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Summit Ends with Strong Decisions and Declarations by AU Heads of States on Crucial and Topical Issues on the Continent

Summit Ends with Strong Decisions and Declarations by AU Heads of States on Crucial and Topical Issues on the Continent

January 28, 2013
Summit Ends with Strong Decisions and Declarations by AU Heads of States on Crucial and Topical Issues on the Continent


Summit Ends with Strong Decisions and Declarations by AU Heads of States on Crucial and Topical Issues on the Continent

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 28 January 2013- The 20th Ordinary Session of the African Union (AU) Summit holding on the theme: “Pan-Africanism and African Renaissance” ended Monday 28 January 2013 at the AU headquarters in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, with commitment by the AU Heads of State and Government to ensure implementation of the Assembly Decisions and Declarations arrived at during their deliberations.

In his closing remarks, the newly elected Chairperson of the African Union, Mr. Hailemariam Dessalegn, Prime Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, expressed satisfaction at the active participation of all the Heads of States and Government in the discussions on various issues of interest to the continent. “Your valuable comments and contributions have no doubt enriched our debate and informed the decisions that we have adopted on a myriad of issues. (See complete speech of the AU Chairperson on the AU website: ).

The following decisions were adopted among others:

On refocusing the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) to support the transformation agenda of the African Union, the Heads of States urged the Secretary-General of the United Nations to provide the required support to ECA to enhance its work in accordance with Africa’s priorities.

On the creation of the African Observatory on Science, Technology and Innovation (AOSTI) to be hosted by the Republic of Equatorial Guinea, the Heads of State endorsed the project.
They called on Member States and Development partners to avail the necessary technical and financial support for sustaining the AOSTI and its programmes.

The Heads of State also decided to create the Pan-African Intellectual Property Organization (PAIPO). They requested the Commission to convene a meeting of all stakeholders dealing with intellectual property in the implementation of the Decision by May 2013 Summit.

On the coordination of the Committee of African Heads of State and Government on Climate Change (CAHOSCC) and Africa’s preparation for cop 19/CMP 9

The Heads of States acknowledged the need for further refine and streamline the coordination mechanism for CAHOSCC. They endorsed the coordination function of CAHOSCC as follows:

i) Coordination of CAHOSCC rotates for a period of two (2) years for two Conferences of the Parties (COPs) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC);

ii) Country of the host of the Presidency of the African Ministerial Conference on Environment (AMCEN) to serve as the Coordinator at the Summit level to enhance linkage between the AMCEN processes to CAHOSCC in addition to providing the necessary support given the nature of expectations at this level; and

iii) The President of the African Ministerial Conference on Environment (AMCEN) to serve as Coordinator at the Ministerial level;

iv) Chair of the African Group of Negotiators on Climate Change (AGN) experts elected at the UNFCCC forum serves as Coordinator at the Experts’ level.

On the establishment of an “international constitutional court”
The Heads of States requested the African Union Commission on International Law to examine the proposed establishment of an International Constitutional Court and make recommendations to the 22nd Session of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the African Union (January 2014) on the said proposal

On the integration of the new Africa- Asia Strategic Partnership (NAASP) into African Union structures and processes
The Assembly requested the Commission to take the necessary steps towards the integration of the New Africa-Asia Strategic Partnership (NAASP) into the African Union structures and processes.

On the representation of local communities in organs of the African Union
The Assembly requested the Commission to submit a comprehensive report on the opportunity, feasibility, relevance and implications, including financial ones, of the proposal at the January 2014 Summit.

On the reduction of maternal, newborn and child mortality and morbidity in Africa
The Assembly requested that the Ministers of Health of the African Union examine the progress made regarding the state of maternal, newborn and child health, map out concrete and innovative strategies at a larger scale in order to adequately address the health needs of African women and children and submit a report to the 21st Ordinary Session of the Assembly. It decided to place this item on the agenda of the next Assembly.

On the establishment of the African Union institute for statistics

The Assembly approved the establishment of the African Union Commission Institute for Statistics that will be based in Tunis, Republic of Tunisia.

On the promotion of critical knowledge for the accelerated and sustainable development of Africa
The Assembly took note of the proposal of Burkina Faso on the promotion of critical skills for Accelerated and Sustainable Development in Africa. The Heads of States approved the initiative of Burkina Faso.

On the hosting of a special follow-up summit on the Abuja 2001 African Union Summit on HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and other related infectious diseases in the third quarter (july/august) of 2013
The Assembly welcomed and endorsed the offer by the Federal Republic of Nigeria to host a Special Follow-Up Summit on the Abuja 2001 African union summit on HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and other related infectious diseases in the third quarter of 2013.

On the south-south and triangular coalition in support of Africa-post 2015
The Assembly took note of the proposal by the Republic of Guinea relating to the creation of a South-South and Triangular Coalition in support of Africa Post 2015; it approved in principle the creation of a South/South and Triangular Coalition to assist Africa within the framework of its Post 2015 Agenda.

On the report of the Committee of Ten on UN Reform
The Assembly reiterated that the Committee of ten remains seized of this matter until Africa achieves its objectives on the reform of the UN Security Council and requested the Committee to present a report to the Twenty-first Ordinary Session of the Assembly in July 2013.

On the election of the Commissioner for Human Resources, Science and Technology and the Commissioner for Economic Affairs of the African Union
The Assembly, appointed the following persons as Commissioners of the AU Commission:

Name and Country
a) Dr. Martial De-Paul Ikounga (Republic of Congo). - Human Resources, Science and Technology
b) Dr. Anthony Mothae Maruping (Lesotho) - Economic Affairs

On election of the five members of the Peace and Security Council of the African Union
The Assembly appointed the following five (5) Members of the Peace and Security Council for a three (3)-year term as of March 2013:

1. Equatorial Guinea Central Region
2. Uganda Eastern Region
3. Algeria Northern Region
4. Mozambique Southern Region
5. Nigeria Western Region

On the election of one judge of the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights
The Assembly, appointed Mr. Kimelabalou Aba ( Togo) as Judge of AfCHPR for a year and a half (1½ year) term.

On the election of the eleven members of the Advisory Board on Corruption
The Assembly, appointed the following Members of the Advisory Board on Corruption for a two (2)-year term:

No. Name Country
1. Mr. Jacques III Achiaou Cote d’Ivoire
2. Dr. Tony Aidoo Ghana
3. Ms. Akossiwa Ayena Togo
4. Ms. Angele Barumpozako Burundi
5. Mr. Salem Ben-Gharbia Libya
6. Mr. M’pere Diarra Mali
7. Mr. Jean Baptiste Elias Benin
8. Mr. Edward Gamaya Tanzania
9. Mr. Ali Sulaiman Mohamed Ethiopia
10. Mr. Pierre Nzobabela Republic of Congo
11. Mrs. Julie Onum-Nwariaku Nigeria

On the election of five members of the African Union Commission on International Law
The Assembly, appointed the following Members of the AUCILfor a five (5)-year term:

No. Name Country
1. Mr. Rafaa Ben Achour Tunisia
2. Mr. Daniel Makiesse Mwanawanzambi D.R.C
3. Mr. Boniface Obinna Okere Nigeria
4. Mrs. Naceesay Salla-Wadda Gambia
5. Mr. Kholisani Solo Botswana

On the Declaration of solidarity with Algeria following the terrorist attack on Gazier site in Amenas, the Assembly condemned with utmost firmness the “cowardly and vicious act of aggression against a member state of the African Union.

On the Declaration on Palestine, the Assembly welcomed the United Nations General Assembly’s decision granting the State of Palestine “Observer non-member” status in the UN. It urged the international community to pressure Israel to comply with the United Nations’ resolution and previous agreements signed by with Palestine.

On the other hand, it was announced during today’s closing ceremony of the 20th Ordinary Session of the Assembly of the African Union that, the next AU Summit will take place on 19th to 27th May 2013.

All the decisions and declarations will be posted on the AU website as soon as they are ready:


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