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AU Commission Chairperson calls for an immediate end to hostilities in South Sudan

AU Commission Chairperson calls for an immediate end to hostilities in South Sudan

March 08, 2025

Addis Ababa, 8 March 2025: The Chairperson of the African Union Commission, H.E. Moussa Faki Mahamat, expresses deep concern over the escalating tensions and clashes in Nasir County in Upper Nile State that included a lethal attack on a UN helicopter, and violence in Western Equatoria and Western Bahr el-Ghazal, all threatening the peace process.

The Chairperson strongly condemns this violent escalation and calls for utmost restraint by all parties. He calls on the authorities to hold the perpetrators of the violence fully accountable and to take prompt measures to protect citizens.

The Chairperson calls for an immediate end to the hostilities, adherence to the ceasefire arrangements, and for the parties to urgently engage in national dialogue.

In this regard, the African Union Commission is currently consulting with the authorities, IGAD and other stakeholders on common actions to ensure a de-escalation of the situation.

The Chairperson reiterates the African Union's longstanding call for South Sudanese parties to fully implement the Revitalized Peace Agreement. The Chairperson reaffirms the African Union's commitment to support this key national process on which the future of South Sudan for peaceful co-existence, unity, and collective responsibility depends.


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