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3ème Comité technique spécialisé (CST) de l'Union africaine (UA) sur le développement social, le travail et l'emploi (stc-sdle-3)

3ème Comité technique spécialisé (CST) de l'Union africaine (UA) sur le développement social, le travail et l'emploi (stc-sdle-3)

avril 01, 2019 to avril 05, 2019


3rd African Union(AU) Specialised Technical Committee(STC) on Social Development, Labour and Employment (stc-sdle-3)

What: 3rd AU Specialised Technical Committee on Social Development, Labour and Employment (stc-sdle-3). 3rd AU Specialised Technical Committee on Social Development, Labour and Employment (stc-sdle-3).

Theme: “Poverty Eradication Through Strategic Investments at National and Regional Levels Towards Social Development, Labour and Employment in Africa”

Who: Department of Social Affairs of the African Union Commission

When: 1st -5th April, 2019

Where: African Union HQ. Small conference room 4


Why: The Specialized Technical Committee (STC) on Social Development, Labour and Employment is one of fourteen (14) STCs, defined as an Organ of the African Union in accordance with Article 5 (1) (g) of the AU Constitutive Act. The STC on Social Development, Labour and Employment meets once every two (2) years. It is set as a ‘tripartite organ composed of Ministers in charge of Social Development, Labour and Employment or such other Ministers or Authorities duly accredited by the Governments of Member States, and the Representatives of the most representative Employers and Workers’ Organizations at national, regional and continental levels’ (Rule 3)

The Third Session of the Specialized Technical Committee on Social Development, Labour and Employment (STC-SDLE-3) is scheduled to take place in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, AUC Headquarters, from 01 to 05 April 2019 under the Theme: “Poverty Eradication through Strategic Investments at National and Regional Levels towards Social Development, Labour and Employment in Africa”. This theme is opportune in light of the necessity for strategic investments and strengthening of key institutions as catalytic means of policy planning, implementation and accountability of the AU Agenda 2063 and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

In order to give these key areas visibility and build a coherent approach to social development, they were integrated into the ‘Social Agenda of the Agenda 2063’ which was formulated with UNDP support for submission to the 3rd session of the STC on Social Development, Labour and Employment in April 2019. In addition, in order to give a legal basis, a draft Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights on the Rights of Citizens to Social Protection and Social Security was formulated and will be submitted to the STC3 for consideration. Further, in an effort to address disability rights in Africa, a Draft Report on the Implementation of the of the Continental Plan of Action on the African Decade of Persons with Disabilities (2010 – 2019) and the the Draft Replacement Policy Document of the Continental Plan of Action on the African Decade of Persons with Disabilities (2010 – 2019) will be submitted for consideration and endorsement.


The overall objective of the STC-SDLE3 is to consider investment strategies for poverty reduction policies at national and regional levels towards social development through empowering the vulnerable and marginalized groups to improve their access to livelihood opportunities


The Third Specialized Technical Committee Meeting on Social Development, Labour and Employment (STC –SDLE-3) will bring together Ministers in charge of Social Development, Labour and Employment, Government Experts responsible for the concerned sectors, the social partners, Regional Economic Communities, and organizations with status of observer such as the Pan African Productivity Association. Pan-African, OECD and International Organizations, including UN agencies, working in the areas of concern will also be invited.

Journalists are invited to cover the event.

The draft programme and registration link are also attached:

Regisration link: https://au.int/en/webforms/registration-form-3-specialised-technical-com...

For media enquires contact:

Mr.Stephen Kwaku Darko| Information and Communications Officer, Directorate of Information and Communication, African Union Commission | Tel: +251(0) 953406832 | E-mail: DarkoS@africa-union.org

For further information contact

Directorate of Information and Communication | African Union Commission I E-mail: dic@africa-union.org I Web Site: www.au.int I Addis Ababa | Ethiopia

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