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African Union Nutrition Champion & Head of State of the Kingdom of Lesotho’s, High Level Consultation on Food Security and Nutrition in Africa

African Union Nutrition Champion & Head of State of the Kingdom of Lesotho’s, High Level Consultation on Food Security and Nutrition in Africa

octobre 17, 2019

17th October 2019: The African Union Nutrition Champion His Majesty King Letsie III hosted a one day high level event on Food Security and Nutrition in Africa in Maseru, the Kingdom of Lesotho.

The High Level consultations was opened and chaired by His Majesty the King Letsie III of the Kingdom of Lesotho focused Public private partnerships for food and nutrition security. The objectives of the consultation were to consult and dialogue with the Private Sector and Parliamentarians to define Public private partnerships for food and nutrition security, what the role of parliamentarians in advancing nutrition interventions at national and regional level is and how Public Private Partnerships and Parliament can support AU led Continental initiatives.

The consultation concluded with strong recommendations that would contribute to strengthening Private Public Partnerships and stronger engagement of the Private Sector and parliamentarians in advancing the Food Security and Nutrition agenda of the continent. Recommendations were also advanced in support of AU led Initiatives.

The meeting which is organized by the Department of Social Affairs (DSA) and was supported by the FAO and the African Development Bank (AfDB). Participants to the meeting included very senior high government officials namely the Right Honorable Prime Minister, the Hon. Deputy Prime Minister, the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the National Assembly and the Acting Chief Justice amongst other high level dignitaries from government, Parliamentarians, the private sector and the civil society. The high level event was also attended by the Department of Rural Economy and Agriculture (DREA), AU member states, Regional Economic Communities (RECs), UN Agencies, representatives of the private sector; Nestle and Danone Nutricia Specialized Nutrition, Regional Parliamentarians, Pan African Parliamentary Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition Members, Eastern African Parliamentary Alliance Members.

For more information related to the High Level Consultancy on Food Security and Nutrition in Africa, please contact:

· Dr. Margaret Agama-Anyetei, Head of Division, Health, Nutrition and Population Division, AU Commission; E-mail: Agama-AnyeteiM@africa-union.org

Media Inquiries and requests should be directed to:
1. Mr. Gamal Ahmed A. Karrar | Communications Officer, Directorate of Information and Communication, African Union Commission | E- mail: GamalK@africa-union.org
2. Mr. King David Cartey, Communication and Advocacy Officer, Health, Nutrition and Population Division, AU Commission; E-mail: CarteyD@africa-union.org

For further information contact:

Directorate of Information and Communication | African Union Commission
E-mail: dic@africa-union.org I Web Site: www.au.int I Addis Ababa | Ethiopia

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