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Commissioner for Trade and Industry and the State Minister for Trade and Industry of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Brief the Africa Industrialization Week 2019

Commissioner for Trade and Industry and the State Minister for Trade and Industry of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Brief the Africa Industrialization Week 2019

October 23, 2019

October 23, 2019, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The Commissioner for Trade and Industry, H.E. Albert Muchanga, in collaboration with the State Minister of Trade and Industry, H.E. Ambassador Mesganu Arga Moach, State Minister of Trade and Industry of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and a Representative of the International Trade Centre, Mr. Vittorio Cammarota briefed the Permanent Representatives Committee (PRC) on the upcoming Africa Industrialization Week to be held from 18th to 22nd November, 2019 at the African Union headquarters in Addis Ababa. The event will be held under the theme: Positioning African Industry to Supply the Africa Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) Market. Some of the activities lined up for the week include: The Africa Industrialization Day Celebrations (20th November); The World Export Development Forum; the African Union Commission Symposium on Special Economic Zones and Green Industrialization; the 4th General Assembly and annual Meeting of the Africa Free Zones Organization; The Automotive Value chain Forum; the Fashion Value Chain Forum; the Africa-Korea Youth Forum; the Africa-Korea Business Forum; the She Trades Global (to present innovative solutions for women’s empowerment); the China – Ethiopia Investment Meetings; the Pan African Manufacturer Association workshop; a Media Awareness training; SheTrades Global; and B2B Matchmaking Meetings

20th November, is the annual commemoration of Africa Industrialization Day. This was set aside during the the 25th Ordinary Session of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the Organization of African Unity (OAU) held from 24th to 26th July, 1989 here in Addis Ababa Ethiopia. The Day was also set aside by the General Assembly of the United Nations (UN) on the 22nd December, 1989.

Speaking at the meeting, the Commissioner for Trade and Industry informed the meeting that given the launch of the Africa Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), there was a need to reconfigure the continent’s productive capabilities in order to effectively supply the market. He further noted that the Africa Industrialization Week 2019 is envisaged to promote the implementation of AU continental frameworks such asthe Accelerated Industrial Development of Africa (AIDA); the Africa Mining Vision (AMV), the SME Strategy; the Boosting Intra-African Trade strategy (BIAT); and AfCFTA.

On behalf of the Ethiopian Government who are co-organizing the events of the week, H.E. Ambassador Mesganu Arga Moach, State Minister for Trade and Industry, noted that Ethiopia is honoured to be the hosting Government of the event which has already attracted over one thousand participants. The week provides a platform for policy makers and private sector within and outside Africa to work together in the industrial development of the continent and is organized at the right time when we the continent talking about One Africa strengthened through the regional integration platform of the AfCFTA.

Speaking on behalf of the Executive Director for the International Trade Centre (ITC), Mr. Vittorio Cammarota noted that the ITC is planning to hold three main events during the Week, and these are: the World Export Development Forum (WEDF); the SheTrades Global event; and the Youth Entrepreneurship and Self-Employment Forum (YES Forum). The WEDF brings together entrepreneurs from all over the world and will provide a platform for facilitating transactions among buyers and sellers through the business-to-business (B2B) matchmaking meetings. So far almost 200 companies have also registered to attend the B2B matchmaking.

Registration link:

AIW2019 web page :
For further information, please contact Mrs. Ron Osman, Senior. Industry Policy Officer, Email: Tel: +251 944 067617

Media contacts:
Patient Atcho, Department of Trade and Industry – Tel: + 251 912120442 - Email:
Esther Azaa Tankou, Head of Information Division, Directorate of Information and Communication, AUC Tel. +251 911361185, E-mail:
For further information: Directorate of Information and Communication | African Union Commission I E-mail: I Web Site: I Addis Ababa | Ethiopia
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Addis Ababa, Ethiopia