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Expert Group Meeting for the drafting of the model law on Mining

Expert Group Meeting for the drafting of the model law on Mining

June 26, 2018 to June 28, 2018

Accra, Ghana 26 June 2018 - The Department of Trade and Industry of the African Union Commission is organizing from 26-28 June 2018 in Accra, Ghana the 3rd Expert Group Meeting for drafting of the African Union Model Law on Mineral Resources.

Organized under the leadership of the African Union Commission’s department of Trade and Industry, the meeting is expected to provide an opportunity to brainstorm and conduct a diagnostic assessment of the legal issues likely to be raised by the model law on Mineral Resources.
The Model Law is being developed to implement the Kigali Heads of State and Government Retreat Decision which directed the Commission to develop a Model Law on Mineral Resource development to ensure optimal benefits for Africa.
The workshop is designed to assess and recommend legal, institutional rules and procedures for incorporation into the text of the model mining law, to prepare a legal opinion on issues arising from the assessments for consideration by the African Union for the next steps of the project, and prepare a road map for the drafting of the model law, consistent with the findings set out in the above-noted diagnostic assessment in line with the African Union’s transformation agenda.
Mr. Frank Mugyenyi, Head of Mining Unit of the Department of Trade and Industry of the African Union Commission, after having welcomed the participants, explained the format of the meeting and presented the Agenda.
The Head of Mining Unit recalled the objectives of the workshop and reminded participants that developing and implementing the African Union Model Law on Mining will support efforts towards optimizing benefits from the mineral resources and increasing domestic revenue generation through appropriate and progressive laws and fiscal regimes.
Representing the African Legal Support Facility (ALSF), Mr. Francky Lukanda indicated that the natural resources are a vital source of economic activity and jobs in Africa and a major contributor to domestic income and wealth creation. Mining, oil and gas industries have been a focus for government regulation and control over the centuries whether it has been state or privately owned.

He pointed out that while actions of individual member states are commendable, a concerted effort by resource-rich countries is needed for lasting positive outcome. International organizations such as the AU and the ALSF can play a catalyst role in that regard.

The AU and the ALSF have had a long-standing partnership in projects aimed at improving governance in the African extractive sector. In collaboration with the World Bank, the ALSF and the AU have developed the African Mining Legislation Atlas (AMLA) to support African countries in maximizing mineral resource benefits.

" My hope is that at the end of this forum, the African experts gathered here will make significant progress towards providing regional member countries with specific guidance on setting continental level standards for optimizing benefits from mineral resources 4 including ways of increasing compliance and closing gaps to key and emerging illicit financial outflow loopholes, among others.", he concluded.

The Meeting is also being attended by representative of the Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs from Uganda, Representative of Ministry of Mines and Energy from Namibia, Oxfam Ghana, Privates organizations, The Inter-governmental Forum on Mining from Canada, The World Bank, as well as Representatives of The University of Massachusetts and the University Cheikh Anta Diop of Dakar.

Worth recalling that the two first meetings were held in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire and Port Luis, Mauritius in 2017.

For further information please contact:
Frank Mugyenyi | Head of Mining Unit DTI
E-mail: | Tel:+251115182958
Aminata Jeanne DIOP | Communication Associates DTI
E-mail: | Tel: +251984876962

Media inquiries should be directed to:

Mrs. Esther Azaa Tankou| Head of Information Division | African Union Commission | Tel: +251 (0) 911 36 11 85 | E-mail: |

For further information:
Directorate of Information and Communication | African Union Commission I E-mail: I Website: I Addis Ababa | Ethiopia

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