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The impact of remittances on rural transformation in Africa: From commitments to action

The impact of remittances on rural transformation in Africa: From commitments to action

octobre 11, 2019

What:  The impact of remittances on rural transformation in Africa: from commitments to action.
            Highlights for journalists: 

  1. Coverage of the Opening Session;  
  2. Group photograph;  
  3. Interview opportunities.


When:   11 October 2019 starting at 9:00 hrs.

Where:  Small Conference Room 1 African Union Headquarters Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Who:    The event will co-hosted by the African Union Commission Department of Social Affairs (African Institute for Remittances (AIR)), in partnership with other stakeholders, including: Ecuador’s Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD)

2019 Chair, and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD).

Why:   With the aim to contribute to achieve the international commitments on remittances, this event intends to exchange best practices, foster synergies and discuss challenges and opportunities of migrants' engagement in the countries of origin with all relevant actors in the African remittance market. 
Other objectives are to: 


  1. Explore the roles of public and private sector entities in Africa involved in the remittance market as well as central banks and other regulatory authorities in promoting the concrete implementation of relevant goals and targets of the SDGs, as well as of objectives 19 and 20 of the GCM; 
  2. Promote multi-stakeholder partnerships to develop practical solutions for implementing the 2030 Agenda and the GCM in the continent with regards on migrants' contribution to development;
  3. Explore options for African policy makers at national and local levels to enhance positive effects of migration and remittances in the transformation of rural areas, in response to the 2019 GFMD Roundtable; and 
  4.  Present concrete examples and strategies of successful initiatives at national, regional and global level in Africa – such as the Platform for Remittances, Investments and Migrants’ Entrepreneurship in Africa (PRIME Africa Initiative) – aimed at maximizing remittances for sustainable development, and promoting financial inclusion for migrants and their families.

Representatives of the media, are invited to cover the event. 

For media inquiries, please contact:
1. Mrs. Wynne Musabayana| Head, Communication Division| Directorate of Information and Communication, African Union Commission | E-mail: Musabayanaw@africa-union.org
2. Mr. Gamal Ahmed A. Karrar| Communication Officer| Directorate of Information and Communication, African Union Commission | E-mail: GamalK@africa-union.org

For further information:
Directorate of Information and Communication | African Union Commission I E-mail: DIC@africa-union.org I Website: www.au.int I Addis Ababa | Ethiopia
