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Celebration of the African Day of the Seas and Oceans

Celebration of the African Day of the Seas and Oceans

juillet 25, 2016




When: 25 July, 2016

Where: African Union Commission Headquarters, Addis Ababa (Old Plenary Hall)

Time : 09 :00 am – 12 :15pm

Theme : Maritime Governance for Sustainable Development

Who: The meeting will be hosted by the African Union, AUC Legal Counsel, PRC Chairperson, Chair/Representative of Partners Group, AUC Chairperson/ Designated Representatives

Participants: Member States (Government Departments, administrations, agencies and operators in maritime sector, the port communities); Regional Economic Communities; Regional Mechanisms (RM’s); African Youth; Women in Maritime in Africa; African Institutions and organizations specialized in maritime and maritime-related matters; Financial institutions and insurance companies; Students, teachers and researchers; International organizations dealing with maritime and maritime-related matters; Non-governmental Organizations (NGO’s); Development Partners; African and International private sector; Shippers Council; Port Associations; Maritime Education and Training Institutions; Maritime Desks of REC’s; African Navies/Coast Guards; Ship Owners Association; African Diaspora; International specialized organizations; International partners and Private sector.


(i) Increase awareness amongst stakeholders of the strategic importance of “Maritime Governance for sustainable development”

(ii) The role that Africa must play in international maritime forums

(iii) How can the African Union Commission contribute in shaping international ocean governance in the UN, in other multilateral forums and bilaterally with key global partners, moving towards improved, more sustainable and better enforced frameworks

(iv) The roles, responsibilities and possibilities for Regions and Member States


Journalists are invited to cover the African Day of the Seas and Oceans celebration on 25th July, 2016

For media inquiries contact:

Afrah Thabit | African Union Commission I E-mail: Thabitma@africa-union.org

I Tel: +251 (0)911 200922 I Directorate of Information and Communication

For further information:

Directorate of Information and Communication | African Union Commission I E-mail: DIC@african-union.org I Website: http://www.au.int

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Directorate of Information and Communication
Directorate of Information and Communication | Information and Communication | African Union Commission

Tel: +251-11-5517700 | Fax: | E-mail: DIC@africa-union.org | Web:www.au.int

Addis Ababa | Ethiopia


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