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Second Forum on International Law and African Union Law

Second Forum on International Law and African Union Law

novembre 11, 2013 to novembre 12, 2013

The theme for the Second Edition of the AUCIL forum was: “Law of Regional Integration in Africa”.

Regional integration remains a key strategy for Africa. Following the Abuja Treaty which provided the guiding principles for Africa’s current integration agenda, the continent has been striving to strengthen its Regional Economic Communities (REC) with the view to establishing the African Economic Community (AEC). Several of these RECs have established mechanisms and frameworks that led to the creation of free trade areas and customs unions.

To this end, the Forum raised awareness on the necessity of accelerating regional integration, enlightened African decision makers on legal implications of regional integration; presented the steps already achieved towards the African integration; identified ways to accelerate regional integration throughout the continent.


AUCIL Forums are held annually following the inaugural forum in December 2012, as a platform for discussing and interacting on matters of interest for Africa through the prism of international law and the African Union Law with the view of raising awareness on the necessity of accelerating regional integration, enlightening African decision makers on legal implications of regional integration, present the steps already achieved towards the African integration, identify ways to accelerate regional integration throughout the continent.


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