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Call for Proposals on the Theme: Women in Decision Making

Call for Proposals on the Theme: Women in Decision Making

juillet 23, 2018 to octobre 31, 2018

Pursuant to African Union Assembly Decision no: Assembly/AU/Dec.277(XVI) and EX.CL/Dec.539(XVI) on the launching of the African Women’s Decade (AWD) and the Fund for African Women, the African Union is pleased to announce the call for the submission of project proposals under the 2019 Theme of the African Women’s Decade, namely « Women In Decision Making». The implementation of the Decade themes is within the context of the integration of NEPAD into the African Union structures and in line with Assembly Decision Assembly/AU/Dec.333(XVI) not only to consolidate the gains made so far and ensure consistency, but also to Reaffirm the African Women’s Decade as the overall implementation framework for Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment (GEWE), while the Fund for the African Women’s Decade is the vehicle for the mobilization of resources, in accordance with Executive Council Decision EX.CL.Dec.539 (XVI)(4), and calls made for the support of Development Partners.

By this call, the Commission hereby invites Member States and stakeholders to submit their project proposals on the 2019 Theme «Women in Decision Making» as endorsed by Ministers responsible for Gender and Women’s Affairs in March 2017 in New York.

The Fund will benefit women, through grassroots initiatives, as follows:

a) African Union Member States.;

b) Civil Society Organizations working in the areas of Women in Decision Making.

The funds will benefit women and girls through national or local initiatives according to the quality of the project based on the selection criteria, relevance, viability and its positive impact on women.
The ceiling amount of fifteen to twenty thousand dollars (15 000 to 20 000 US dollars) will be allocated to cover the funding of approved proposals for one (1) year. Twenty to twenty five (20 to 25) projects will be selected across the five regions of Africa.
Special attention will be given to countries in the North, Centre and Southern regions that have not received funding.

In accordance with 2019 Theme project proposals should meet the following criteria.

1. Criteria for the selection of project under the women in decision making theme

Criteria for the selection of projects under the Women In Decision Making theme are based on the Maputo Protocol Adopted by the 2nd Ordinary Session of the Assembly of the Union In Maputo on the 11th of July 2003, The Solemn Declaration On Gender Equality In Africa (SDGEA) adopted on the Third Ordinary Session of the Assembly of the Union in Addis Ababa from 6-8 July 2004, Africa Union Agenda 2063.

1.1 Criteria for the selection of projects under the theme Women in Decision Making

The project should:

a) Promote the protection of women’s human rights to participate in political and decision-making processes.
b) Facilitate women’s participation in all elections as candidates and voters without any discrimination.
c) Contribute to the participation and equal representation of women at all levels with men in all electoral processes.
d) Empower women to be partners with men at all levels of development, implementation of local state policies and development programmes.
e) Increase representation and participation of women in States at all levels of decision-making.
f) Support women’s human rights to live in an enabling environment. E.g. participate at all level in the determination of cultural policies.
g) Protect and consolidate women’s human rights to live in a healthy and sustainable environment and to participate at all levels of decision making in social, cultural, economic and political sectors. (Health, social, cultural, nutrition, sport, education, and sustainable development). .
h) Promote research and investment in new and renewable energy sources and appropriate technologies, including information technologies and facilitate women's access to, and participation in their control.
i) Promote parenthood educational policies by State and the private sector for both parents to have equal responsibilities in the upbringing and development of their children.
j) Undertake innovative actions and continuous dialogues which include women in decision making to address harmful practices (Cultural and religious) and transform cultural and social norms that hinder the development and empowerment of women.
k) Protect and enable the development of women’s indigenous knowledge systems.
l) Promote balanced representation of women and men in positions of management and leadership at the various levels of the hierarchy in private and public companies in and sectors. .
m) Identify and develop strategies, mechanisms and tools to promote the balanced participation of women and men in all sectors.
n) Improve the knowledge on gender equality dimension in business leadership.
o) Share experiences and good practices on women in decision making, promoting networking among key actors at national, regional and continental levels.
p) Encourage the private and public sectors to strengthen the presence of women at all decision making levels of companies.
q) Raise awareness and encourage women to advance their careers to become candidates for decision-making positions
r) Develop launch and promote public campaigns to raise awareness among the social partners, companies and citizens of the benefits of the entire society for balanced participation of women and men in decision making (economic and business).
s) Promote women’s access to and control over productive resources such as land, extractive resources, water management and guarantee their right to property;
t) Promote women’s access to credit, training, skills development, sustainable entrepreneurship, and extension services at rural and urban levels.
u) Promote the right to equal remuneration for jobs of equal value for women and men.
v) Ensure the involvement of women at all levels of decision making in environmentally and socially sustainable agriculture, markets and climate-resilient farming technologies.
w) Support initiatives that promote succession planning such as mentoring girls through women in decision making positions in all sectors.

2. Mode of Application

2.1) Submission of a brief and schematic Concept Note in line with the application characteristics provided (attached). The Concept Note should be in summary form to facilitate technical evaluation and provisional approval or rejection by the Steering committee. It should not exceed one page;

2.2) Submission of a more detailed, well formulated project proposal, in accordance with the format provided (attached), which meets key operational, technical and procedural requirements required for the final evaluation of the proposal.

The application should include the following information:

1. A one page synthesis of the Concept Note (attached), as follows:

- Basic data (project name, management details, duration, geographical location, context and rationale of the project);
- Description of the project (purpose, goals and objectives, expected outcomes, activities, indicators, beneficiaries, entities and partners);
- A brief presentation of the implementing agency: 1) governance structures, financial management, monitoring and evaluation, and sustainability plans;
- Names and contact details (telephone numbers, email, etc) of signatories.

2. Detailed Project Proposal: Refer to attached guidelines

3. A page containing:

- The detailed budget in dollars (US$) and equipment (available and required). Distribution: 50% for equipment, and 50% for training and general expenses. The Fund for African Women does not cover salaries.
- Bank details of the organization;
All applications should include a letter of recommendation from national Coordination Committees or Ministries responsible for Gender and women’s Affairs. NGO’s and CSO’s, should provide a copy of the Letter of Information sent to your Ministry of women Affairs. All hard copies of applications should be sent through the respective Embassies of Member States in Ethiopia, with electronic copies submitted directly to the Commission, addressed to the Director- Women, Gender and Development Directorate, AU commission Fund for African Women, by 30 August 2018.

Kindly note that the commission will only accept proposals that adhere to the indicated theme.

This call for proposal will be posted on the AUC website http://www.africa-union.org. The detailed format in which concept notes should be submitted is available on the website in English, French, Portuguese and Arabic.

Member States and grassroots organizations with the requisite capacity, experience in networking with women’s groups, community cooperatives, the informal sector, and addressing gender inequality are encouraged to apply.

For further information or clarifications, please contact WGDD@africa-union.org; Mr. Adoumtar Noubatour, Senior Programme Officer, Tel: +251 11 518 2111, email: adoumtarn@africa-union.org and Mrs. Fiorella Di Pede, email: FiorellaP@africa-union.org. Tel.: +251 11 518 2115.


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