Documents récents
Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration (DDR): Conceptual approaches, spec
Lengthy document that identifies and describes in detail the evolution of DDR programmes and considers its practice and its application in different political and security contexts. Contains useful commentary and analysis on implications of regional/cross border conflict on DDR programming and relationship between DDR and post conflict justice approaches.
Rwanda Demobilization and Reintegration Program (RDRP) Annual Report 2005
Annual report for the Rwanda Demobilisation and Reintegration Project. Contains in depth description and analysis of progress on all programme elements - including discussion on practical challenges related to the provision of reintegration support.
DDR of Ex-Combatants in a Peacekeeping Environment
Guidelines for policy and practice of DDR within a PSO - covering approaches, main issues, procedures, and post-conflict peacebuilding. Section 6 (starting on p.81) covers procedures for demobilization and reintegration and includes procedures for encampment, weapons decommissioning etc.
World Bank Pension Reform Primer: Pensions and Other Compensation in Post Confli
Useful policy brief that explores the challenges of considering benefits and pensions when dealing with the support of "veterans" in the aftermath of conflict. Discusses linkages between military pensions reform and DDR benefits and programmes and eligibility criteria. Examples drawn from a number of countries. A Table at the end of the document provides a useful summary of key lessons learned (page 8-9)
Case Studies in War-to-Peace Transition
Lengthy document structured around three case studies from Ethiopia, Namibia and Uganda. Comprehensive analysis of each including exploration of the political, security and social contexts, programme design and resourcing, institutional arrangements and assessment of impact.
Practice Note - DDR of Ex- Combatants
Although heavily focused on DDR interventions running alongside Peace Support Operations the document provides comprehensive (if now somewhat dated) practical guidance for DDR policy makers and practitioners covering all aspects of DDR programming. Explores linkages with SSR, national ownership, interrelationship between reintegration and work with IDP's and other conflict affected groups.
Identifying lessons from DDR experiences in Africa
Report on August 2004 Accra workshop on DDR Presentations covered trends in DDR , relationships with PSO, planning and coordination, and working with special groups. Includes an analysis of issues related to Dealing with Commanders and the role of DDR within wider post conflict recovery frameworks. Examples drawn from a number of countries.
Reintegrating Ex-Combatants in Post-Conflict Societies
Review of several DDR programs exploring three main challenges and issues (security, social tensions and marginalization) identifies lessons learned and best practices. Includes useful discussion and comparative analysis of issues related to national ownership and different types security and political environments in which DDR (or components of it) might be implemented.
Transitional Justice and Social Reintegration
Paper Focuses on the relationship between transitional justice and DDR arguing that if properly applied they may be mutually supportive and assist social reintegration in particular. Table of conclusions and recommendations at the end of the document linking TJ measures with potential DDR approaches.
Security Promotion in Fragile States: Can Local Meet National?
Explores the Connections between Community Security and Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration (DDR) programs - contains recommendations on potential approaches for more effectively linking community security with DDR planning and programming.
United Nations Policy for Post-Conflict Employment Creation, Income Generation a
Outlines approach for generating employment opportunities in post-conflict situations - including guiding principles. Includes consideration of emergency employment programs, start-up grants, and promotion of longer-term employment opportunities and decent work standards. Of relevance to DDR. Annex 2 : considers specific challenges associated with the creation of opportunities for Youth and Annex 3: considers Gender specificities.
Practice Note - DDR of Ex- Combatants
Although heavily focused on DDR interventions running alongside Peace Support Operations the document provides comprehensive (if now somewhat dated) practical guidance for DDR policy makers and practitioners covering all aspects of DDR programming. Explores linkages with SSR, national ownership, interrelationship between reintegration and work with IDP's and other conflict affected groups.
Identifying lessons from DDR experiences in Africa
Report on August 2004 Accra workshop on DDR Presentations covered trends in DDR, relationships with PSO, planning, and coordination, and working with special groups. Includes an analysis of issues related to Dealing with Commanders and the role of DDR within wider post-conflict recovery frameworks. Examples are drawn from a number of countries.
Reintegrating ex-combatants in the Great Lakes region - Lessons learned
This wide-ranging report is built around an in-depth and complex analysis of three DDR processes in the Central African Republic (CAR), the Republic of Congo and Liberia. It explores issues related to all three main aspects of DDR and, in particular, has a useful analysis on issues related to weapons collection and the provision of reintegration support.
Reintegrating Ex-Combatants in Post-Conflict Societies
A review of several DDR programs exploring three main challenges and issues (security, social tensions, and marginalization) identifies lessons learned and best practices. Includes useful discussion and comparative analysis of issues related to national ownership and different types of security and political environments in which DDR (or components of it) might be implemented.
The African Union and the Conflict in Mali: Extra-Regional Influence and the Lim
This paper considers the role of regional organisations and external actors in peace and conflict resolution efforts in Mali. It includes an in depth exploration of APSA and an analysis of the engagement of the AU and REC's in stabilisation efforts
Republic of South Sudan National DDR programme 2013-2014 Pilot Reintegration Pr
Review of the National DDR (NDDRC’s) Pilot Reintegration project - the purpose of the project was to test reintegration approaches and modalities and develop actionable lessons to inform and improve the Republic of South Sudan’s future DDR programming
National Program on Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (PNDDR)
National Programme Plan, DRC
When Do Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration Programmes Succeed?
Offers a multi-dimensional perspective on DDR and attempts to identify the key factors contributing to their success or failure. Comments on the importance of political context - arguing that there is little evidence that DDR can have an impact in the absence of the termination of the conflict, the importance of institutional arrangements, and program sequencing.
Border community security Mano River Union region
Analysis of Cross Border dynamics and localised conflicts in Mano River Region. Includes discussion on implications for DDR approaches and initiatives. Challenges identified include the tendency for DDR programmes to have national rather than regional focus - despite conflict dynamics being regional in nature - and the need for more attention to youth employment issues.
The Role of Natural Resources in Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration.
The report focuses on the role of natural resources in disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration (DDR) programs and illustrates
The report explores how the management of natural resources can be used to promote more effective and sustainable reintegration. Draws on case studies and makes recommendations for policymakers and programmers -
Reintegration of Child Soldiers in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo: Challen
A case study exploring the complexities surrounding successful child soldier reintegration in the DRC. Argues strongly that program planning must be informed by analysis of socioeconomic, cultural, security, and political factors more broadly.
Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration in South Sudan: The Limits of Conv
This report explores the DDR programme in South Sudan; in particular how it has evolved, what the major challenges have been to its implementation, and assesses what it can be expected to achieve.
Final Evaluation of Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration Programme Ind
Presents the findings, lessons learned, and recommendations of the final evaluation of the CPA DDR implementation in Sudan and South Sudan (2009-2012). Includes an exploration of linkages with wider recovery frameworks and individual program components. Comments on issues related to national ownership.