods, as a key plank of Africa socio economic development strategies in the next decade must address the following, which will serve as sub-themes:
(i). Increased agriculture production, productivity and value addition
(ii). Functioning agricultural markets (country and regional markets & trade)
(iii). Increased investment financing (public & private) along the agriculture value chains

(iv). Towards ending hunger in Africa by 2025

(v). Building resilience to address vulnerability to risks

5. Major activities and events
It is anticipated that a series of events and activities are going to be organised throughout the year by various stakeholders at national, regional and continental levels. It is therefore necessary to provide guidance and coordinate these efforts.

During the first half of the year, efforts will mainly be focussed on articulation of the key messages through a process of stakeholders’ consultations, in particular RECs and Member States, and deepening engagement for high level political commitment.

At the continental level, the main events planned for the first half of the year, in the run up to the July 2014 AU Summit include:
i. Launch of 2014 Year of Agriculture and Food Security in Africa, marking 10th Anniversary of CAADP, during the January 2014 AU Summit in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia-
ii. The 10th CAADP Partnership Platform Meeting to be held from 19th – 24th March, 2014 in Durban South Africa – organised by AUC and NPCA, which brings together Member States, RECs, key African Institutions and partners to review progress, and synthesise lessons for way forward.
iii. The Joint AU Conference of Ministers responsible for Agriculture, Fisheries and Aquaculture, and Rural Development, to be held from 28th April – 2nd May, 2014 also in Durban South Africa – which will deliberate on the theme and sub-themes and make resolutions for consideration by the AU Policy organs.
iv. The African Agribusiness Forum planned for June 2014 in Addis Ababa – which among others is expected to explore business opportunities for African entrepreneurs particularly women and youth, in the context of agricultural transformation and inclusive growth; and
v. The July 2014 AU Summit, whose theme will focus on the Year of Agriculture and Food Security in Africa and commemoration of CAADP at 10 - where discussions and deliberations will be dedicated to agriculture, food and nutrition security– and a declaration on “agricultural transformation and inclusive growth for shared prosperity and improved livelihoods” is sought.

An effective advocacy and communication campaign will be launched throughout the year targeting a broad spectrum of audiences. Relevant events that will be co-organised with partners shall be used as important platforms for advocacy, communication and fostering partnerships.

At regional level, RECs are encouraged to take lead to organise events on the theme. Countries will be sensitised and facilitated to organise events on 2014 Year of Agriculture and Food Security. In addition, forums and organisations with stakeholders representation (women groups, youth groups, farmers organisations, etc.) will be encouraged and facilitated to organise events relevant to their respective concerns.
In shaping the key events leading to the July Summit and mainly towards and during the CAADP PP and Joint Conference of Ministers responsible for Agriculture, Ministers of Fisheries and those of Rural Infrastructure, the engagements and discussions will be guided along the areas of broader thematic areas .

At the launch during the January 2014 Summit, guidelines will be presented for Member States and RECs to engage in extensive in-country and regional consultations to facilitate effective dialogue with all stakeholders.

Launch of 2014 Year of Agriculture and Food Security in Africa, marking 10th Anniversary of CAADP.

It is befitting that the 2014 Year of Agriculture and Food Security in Africa, marking 10th Anniversary of CAADP, is formally launched during the Assembly session of the January 2014 AU Summit in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
The purpose of the proposed launch is to sensitise all stakeholders, in particular Member States and RECs, and provide update on the roadmap for the commemoration, and seek further guidance from Heads of State and Government on way forward.

In addition, a dinner event hosted by the AU Commission on 29th January 2014 in which all African Heads of State and Government, Executives of RECs, Heads of development partners will be invited, will provide opportunity for an interactive of session and interventions from Heads of State and Government on the significance of the theme will be solicited.