Une Afrique Unie et Forte

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Infrastructure et énergie


H.E. Amani Abou-Zeid

S.E. Amani Abou-Zeid, Egyptien, a été élu nouveau Commissaire à l'infrastructure et à l'énergie de la Commission de l'Union africaine. S.E.M. Abou-Zeid était un expert en chef du développement international qui a servi l'Afrique à divers postes de direction pendant plus de 30 ans, principalement dans des organisations internationales : BAD, PNUD et USAID.


Le principal objectif des stratégies et initiatives de développement énergétique en Afrique est d

En ce qui concerne les TIC ou la société de l'information en général, l'objectif principal du Dép

L'objectif principal du Département dans les secteurs des transports et du tourisme est de constr


juin 28, 2024

June 24, 2024 - London: The COP29 Presidency convened its second high-

juin 27, 2024

The panel discussions are central to the London Climate Action Week 2024 which is gathering more than 1,000 business leaders, policymakers, investors, and civil society representatives. Organised by Climate Action in partnership with the City of London Corporation, the discussions emphasised converting commitments into concrete actions halfway between COPs.

juin 17, 2024

African ICT and Communications Ministers unanimously endorsed landmark Continental Artificial Intelligence (AI) Strat

mai 30, 2024

Amidst the escalating challenges posed by online abuse and exploitation, leaders from diverse back

mai 29, 2024

The 9th Annual Global Conference on Energy Efficiency, held on 22 May 2024, has gathered key leaders and s

mai 22, 2024

Confindustria, the leading Italian business federation, spearheaded the organisation of the 2024 B7 Summit in Rome, Italy. The Summit, involving the Business Federations of the G7 countries, served as a platform to formulate policy recommendations on global pressing issues concerning the energy transition and climate policy, which will be addressed to the G7 Presidency.

juin 11, 2024 to juin 13, 2024

The Second  Extra-ordinary Session of the Specialised Technical Committee on

avril 19, 2024 to avril 24, 2024

The unprecedented speed and reach of Artificial Intelligence have sparked international debates and caused both excitement and alarm, and raising important questions about the impact of this revolutionary technology on economies and societies.

avril 03, 2024

The African Minerals Development Centre is launching the Pan African Resource Reporting Code as a tool to streamline resource estimation and classification throughout Africa.

février 16, 2024

Press briefing on: Building Smart, Resilient and Transformative Infrastructure for Inclusive Sustainable Development and Climate Action.

février 07, 2024

What: Experts and leaders will gather for the Industry Intel Session at Mining Indaba 2024 focused o


juin 18, 2021

The electricity sector in Africa still faces huge challenges that include low capacity factors and reserve margins, high transmission and

juin 18, 2021

The significance of an integrated energy market has been highlighted by the World Energy Council (2005), which indicated that the traditi

septembre 19, 2020

The African Union Commission (AUC) envisions “an integrated continent that is politically united based on the ideals of Pan Africanism an

juin 24, 2020

Highlights of the cooperation with the GIZ-project “Support to the African Union on Migration and Displacement”

juin 24, 2020

Violent extremism is a global issue.