Documents récents
Nigeria: In Search of Sustainable Peace in the Niger Delta through the Amnesty P
Paper provides an overview of the Niger Delta conflict - including background on the armed groups and a detailed description of the Amnesty process. DDR efforts (focused largely on BTVET) are described and explored and challenges both with the structural organisation and eligibility and exclusion criteria for benefits provided under the programme are identified. Issues related to TJ and the role of civil society are also discussed.
Evaluation of Sudan Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) Programm
Assessment of the Sudan DDR Programme (SDDRP) reintegration (R) Intervention in terms of its contribution to facilitating transition and integration of ex combatants.
From Civilians to Soldiers and from Soldiers to Civilians, Mobilization and Demo
This documents aims to provide a complex and in depth analysis of mobilization processes in armed groups and the dynamics that affect individual involvement in armed groups. It argues that there is a need to move beyond technical discussions on DDR and that programming should be better informed by an analysis of the dynamics of post-conflict security and how stakeholders can influence and impact on these.
Sustainable Reintegration of Ex-combatants: Shadow economies and Cross Border t
This note draws on a variety of studies and experiences to highlight the need for DDR practitioners to understand the significant role that informal and shadow trade often plays in societies in transition from conflict and the importance of considering this during programme design.
Managing Fighting Forces. DDR in Peace Processes
Provides guidance on the mediation and negotiation aspects of DDR and proposes ways for mediators to establish appropriate linkages between DDR and other aspects of a peace process.
A Framework Document for Evidence-Based Programme Design on Reintegration
Explores and presents a conceptual framework for working with evidence in the design of reintegration programs to support efforts towards greater local impact at field level.
World Development Report 2011 Security, Conflict and Development
This report comprehensively explores the changing nature of violence in the 21st century. The report draws on comparative analysis to explore how countries might successfully manage to transition away from repetitive violence. There is much that will be of interest to DDR Practitioners.
Who Owns the Sahara? Old Conflicts, New Menaces: Mali and the Central Sahara bet
Detailed analysis of the background to the Malian conflict from the context of both local dynamics and regional dynamics (including AQIM, organised crime and instability in Libya). Explores in depth the role of ECOWAS and the AU as well as international actors. No specific mention of DDR but highlights the importance of in depth regional and local analysis and cross border responses to tackle issues.
The Role of Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Programs in Post-Confl
This paper elaborates on the Africa Development Bank’s experience in operations in post conflict environments where DDR is being carried out and linkages to overall planning frameworks and SSR in particular, Case studies drawn from South Sudan, Liberia and DRC. National ownership issues specifically explored.
Peace Recovery and Development Plan (PRDP) Phase 2 for Northern Uganda
Peace Recovery and Development Plan (II) for Northern Uganda. Includes discussion on issues and planned policy and programme approaches related to the reintegration of ex-combatants and Transitional Justice - highlights challenges faced by female ex-combatants
Reintegrating ex-combatants in the Great Lakes region - Lessons learned
This wide ranging report is built around an in depth and complex analysis of three DDR processes in: the Central African Republic (CAR), the Republic of Congo and Liberia. It explores issues related to all three main aspects of DDR and, in particular, has a useful analysis on issues related to weapons collection and the provision of reintegration support.
Muilt- Country Demobilisation and Reintegration Program: End of Program Evaluati
End of project review for this ;athe multi-country DDR programme
The Role of SADC in Managing political crisis and conflict. The Cases of Madagas
Paper presents two case studies of the Southern African Development Community’s (SADC) involvement in regional crises – Zimbabwe and
Madagascar. The evolution and structure of SADC’s security management and conflict transformation bodies are examined. No specific reference to DDR but useful exploration of the complexities of the political economy of engagement by a REC. -
Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) in Peace Agreements and UN P
This document highlights the extent to which DDR was included in the Peace Agreements and UN Peacekeeping mandates in Mozambique, Guatemala, Sierra Leone, The Democratic Republic of Congo, Cote d’Ivoire, and Liberia.
Fresh Insights on Disarmament,Demobilization and Reintegration: A Survey for Pra
Useful examination of available evidence for the impact of DDR in terms of its effect on wider post conflict stabilisation efforts. Specific themes covered include DDR and Post war politics, issues related to the integration of Commanders and the utility of Commander Incentive Programmes and social and political reintegration. Most examples are drawn from Central Asia but findings are highly relevant in many African contexts.
Stabilisation Issues Note Disarmament Demobilisation Reintegration (DDR)
Basic definitions and background - but provides useful checklist/guidance on issues to consider when determining whether DDR or other responses are appropriate in specific types of situation
Second Generation Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) Practices
This document explores key aspects of planning and implementation of DDR in increasingly complex environments identifying key challenges and potential policy and programming options. Thematic areas covered include the role of community based programmes, commander incentive programmes, at risk youth programmes and alternative approaches to weapons collection and management.
Project Implementation Manual for Second Emergency Demobilisation and Reintegrat
Project Implementation Manual for the Second Emergency Demobilisation and Reintegration Programme in Rwanda. Contains particularly useful information on approaches to targeting and mechanisms for the provision of support to disabled ex-combatants and others with Special Needs using Vulnerability Support Window as a delivery model
South Sudan DDR Programme Review Report
This review of DDR interventions in South Sudan highlights and explores issues related to national frameworks and ownership and some of the challenges associated with this
Socio-Economic Reintegration of Ex-Combatants
Guidelines focusing on social and economic reintegration of ex-combatants. Includes substantial analysis of approaches for dealing with Special Needs Groups including women, children, youth, people with disabilities and people living with HIV/AIDS. The template for a mapping and economic analysis of the labour market may be of particular interest and value.
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