Une Afrique Unie et Forte

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The Commission


The Commission

The Commission is the Secretariat of  the Union entrusted with executive functions.It is composed of 8 Officials: A Chairperson, a Deputy Chairperson; Six (6) Commissioners .  The structure represents the Union and protects its interest under the auspices  of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government as well as the Executive  Committee. The AU Commission is made up of Portfolios. They are: Peace and  Security; Political Affairs; Trade and Industry; Infrastructure and Energy;  Social Affairs; Rural Economy and Agriculture; Human Resources, Science and  Technology; and Economic Affairs.

Functions of the Commission

a) Among others, it represents the  Union and defends its interests under the guidance of and as mandated by the  Assembly and the Executive Council;
b) Initiate proposals to be submitted  to the Organs as well as implement the decisions that are taken by the other  Organs;
c) Act as a custodian of the  Constitutive Act, its protocols, the treaties, legal instruments, decisions  adopted by the Union and those inherited from the OAU;
d) Organise and manage the meetings of  the organs;
e) Assist Member States in implementing  the Union programmes and policies, including, CSSDCA and NEPAD;
f) Coordinate and monitor the  implementation of the decisions of other organs of the Union in close  collaboration with the PRC and report regularly to the Executive Council;
g) Work out draft common positions of  the Union and coordinate the actions of Member States in international  negotiations;
h) Prepare the Union’s Programme and  Budget for approval by the policy organs as well as strategic plans and studies  for the consideration of the Executive Council;
i) Elaborates, promotes, coordinates  and harmonizes the programmes and policies of the Union with those of the RECs;
j) Ensures the mainstreaming of gender  in all programmes and activities of the Union;
k) Manage the assets and liabilities of  the Union according to laid down regulations and procedures;
l)  Prepares strategic plans and studies  for the consideration of the Executive Council;
m) Take action in the domains of  responsibility as may be delegated by the Assembly and the Executive Council.  The domains include:

  • Control of pandemic; 
  • Disaster management; 
  • International crime and terrorism; 
  • Environmental management; 
  • Negotiations relating to external  trade; 
  • Negotiations relating to external  debts; 
  • Population, migration, refugee and  displaced persons; 
  • Food security; 
  • Socio-economic integration; and
  • All other areas in which a common  position has been established.

n) Mobilize resources and devise  appropriate strategies for self-financing, income generating activities and  investment for the Union;
o) Promote integration and  socio-economic development;
p) Strengthen cooperation and  co-ordination of activities between Member States in fields of common interest;
q) Prepares and submit an annual report  on the activities of the Union to the Assembly, the Executive Council and the  Parliament;
r) Prepare the Staff Rules and  Regulations for approval by the Assembly;
s) Implement the decisions of the  Assembly regarding the opening and closing down of sections and administrative  or technical offices;
t) Follow-up and ensure the application  of the Rules of Procedure and Statutes of the organs of the Union;
u) Negotiate, in consultation with the  PRC, with the host countries, the Host Agreements of the Union and those of its  administrative or technical offices;
v) Build capacity for scientific  research and development for enhancing socio-economic development in the Member  States;
w) Strive to the promotion and  popularization of the objectives of the Union;
x) coordinate the actions of the  Members Sates during international negotiations as well as collect and  dissemination of information on the Union.
y) Assists the Member States in  ensuring the implementation of the various programs of the Union as well as the  policies
z) Provide operational support to the  PSC and ensure the promotion of peace, democracy, security and stability