Une Afrique Unie et Forte

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Documents récents

  • septembre 13, 2024
  • Youth Mental Health Toolkit On 5 Emerging Issues in Africa
    février 22, 2024
  • AU Youth Mental Health Toolkit
    février 16, 2024
  • The 2021 African Union Gender Scorecard
    The 2021 African Union Gender Scorecard
    avril 27, 2023
  • East Africa Girls' Empowerment and Resilience Program (EAGER - P179293) Phase 1
    avril 25, 2023
  • Report on the Implementation of the Women, Peace & Security Agenda in Africa
    février 03, 2023
  • The African Women’s Decade Report (2010-2020)
    juillet 07, 2022

    The African Women’s Decade (AWD) Report details progress across the African continent,

  • mars 25, 2022

    A study on “Gender Equality, Women’s Empowerment and HIV in Africa: The Impact of Intersecting Issues and Key Continental Priorities”

  • The AUEU Youth Lab 3.0: AU Youth Track Programme 2022 – 2025
    décembre 15, 2021
  • Unleashing the Potential of 1 Million African Youth
    novembre 04, 2021
  • Office of the Special Envoy on Women, Peace and Security
    octobre 24, 2021
  • octobre 01, 2021
  • Status of Women’s Rights in Refugee and Internal Displacement Settings in Africa
    juin 18, 2021

    As the AU declared 2019 the “Year of Refugees, Returnees and Internally Displaced Persons: Towards Durable Solutions to Forced Displacement in Africa,” it become even more pertinent to capitalize on the momentum behind this issue to ensure that future interventions capture the lived experiences of women and girls.

  • Égalité des Sexes et Autonomisation des Femmes (ESAF) UA, CEA et ONU Femmes
    février 18, 2021

    • Plaidoyer et Partenariats en lien avec la COVID-19
    • Initiatives Intergénérationnelles
    • 5e Comité Technique Spécialisé sur l’ESAF – Réunions Ministérielles et d’Experts
    • Evénements Commémoratifs

  • Policy paper - GBV in Africa during COVID-19 pandemic
    Policy paper - GBV in Africa during COVID-19 pandemic
    janvier 22, 2021

    Since the outbreak of the Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19), emerging data and reports from those on the front lines have shown that all types of violence against women and girls (VAWG) have intensified in countries affected by the pandemic. Before the pandemic, it was estimated that one in three women will experi- ence violence during their lifetimes.

  • Making The AFCTA Work For Women And Youth
    Making The AFCTA Work For Women And Youth
    décembre 02, 2020

    The Futures Report: Making the AfCFTA Work for Women and Youth is a groundbreaking UNDP Flagship Initiative produced in collaboration with the Secretariat of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA Secretariat.) It tells the story of the promise of the AfCFTA through the voices of women and youth producing goods and services in Africa.

  • Lettre d’information: Égalité des Sexes et Autonomisation des Femmes (ESAF): UA,
    novembre 11, 2020

    • Au sein du 33eme Sommet de l’Union Africaine
    • Autres événements de haut niveau
    • À l’occasion de la JIF(Journée International des Femmes) 2020
    • Commission de la condition de la femme (CCF) des Nations Unies
    • ESAF(Egalite des Sexes et Auton- omisation des Femmes) Régio- nale et réponse au COVID-19
    • Nouvelles d’ailleurs

  • Sauti صوتي Publication
    septembre 18, 2020

    The Sauti publication features artworks from young African women, and showcases the linguistic diversity of Africa. #Africayouthlead

  • AU CSOs: Accelerating Actions Against Impact of COVID-19 on Gender Equality
    juillet 14, 2020

    We, the participants of the African Union- Civil Society Organisations Consultation convened vi

  • Solemn Declaration on Gender Equality in Africa
    juillet 08, 2020

    We, the Heads of State and Government of Member States of the African Union, meeting in the Third Ordinary Session of our Assembly in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 6-8 July 2004:

  • Seven Possible Actions: Women's Rights and COVID-19
    juin 04, 2020
  • AU Guidelines on Gender Responsive Responses to COVID-19
    juin 03, 2020
  • Ten Quick Facts about the African Union Gender Parity Project 2025
    Ten Quick Facts about the African Union Gender Parity Project 2025
    mai 26, 2020
  • Political Declaration: 64th Commission on the Status of Women
    mars 09, 2020