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Legal Counsel of the African Union Addresses the United Nations Seminar on Treaty Law and Practice

Legal Counsel of the African Union Addresses the United Nations Seminar on Treaty Law and Practice

avril 30, 2019

UNITED NATIONS HEADQUARTERS, NEW YORK, 30 APRIL 2019: The Legal Counsel of the African Union, H.E Amb. Namira Negm (Dr.) was a Guest Speaker during the UN Seminar on Treaty Law and Practice held at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, USA.

The UN Seminar on Treaty Law and Practice is an annual event which is part of the Work of the Treaty Section of the United Nations Office of Legal Affairs.

These seminars aim to enhance understanding of delegates and other representatives of UN Member States on the principles of international law and the procedures relating to the UN treaty process. Through the seminars, the UN Secretariat hopes to inter alia: facilitate Member States’ more effective participation in multilateral treaties deposited with the Secretary-General; increase the registration of bilateral and multilateral treaties with the Secretariat as required by Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations; and, raise awareness in the area of the domestic implementation of treaty rights and obligations.

The meeting was opened by Mr. Miguel de Serpa Soares, Under-Secretary-General for Legal Affairs and United Nations Legal Counsel.

Speaking at the Seminar on a topic entitled “Enhancing Participation in Regional Multilateral Treaties: African Union Perspective” the Legal Counsel informed the participants of the number of legal instruments adopted by the OAU/AU ranging across a broad range of subject areas including Institutional Framework; Governance; Human Rights; Peace and Security; Natural Resources and the Environment; Trade and Investment; Civil Aviation; Transport and energy; African Culture; Health and Social Protection; Youth and Sports; Information, Science and Technology; International Compact; Human Resource; and Education.

She therefore underscored the importance of the treaties to the AU integration Agenda, inclusive growth, sustainable development and roadmap to build a prosperous and united Africa based on shared values and a common destiny as outlined in Agenda 2063.

Dr Namira then highlighted the AU Treaty Making Processes; challenges hindering the participation in multilateral treaties which she broadly categorized as lack of political will and lack of technical capacity. Lastly, the Legal Counsel highlighted some of the initiatives undertaken by her office in dealing with the above mentioned challenges.

Other Speakers during the Seminar include Ms. Arancha Hinojal Oyarbide, Officer in Charge, Treaty Section, UN Office of Legal Affairs who spoke on the following topics: The Work of the Treaty Section of the Office of Legal Affairs; The Role of the Secretary-General as Depositary of Multilateral Treaties; and Amendments to Multilateral Treaties. Ms. Dina Hamdy, Legal Officer, Treaty Section, UN Office of Legal Affairs addressed the Seminar on Depositary Practice of the Secretary-General. Mr. Jorge Martinez Paoletti, and Mr. Gilles Landry Dossan, Associate Legal Officers, Treaty Section, UN Office of Legal Affairs presented on the GA Regulations on the Registration of Treaties under Article 102 of the UN Charter: Review of the regulations. Lastly Mr. Andrei Kolomoets, Legal Information Management Officer, Treaty Section, UN Office of Legal Affairs spoke on The Website of the Treaty Section (https://treaties.un.org).