Latest Documents
37th AU Summit - Program
Sustainable School Feeding Across the African Union
Plan of Action
Continental Strategy for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)
37th AU Summit - Concept Note
Report of the Ministerial Meeting of the STC-EST 4
Digital Education StrategyFact Sheet
The African Union Digital Education Strategy and Implementation Plan, covers the period 2023-2028, and establishes a framework for engagement and acceleration of adoption of digital technologies in alignment with the Continental Education Strategy for Africa (CESA).
The Strategy proposes three focus areas, nine strategic objectives and fourteen measures:
The focus areas are:
Abridged VersionDigital Education Strategy
The African Union Digital Education Strategy and Implementation Plan, covers the period 2023-2028, and establishes a framework for engagement and acceleration of adoption of digital technologies in alignment with the Continental Education Strategy for Africa (CESA).
The Strategy proposes three focus areas, nine strategic objectives and fourteen measures:
The focus areas are:
Digital Education Strategyand Implementation Plan
The African Union Digital Education Strategy and Implementation Plan, covers the period 2023-2028, and establishes a framework for engagement and acceleration of adoption of digital technologies in alignment with the Continental Education Strategy for Africa (CESA).
The Strategy proposes three focus areas, nine strategic objectives and fourteen measures:
The focus areas are:
Africa Creates Jobs 2021 COMMUNIQUE 04 November 2021
Transforming Education in Africa an evidence-based overview and recommendations
African Union Biennial Report on Home-Grown School Feeding
This 2019-2020 Biennial Report builds on data and inputs collected by the African Union and its partners gathered in the HGSF Cluster, including WFP, UNICEF and FAO. This report also builds on the school feeding database developed by WFP for its flagship State of School Feeding Worldwide 2020 report, which contains up-to-date and official data on school feeding programmes at the country level.
"Your Voice, Your Future" Report
Turning Challenges into Solutions
Africa Education Innovations Handbook 2020
Innovations in Harnessing the Capacity of ICT to Ensure Inclusion, Quality and Impact in Education and Training in Africa.
Making The AFCTA Work For Women And Youth
The Futures Report: Making the AfCFTA Work for Women and Youth is a groundbreaking UNDP Flagship Initiative produced in collaboration with the Secretariat of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA Secretariat.) It tells the story of the promise of the AfCFTA through the voices of women and youth producing goods and services in Africa.
African Decade for Technical, Professional, Entrepreneurial Training and Youth
Africa is geared up to overcome its development challenges. The continent’s teeming youth population, which is estimated to rise to 540 million in Year 2030, offers high potential of rapid economic growth and wealth generation if the youths are skilled and engaged in productive work. A skilled labour force attracts foreign investments.
The AU Disability Inclusion Guideline
The AU Disability Inclusion Guideline for Youth Exchange serves as a working document to assist the AU and its organs in providing equal access to opportunities for all African youth.
AU Youth Digest
Warm greetings to you youth of Africa and our partners across the continent.
SIFA Newsletter Special Edition 02-2020
SIFA Newsletter Special Edition 02-2020
Compendium of Regional and International Legal Instruments on Girls’ and Women’s
Policy Guidelins on Digitizing Teaching and Learning in Africa
Science, Technology and Innovation Strategy for Africa 2024
On the Wings of Innovation, the AU Science, Technology and Innovation Strategy for Africa 2024 (STISA-2024) places science, technology and innovation at the epicentre of Africa’s socio-economic development and growth.
Compendium of Legal Instruments on Girl's and Women's Education
The international legal framework on girls and women’s education is enshrined in a wide range of international and regional agreements and other legal instruments. International agreements are commonly called treaties in the context of international law. Depending on the nature and purpose of a treaty, it can also be referred to as a Covenant, Convention, Charter, Accord, Protocol or Agreement.
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