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Factsheet: Interfaith Dialogue on Violent Extremism (iDove)

Factsheet: Interfaith Dialogue on Violent Extremism (iDove)

juin 24, 2020
Factsheet: Interfaith Dialogue on Violent Extremism (iDove)

Violent extremism is a global issue. Whether it has polit- ical, ideological, racist or religious roots, the problem of youth radicalisation affects African and European socie- ties alike. The common response of using coercive hard power to counter violent extremism has only limited ef- fect and comes at a high cost, both financially and in terms of human lives.

Preventing violent extremism (PVE) and building social cohesion globally requires a comprehensive soft power approach that focuses on the root causes rather than on the symptoms of violent extremism. Sports, arts, cultural events and activities offer effective means of dealing with tensions within a community. Innovative ap- proaches in these areas foster mutual understanding and support cooperation between different social and re- ligious groups.

Religious leaders and organisations often play a vital role in local communities, particularly in remote areas, and are, therefore, potential key partners in the ap- proach to PVE. Youth activists are also often already in- volved in community work and deeply engaged in strengthening social cohesion and PVE.

Against this background, the African Union Commis- sion’s Directorate of Citizens and Diaspora Organiza- tions (AUC-CIDO) and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für In- ternationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) have jointly launched the iDove pilot project, using innovative youth- led approaches to highlight the soft power of religion in PVE.


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