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Acceptance Remarks HE. Amb. Minata Samate Cessouma Commissioner for Health, Humanitarian Affairs and Social Development African Union Commission

Acceptance Remarks HE. Amb. Minata Samate Cessouma Commissioner for Health, Humanitarian Affairs and Social Development African Union Commission

November 01, 2024

AFRICAN MEDICINES AGENCY (AMA) Headquarters Launch and Building Acceptance






HE. Amb. Minata Samate Cessouma

Commissioner for Health, Humanitarian Affairs and Social Development

African Union Commission

       Kigali, Rwanda, 1 November 2024


Honourable Minister, Excellency Dr Sabin;

Dr. Benjamin Djoudalbaye, Head of Interim Secretariat of AMA;

Distinguished Guests, Colleagues;

Ladies and Gentlemen.

Today marks a pivotal moment  in our journey towards strengthening Africa's health governance and regulatory frameworks across Africa. We witness the fruition of the seed we planted few years ago, when the Treaty Establishing the Africa medicines Agency (AMA) was adopted by the 32nd Heads of State and Governments of the Assembly in February 2019. 

AMA is very dear to my heart, as many of you here may know, I call it ‘’my baby’’. And, that is also to appreciate the enormous contributions done by my predecessor the former Commissioner Amira El Fadil, her team and the AMA Envoy Mr. Michel Sidibe for the intense advocacy to get the expected 15 ratifications initially needed for AMA to come into force – which it did on  November 2021. Currently the AMA Treaty boast of 32 signatories and 28 ratifications of state parties. I am hopeful that in the near future we shall achieve universal ratification.

We are here today, officially inaugurating this beautiful edifice as the Headquarters of AMA in Kigali and Its worthy of mention that, during the evaluation processes to select the host Country for AMA, some 3 years ago, the Republic of Rwanda stood tall amongst all other member states that offered a bid. Congratulations again to the people and government of the Republic of Rwanda.

Ladies and Gentlemen;

The collaborative effort that brought us here today is a testimony to the shared goals, vision and dedication of the African Union and its Member States. This journey has been characterized  by relentless advocacy for better health services, regulatory harmonization, and establishing a strong, centralized agency to address the continent's pharmaceutical needs.

The operationalization of AMA represents our commitment and dedication to ensuring the safety, the efficacy of medicines and medical products across Africa. It demonstrates our resolve to protect the health of our citizens and create a robust regulatory framework that empowers our nations to work together for the common good and greatness of Africa.

Under a unified regulatory framework, Africa will strengthen its medical defenses against all health threats, uphold consistent standards, and improve the availability of quality medicines and medical products for all Africans.                     AMA will also coordinate access to quality control laboratory services and advocate for the adoption of the AU Model Law on Medical Products Regulations, driving regulatory and legal reforms across all levels.

Today ceremony not only paves the way for improved regulatory frameworks but also aligns seamlessly with our ongoing discussions that foster collaboration, innovation across borders,  essential for realising the Aspirations of Agenda 2063, particularly in ensuring healthy and well nourished African citizens.

On this momentous occasion we also celebrate the African Medicines Regulatory Harmonisation (AMRH) Week in Maputo, marking 15 years of progress toward regional regulatory harmonisation and pharmaceutical cooperation. Furthermore, the Health Tech Summit in Kigali,  emphasizes the importance of innovation and technology in health delivery systems across Africa.

We also recognize the National Health Financing Dialogue currently unfolding in Arusha, Tanzania, aimed at enhancing our financing mechanisms to support sustainable health systems.

Together, these events underscore the synergy of our efforts at multiple levels and highlight our collective commitment to advancing health initiatives throughout the continent.

Honourable Minister, Ladies and Gentlemen.

The interim Secretariat put in place by the Commission, headed by Dr Benjamin Djoudalbaye, to fastspeed all relevant activites regarding AMA, attest to the importance we attach to this Agency. Allow me to salute the contributions of various AU Commission's technical departments in AMA operationalization process.

I am also glad to mention that, the recruitment processes of the Director General from the state parties is ongoing, plans are far advanced, and I am opitimistic that by end-of-year 2024, we should have a qualified, competent and commited DG who will drive the collective mandate and fulfil the strategic objectives of overcoming the challenges of weak regulatory systems, promote globally accepted scientific guidelines, and eliminate significant risks to public health. We expect the  finalization of the DG recrutement process, its submission and consideration by the Heads of State and Government of the AU Assembly in Februray 2025. 

Ladies and Gentlemen;

Kindly permit me to acknowledge Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and all relevant stakeholders including the people and government of the Republic of  Rwanda, AUDA-NEPAD, Africa CDC, WHO, amongst others, whom have contributed in diverse ways towards the operationalization of AMA. Their unwavering commitment, support and dedication throughout this process, and the pursuit of AU member states will facilitate the achievement of the universal health coverage.

Our advancement today is forward ever, backward never. A new chapter in Africa's health journey, where the African Medicines Agency will play a pivotal role in ensuring that our continent has access to safe, effective, high-quality medicines, medical technologies and products.

I encourage all stakeholders involved in this endeavour to continue fostering stronger partnerships that promote innovation, collaboration, knowledge and information sharing. Together, we can turn AMA into a beacon of hope for public health in Africa — a symbol of our dedication to safeguarding the health of our people for generations to come.

At this juncture, I am honoured, on behalf of the African Union Commission and its Chairperson H.E. Moussa Faki Mahamat, to accept with profond gratitude, the Headquarters building of the African Medicines Agency (AMA), as well as the generous donation of luxurious vehicles and numerous other facilities that comes with from our esteemed host, the Republic of  Rwanda, demonstrating the unwavering commitment to providing a conducive environment for the AMA and the implementation of the host country agreement.

I assure each and everyone here that, it will be put to its rightful use and purpose. Let us all embrace this moment of pure joy and purpose.

AMA is here to stay!!!

 I thank you.




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