Une Afrique Unie et Forte

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Assembly of the African Union Eleventh Ordinary Session


1.Assembly/AU/Dec.193 (XI)
Decision on the Report of the Peace and Security Council on its activities and the State of Peace and Security In Africa
Doc. Assembly/AU/2 (XI) 5
2. Assembly/AU/Dec.194 (XI)
Decision on the Progress Report on the Implementation of the Commitments of the May 2006 Abuja Special Summit on HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (ATM)
Doc. Assembly/AU/4 (XI) 2
3.Assembly/AU/Dec.195 (XI)
Decision on the Report on the Promotion of Maternal, Infant and Child Health in Africa Doc.Assembly/AU/6 (XI) 1
4. Assembly/AU/Dec.196 (XI)
Decision on the Single Legal Instrument on the Merger of the African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights and the African Court of Justice Doc.Assembly/AU/13 (XI) 1
5. Assembly/AU/Dec.197 (XI)
Decision on the Report on Negotiations of Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) Doc. EX.CL/422 (XII) 2
6.Assembly/AU/Dec.198 (XI)
Decision on the African Peer Review Mechanism 1
7. Assembly/AU/Dec.199 (XI)
Decision on the Report of the Commission on the Abuse of the Principle of Universal Jurisdiction
Doc. Assembly/aU/14 (XI) 2
8. Assembly/AU/Dec.200 (XI)
Decision on the Report of Activities of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights
Doc. EX.CL/446 (XIII) 2
9. Assembly/AU/Dec.201 (XI)
Decision on the Appointment of Members of the African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child Doc. EX.CL/450 (XIII) 1
10. Assembly/AU/Dec. 202 (XI)
Decision on the Election of Judges of the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights Doc. EX.CL/451 (XIII) 1
11. Assembly/AU/Dec.203 (XI)
Decision on the African Diaspora Summit 1
12. Assembly/AU/Dec.204 (XI)
Decision on the Reform of the United Nations Security Council Doc. Assembly/AU/8 (XI) 1
17. Assembly/AU/Dec.205 (XI)
Decision on the Report of Heads of State and Government Implementation Committee on NEPAD
Doc. Assembly/AU/3 (XI) 2
18. Assembly/AU/Dec.206 (XI)
Decision on the Report of the Committee of Twelve Heads of State and Government on the Union Government
Doc. Assembly/AU/11 (XI) 1
19. Assembly/AU/Dec.207 (XI)
Decision on Strengthening the Cooperation between the United Nations and the African Union in Combating Trafficking in Human Beings 2

1.Assembly/AU/Decl.1 (XI)
Sharm El Sheikh Commitments for Accelerating the Achievement of Water and Sanitation Goals in Africa 3
2. Assembly/AU/Decl.2 (XI)
Declaration on Responding to the Challenges of High Food Prices and Agriculture Development 4
Assembly/AU/Tribute (XI)
Tribute to late Aimé Césaire, Poet and Humanist from Martinique 1
Assembly/AU/Res.1 (XI)
Resolution on Zimbabwe 2

Mardi, juillet 1, 2008 - 11:00


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