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Launch of the First Continental Report on Implementation of Agenda 2063

Launch of the First Continental Report on Implementation of Agenda 2063

February 10, 2020

Joint Press Release

Launch of the First Continental Report on Implementation of Agenda 2063

The First Continental Report on the Implementation of Agenda 2063 was launched today on the margins of the 33nd Ordinary Summit of the African Union. The report is an assessment of 31 African Union Member States and six Regional Economic Communities towards achieving Africa’s blueprint and master plan for sustainable development and economic growth.

Presented at the 33rd Ordinary Summit of the African Union convened by African Union Chairperson H.E. Moussa Faki Mahamat, the report presented during a High-Level Forum attended by H.E. Alassane Ouattara, President of Côte D'Ivoire and A.U. Champion on Agenda 2063; H.E Vera Songwe United Nations Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA); African Development Bank President, Akinwunmi Adesina; and Botswana President Mokgweetsi Masisi; as well as senior national government officials from A.U. Member States.

"We have to own the Agenda for its effective implementation. In this perspective, we need to focus on sharing experiences to accelerate the strategic mobilization of internal resources of Agenda 2063 and its flagship projects" President Alassane Ouattara said.
"In many ways, the continent is leading the way, at a time when many are closing borders, and building walls-Africa is choosing the path of integration and trade, at a time when multilateralism is under threat," said H.E Vera Songwe United Nations Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) in her opening address on behalf of H.E. António Guterres.

She applauded the African Union and member states on the first report on the implementation of Agenda 2063, which she mentioned focuses on the results geared toward the people development. In conclusion, she conveyed the commitment of the United Nations to ensuring the implementation of Agenda 2063 for the benefit and wellbeing of Africa.

"I'm delighted that now we're not at the stage of discussion, but at the stage of implementation, we are on track in some parts of the continent," said Former A.U. commission chair and now Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs in South Africa, Dr Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, "This shows clearly in the data provided by members states," she added.

Dr Nkosazana explained that countries that are doing well the on implementation of Africa's blueprint have it domesticated and go a step further to incorporate it into their national plans. This will make it more straightforward track progress and report on the implementation of Agenda 2063 at the continental level.

Recommendations made include a joint reporting on continental and global development agendas, including the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), using the methodology developed by the African Union Commission (AUC) and African Union Development Agency-NEPAD (AUDA-NEPAD) to minimize duplication, optimize resource, mobilize the support of domestic and external stakeholders and development partners.

The report is a joint effort between the AUC and AUDA-NEPAD. It is the first report within the biennial reporting cycle defined by the African Union to review performance with regards to Africa's development priority areas and to outline strategies and policy measures required to implement the First Ten-Year Implementation Plan. The report features dashboards on performance in the implementation of Agenda 2063 at the continental, regional and national levels. The dashboard allows for ease of assessment of the performance against the 2019 targets, using three colour codes, namely green for "on track / achieved", orange for "moderate performance" and red for "off track / not achieved".

The full report can be downloaded at:

The interactive dashboard on Agenda 2063 can be accessed at:

For further information please contact:

Mwanja Ng’anjo | Communications specialist | African Union Development Agency-NEPAD | African Union | Tel: | E-mail: ||Addis Ababa | Ethiopia
Faith Adhiambo | Communications Officer- Agenda 2063 | Directorate of Information and Communication | African Union Commission | E-mail: ||Addis Ababa | Ethiopia
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About the African Union Development Agency-NEPAD
AUDA-NEPAD is the development agency of the African Union, coordinating and executing priority regional and continental development projects to promote regional integration towards the accelerated realisation of Agenda 2063 – Africa’s vision and action plan. It is mandated to strengthen capacity of Member States and regional bodies.

About Agenda 2063: The January 2013 African Union Summit adopted Agenda 2063 – "The Africa We Want" as Africa's blueprint and master plan for sustainable development and economic growth of the continent. It is an affirmation by African Heads of State and Government of their commitment to transforming Africa into the global powerhouse. To fast-track implementation of Agenda 2063 over the 50 years, the First Ten-Year Implementation Plan spanning from 2014 to 2023 is developed and endorsed at the June 2015 Summit of the African Union. In line with the Union's results-based approach to development, high importance to reporting on the implementation of Agenda 2063 as a prerequisite for facilitating peer learning and mutual accountability and thus realising the continent's developmental goals.

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