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Special Summit of the African Union on HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, Abuja, Nigeria

Special Summit of the African Union on HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, Abuja, Nigeria

juillet 12, 2013 to juillet 16, 2013

Abuja+12 Special Summit: “African Leaders Commit to Take Actions Toward the Elimination of HIV and AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria in Africa By 2030”

Abuja, 16 July 2013 – The African Union Special Summit dubbed Abuja +12 ended today, Tuesday 16 July 2013 at the International Conference Center (ICC) in Abuja, Nigeria, with a call for strong commitment of the “Abuja Actions toward the elimination of HIV and AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria in Africa by 2030”.

The Heads of State and Government of the African Union, noted with satisfaction the progress made in the fight against HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria since 2000 and in strengthening health systems, which has resulted in lives saved, enhanced productivity and improvement in quality of life on the continent.

The African leaders noted that the achievements of the last 13 years in promoting access to HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria services depended largely on the political will and commitment by Africa’s top leadership.

They expressed concern that in spite of the tremendous progress made in the fight against HIV/AIDS, TB & Malaria, challenges Africa still remains one of the most affected regions in the world by HIV and AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, thereby constituting major threats to national and continental socio-economic development, peace and security; among others.

To this effect, the African Heads of State solemnly resolved to take serious action toward the elimination of the pandemics. These include: scaling up the implementation of the earlier “Abuja Commitments”; implement effective and targeted poverty elimination strategies and social protection programmes that integrate HIV and AIDS, TB and Malaria for all particularly vulnerable populations; increase access to prevention programmes targeting the youth, especially young women, to ensure an AIDS-free generation as well as eliminate mother-to-child transmission of HIV while keeping mothers alive.

The African leaders further agreed to step up the mobilization of domestic resources to strengthen the health system while ensuring that strategies are in place for diversified, balanced and sustainable financing for health, in particular AIDS, TB and Malaria through development of strategic health investment plans and strategies for innovative financing, including from the private sector . They explored in particular, the importance South-South Cooperation and collaboration with the BRICS partners to scale up investment in African pharmaceutical manufacturing capacity, especially for generic essential medicines and other essential commodities as well as the use of effective insecticides for control of malaria, including the use of dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), where there is merit.

Worth noting that, the Special Summit of the African Union on HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria was held from 12 – 16 July 2013 in Abuja, Nigeria, 12-16 July 2013 under the theme: “Ownership, Accountability and Sustainability of HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria Response in Africa: Past, Present and the Future".

A press conference addressed by Mr Hailemariam Dessalegn, Prime Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and Chairperson of the African union (AU), Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma, Chairperson of the African Union Commission (AUC); and Dr Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and host of the Summit, crowned the event.

For more information consult the AU website: www.au.int
Interview requests should be directed to Mrs. Esther Azaa Tankou, Tel: +234 (0) 8158237254 , Email: yamboue@africa-union.org / esthertankou@yahoo.com and
Ms. Afrah Thabit Tel:+234(0) 7085749837, E-mail: thabitma@africa-union.org/ afraht@hotmail.com / Information and Communication Directorate | African Union Commission

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