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March.14.2016 – March 18.2016 Capacity building workshop to support establishment of Internet Exchange Points in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea.

March.14.2016 – March 18.2016 Capacity building workshop to support establishment of Internet Exchange Points in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea.

mars 14, 2016 to mars 18, 2016

African Union Commission in partnership with Ministry of Transport, Technology, Posts and Telecommunications of Equatorial Guinea organized a capacity building workshop to support the establishment of Internet Exchange Point in Equatorial Guinea from 14-18 March 2016. Internet Society (ISOC) has facilitated and conducted the workshop.
The workshop is a continuation of the support through the African Internet Exchange System (AXIS) project to Member states that do not have Internet Exchange Points.
This capacity building is provided in two parts. The first part (conducted over a period of the first two days), targeted to executives and decision makers of Internet Service Providers (ISPs), Operators, focuses on the Best practice and benefits of establishing Internet Exchange Points. The aim is to discuss modalities of establishing an Internet Exchange Point and building consensus to set up one.
The second part of the workshop is on Technical aspects of Setting up, Operating and Administering Internet Exchange Points (IXPs). It focuses on preparing network engineers on setting up and operating an IXP and to interconnect their respective networks at the envisaged Internet exchange point.
Participants of the workshop include representatives from Ministry Transport, Technology, Posts and Telecommunications, ORTEL, GETESA, MUNI, GECOMSA, CNIAPGE, GIGTE - WIRE SOUS MARIN and Guine @ NET
A consensus has been built at the end of the best practice workshop and a certificate has been awarded for successful accomplishment of the training on the technical aspects of setting up, operating and administering IXPs.
