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The Fourth Ordinary Session of the Specialized Technical Committee on Health, Population and Drug Control (STC-HPDC-4)

The Fourth Ordinary Session of the Specialized Technical Committee on Health, Population and Drug Control (STC-HPDC-4)

novembre 01, 2021 to novembre 05, 2021

Media Advisory

What: The Fourth Ordinary Session of the Specialized Technical Committee on Health, Population and Drug Control (STC-HPDC-4)

Theme: “Leveraging African culture and heritage to improve health security and socio-economic well-being of Africa’s populations”.

When: 01-05 November 2021, 11:00hrs - 17:00hrs (GMT+3)

Who: The African Union Commission, Department of Health, Humanitarian Affairs and Social Development


The Fourth Ordinary Session of the Specialized Technical Committee on Health, Population and Drug Control (STC-HPDC-4) is scheduled to virtually take place, from 01-05 November 2021 under the theme: “Leveraging African culture and heritage to improve health security and socio-economic well-being of Africa’s populations”. The theme is derived from the AU theme for 2021 “'Arts, Culture and Heritage: Levers for Building the Africa We Want”. The meeting will be organized under the slogan Africa’s cultural diversity for health.

I. About the Specialized Technical Committee on Health, Population and Drug Control (STC-HPDC-4)

The Specialized Technical Committee on Health, Population and Drug Control (STC-HPDC), is one of fourteen (14) STCs, defined as an Organ of the African Union in accordance with Article 5 (1) (g) of the AU Constitutive Act. The STC on Health, Population and Drug Control meets once every two (2) years.

The STC–HPDC brings together Ministers in charge of Health, Population and Drug Control, and government Experts responsible for the sectors concerned, AU Organs such as the African Union Development Agency (AUDA-NEPAD) and the Regional Economic Communities. International Organizations working in the relevant areas of concern will be invited to the opening and closing sessions.

The Ministerial segment of the STC will be preceded by the Experts meeting that will discuss priority health, population and drug control policy issues and the implications for the member states, regions and the continent as a whole. The outcomes of the Expertsshall be considered by respective line Ministers for policy direction and adoption. Given the need to strengthen the health systems in Africa, this STC meeting is crucial for the Ministers to discuss and agree on the way forward on critical health, population and drug control policy issues.

II. Objectives

The objectives of the STC-HPDC-4 are:

i. To discuss and consider key documents on priority areas in health, nutrition, population, drug control and crime prevention that will improve the health security and socio-economic well-being of Africa’s population

ii. To review progress on the implementation of continental policies, strategies, programmes and decisions in health, nutrition, population, drug control and crime prevention.

iii. To identify areas of cooperation and establish mechanisms for regional, continental and global cooperation.

iv. To elaborate Common African Positions in its health, nutrition, population, drug control and crime prevention, and advise relevant AU policy organs on priority programmes and their impact on improving lives.

III. Registration Information

The STC–HPDC-4 will convene virtually from 01-05 November 2021 in two parts:

i. Senior Experts Meeting (01-03 November 2021) (Parallel sessions will be held for Health, Nutrition, Population and Drug Control sectors)

ii. Ministerial Meeting (04-05 November 2021)

Registration links will be sent directly to confirmed participants
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Simultaneous interpretation and translation of relevant documents will be provided in the five (5) working languages of the African Union: Arabic, English, French, Portuguese and Spanish.


i.Mme. Cisse Mariama Mohamed, The Director for Social Development, Sport and Culture (AUC), Department of Health, Humanitarian Affairs and Social Development, African Union Commission
Email: - CisseM@africa-union.org;
ii.Dr. Margaret Agama-Anyetei, Ag. Director of Health and Humanitarian Affairs Directorate, Department of Health, Humanitarian Affairs and Social Development, African Union Commission
Email: Agama-Anyeteim@africa-union.org;

CC : OngoloJM@africa-union.org; BenjaminD@africa-union.org;

For further media inquiries, please contact:
i. Ms. Dorothy Njagi | Strategic Communication Expert, Directorate of Health and Humanitarian Affairs | Department of Health, Humanitarian Affairs and Social Development,, African Union Commission | Mobile: +251940559950 | E-mail: njagid@africa-union.org