An Integrated, Prosperous and Peaceful Africa.

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The Joint Labour Migration Program (JLMP) for Africa formally is a project which was adopted in January 2015 by African Heads of State and Government as a comprehensive programme on labour migration governance for the region. It is implemented jointly by the African Union Commission (AUC), the ILO, the IOM and the UNECA.

According to UNDESA, about 30 million Africans moved out of their countries of origin in 2013 but half of them stayed in Africa. That needs a comprehensive, operational, political, technical and practical programme aimed at the development and the integration of Africa in the crucial field of migration and mobility.

The AU-led initiative supported by the ILO, the IOM and the UNECA, is the first global initiative focused on supporting effective implementation of human mobility rules as key to development and integration in the increasingly significant Regional Economic Communities (RECs).

The AUC/ILO/IOM/ECA Joint Programme on Labour Migration, Development and Regional Integration (JLMP) is built as a strategic regional intervention to leverage migration for development. The JLMP is also a creative work to achieve the key dimensions of the programme regarding the protection of the rights of migrant workers: portability of skills; portability of social security benefits; and fair recruitment practices.


Sharing information about the natureand impact of labour migration and provide public information on the role of the African Union in the areas of continental Labour Migration and Social protection. Increased public awareness and political will to address human mobility on the African continent in a collaborative fashion (Launch and dissemination of Africa HDR).


Advocate for prudent and evidence-based governance/ management of Labour migration by government public institutions.

Capacity Building

Build Capacity in Labour Market institutions to work on labour migration management through cross learning mechanisms such as technical cooperation including intra African and south south technical cooperation, Community of Practices, experience exchange, best practices publication, etc.

Accountability for results

Facilitate national governments’ accountability for measurable results to ensure that people-level impact is achieved.

Information for action

Maintain Labour Migration as a priorities on agendas at different levels, facilitate Continental, Regional and country decision-making processes and disseminate information widely to galvanize action to achieve the SDGs and Aspirations of Agenda 2063.Heightened public awareness of human mobility interactions with sustainable development and role of governance in improving outcomes (public and stakeholder consultations).

Progress Checklist

Inform Donors and Stakeholders on successfully completed activities , pipeline activities and share updates on supporting activities embarked upon by our project partners which are ILO, IOM, ECA and UNDP. Can be opened to other partners such us UNHCR, UNFPA, UNESCO and UNICEF.

Ownership and engagement of non-state actors on labour migration issues:provide an interactive platform allowing non state actors to participate in the policy debate and other types of forum on labour migration through different Publication : Publishing the Periodic labour African Migration Report and other documents/reports on labour migration. Knowledge sharing: Tapping into Africa’s rich pool of knowledge from Academicians, policy makers and other stakeholders via the Intra African Technical Cooperation Platform (IATAP) on Labour, Employment and Migration. Also involving universities and research institutes in producing and sharing information on labour migration.

Promote the 2017 - 2019 JLMP Priority Activities.


Awareness:Heightened public awareness of human mobility interactions with sustainable developmentand role of governance in improving outcomes (public and stakeholder consultations).

Capacity Building:Strengthened capacity and collaboration among African research institutions on labourmigration.

Prudent Migration Governance: Improved evidence base for policy development and migration governance.

Stakeholder Engagement:Increased public awareness and political will to address human mobility on the AfricanContinent in a collaborative fashion.

Standardised Policy implementation:Increased adoption and application of International Labour Standards on recruitment and conditions for migrant workers Improved south south cooperation.

Establishment of a robust IntraAfrican technical Cooperation Platform:Data sharing and coordination among national institutions and RECs concerned; data interfaced among labour market and labour migration databases

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