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Somali Displacement Crisis at a glance

Somali Displacement Crisis at a glance

August 03, 2011

East & Horn of Africa Update - Somali Displacement Crisis at a glance
3 August 2011

• UNHCR ups its July appeal to include $8.6 million to boost aid to displaced people inside Somalia.
• Plans to deliver aid to up to 400,000 people inside Somalia by the end of August.
• Ongoing Kenya operation moves more than 10,500 recent Somali arrivals to Dadaab’s Ifo camp.
• Arrivals continue to average 1,300 daily at Kenya’s Dadaab camps; slow to 270 daily in Ethiopia’s Dollo
Ado camps.
• July arrivals in Dadaab camps top 40,400, the highest monthly rate in the camp’s 20-year history.
• One in three children arriving in Ethiopia is acutely malnourished.
• Mortality rate increases in July, with up to 1.8 deaths per 10,000 at Dadaab’s Ifo camp.
• Malnutrition rates remain a concern iamong refugee new arrivals in Ethiopia and Kenya.
• Africa Union to host pledging conference on the crisis in the Horn of Africa.

Topic Resources

September 20, 2011

Kenya Humanitarian Update - 20 September 2011


* A recount of applicants for refugee status in Dadaab has found large numbers attempting double registration. The apparent large backlog in applications for registration has been adjusted from 40,000 to 1,909. The average daily arrival rate for the past week was about 1,100 people per day.

* Deteriorating security situation along Somali border and around Dadaab; a vehicle belonging to an international NGO has been hijacked in Hagadera camp.

* Maize prices are on a downward trend but remain significantly above the five-year average.

September 20, 2011

Somalia Snapshot 20 September

September 20, 2011

OCHA Somalia Famine & Drought Situation Report No. 14, dated 20 September (covering the period from 15 to 20 September)


.Partners are scaling up response activities in order to reach the worst-affected population to avert further unnecessary deaths. Food assistance partners have reached 1.39 million people in crisis so far in the first two weeks of September, compared to 1.3 million throughout the month of August.

.An estimated 585,000 urban dwellers in Somalia are projected to be in crisis by December if interventions are not scaled up, a quarter more than the first half of the year.

.According to UNICEF, children constitute 80 per cent of the worst-affected population in the current famine.

February 10, 2022

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