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The African Union's Roadmap to 2030

The African Union's Roadmap to 2030

March 19, 2025


The African Union's Roadmap to 2030 stands as a significant collaborative initiative by the 55 member states, strategically organized across different regions of the continent and aligned with the health aspiration of the African Union Agenda 2063 (Second ten-year implementation plan), AU Strategic Plan (2024 – 2028), Africa Health strategy and the Africa CDC strategic plans. This initiative underscores a resolute commitment to improving the health and well-being of African citizens. A landmark development was witnessed at the 36th AU Summit of Heads of State and Government’ during the ‘High-Level Side Event on ‘Health Financing and Sustaining Action to End AIDS and other diseases. During the event, a Resolution was passed reaffirming Member States’ dedication to the Abuja Declaration 15% target on domestic financing for health. The assembly tasked the AU Commission, AUDA-NEPAD, and Africa CDC with developing a costed AU Roadmap to 2030 & Beyond, focusing on sustaining the AIDS response, strengthening health systems, preventing maternal deaths, and combating various diseases endemic to the continent. This ambitious vision reflects the Member States determination to enhance overall health systems, health security, and the development trajectory of the continent by the end of the decade.

The AU Roadmap to 2030 & Beyond envisions ending HIV as a public health threat and controlling TB, Malaria, NTDs and NCDs while responding effectively to pandemics. It aims to advance health security, resilient and sustainable health systems through strengthening primary health care and achieving universal health coverage targets. The mission is to strengthen health systems in Africa by improving healthcare infrastructure, workforce capacity, and ensuring equitable access to services for all, particularly vulnerable populations. It emphasizes community empowerment, collaborative partnerships, and sustainable development through innovative financing mechanisms and global solidarity to address both current and future health challenges.

The African Union Roadmap to 2030 will focus on seven strategic pillars:

  • Pillar 1: Adolescents, Children, Men, Women and Youth
  • Pillar 2: Health Equity and Vulnerable Populations
  • Pillar 3: Access to medicines, regulatory harmonization and local/regional manufacturing of medicines, vaccines, and diagnostics.
  • Pillar 4: Health Security and Health Systems Strengthening
  • Pillar 5: Diversified and Sustainable Financing
  • Pillar 6: Leadership, Governance, Community Engagement and Oversight for Sustainability.
  • Pillar 7: Service Delivery for HIV, TB and Malaria, NTDS, STIs and Viral Hepatitis, NCDs and RMNCAH.

The AU Roadmap to 2030 & Beyond presents the trends in health expenditure and costs by major disease/programme area and then by Strategic Pillar. The pillars seek to provide a paradigm shift in the reporting of costs by moving away from the normally used traditional cost input or functional approach. The emphasis is integration of health services in both service provision and financing as well as social enablers.


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