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The Official Launch of the African Union Peace Fund

The Official Launch of the African Union Peace Fund

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November 17, 2018


WHAT: The Official Launch of the African Union Peace Fund
WHEN: 17th November 2018
TIME: 17:30 – 18:30
WHERE: Multi-Purpose Hall -African Union HQ
WHO: African Union Commission (AUC)

The Peace Fund was established in 1993 as the principal financing instrument for the peace and security activities of the Organization for African Unity. Following the establishment of the African Union, the Peace Fund became one of the five pillars of the African Peace and Security Architecture (APSA). The overall legal basis for the Peace Fund is set out in Article 22 of the Protocol on the Establishment of the Peace and Security Council.

In July 2016, the AU Assembly of Heads of State and Government decided to endow the Peace Fund with $400m in Member State contributions to be drawn from the 0.2% levy that has been instituted to finance the overall African Union budget. The full endowment level will be reached in 2021.

Since 2017, the Fund has received the highest levels of Member State contributions (currently over $55.9m) since the establishment of the Fund in 1993.

The AU Assembly decided to structure the Peace Fund around three thematic windows:

• Window 1: Mediation and Preventive Diplomacy
• Window 2: Institutional Capacity
• Window 3: Peace Support Operations

The relevant AU Policy Organs will have the political authority to guide the activities of the Peace Fund.

The Governance and Management Structure

A Board of Trustees, made up of five African members representing the 5 AU Regions and two international partners will be established. The role of the Board of Trustees is to ensure strategic coherence and enhanced governance, financial and administrative oversight of the Peace Fund.

The Chairperson of the AU Commission, supported by an Executive Management Committee will provide strategic management oversight of the Fund.

An Independent Evaluation Panel will be established to regularly review the effectiveness and impact of the Fund.

A Fund Manager will manage the finances and a Peace Fund Secretariat will manage the day to day operations of the Fund.

For media inquiries contact:
Faith Adhiambo| Communications Officer- Agenda 2063 | African Union Commission I E-mail:
For further information: Directorate of Information and Communication | African Union Commission I E-mail: I Website: I Addis Ababa | Ethiopia
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