Une Afrique Unie et Forte

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  • Event
    The African Union and the Permanent Court of Arbitration sign a Cooperation Agreement
    août 02, 2015

    The African Union and the Permanent Court of Arbitration sign a Cooperation Agreement
    July 2015: the African Union (the “AU”) and the Permanent Court of Arbitration (the “PCA”), signed a cooperation agreement that will establish a framework for the AU and the PCA to join forces in the promotion of international arbitration and in raising awareness about developments in the field.
    Under the Cooperation Agreement, the PCA will, inter alia, partner with the AU to assist African Member States in developing their arbitral infrastructure and engage the regional arbitration community by participating in educational outreach and training programs throughout the continent.
    Professor Vincent Nmehielle, Legal Counsel and Director for Legal Affairs of the AU and Mr. Hugo H. Siblesz, Secretary-General of the PCA, signed the Cooperation Agreement on behalf of their institutions.
    Under the terms of the Cooperation Agreement, the overall objective of the partnership shall be to strengthen the institutional ties between the AU and PCA, as well as other stake holders in the field of arbitration.
    About the African Union
    Launched in 2002 as a successor of the Organisation of African Unity (the “OAU”), the AU spearheads Africa’s development and integration in close collaboration with its 54 Member States, the Regional Economic Communities and African citizens towards achieving “an integrated, prosperous and peaceful Africa, driven by its own citizens and representing a dynamic force in global arena”. The AU headquarters is based in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
    About the Permanent Court of Arbitration

    Established in 1899 to facilitate arbitration and other forms of dispute resolution between states, the PCA provides assistance in dispute resolution involving various combinations of states, state entities, intergovernmental organizations and private parties. Currently the PCA has 117 Member States from all continents. The PCA’s headquarters is at the Peace Palace in The Hague, the Netherlands. The PCA also has a permanent office in Ebène, Mauritius.
    For more information on the AU, visit http://au.int/
    For more information on the PCA, visit http://www.pca-cpa.org/

  • Event
    The Role of Arbitration Institutions in the Development of Arbitration in Africa
    juillet 23, 2015

    Time: 0900 – 1800
    Venue: African Union Commission, Addis Ababa
    Pre-conference reception
    Wed 22 July 2015, 1800-2000 at Hilton Hotel, Addis Ababa
    Post-conference dinner
    Thursday 23 July 2015, 1930 at Hilton Hotel Addis Ababa

    This conference will be an intensive dialogue between arbitration institutions in Africa and users on the administration of arbitration in the continent. It will identify any gaps, explore users’ perception of their services of these institutions towards making Africa a more attractive venue for arbitration. This dialogue will also benefit from the experience of arbitration practitioners and institutions from other comparative regions of the world.
    The conference is organised by SOAS, University of London and African Union Commission.

    Please contact Christine Djumpah by email cd15@soas.ac.uk or phone +44 (0)20 7898 4402

  • Event
    Office of the Legal Counsel coordinate joint African Union Commission – Loyola University Chicago training workshop on...
    juillet 13, 2015

    Press Release Nº 156/2015

    Office of the Legal Counsel coordinate joint African Union Commission – Loyola University Chicago training workshop on intellectual property rights in Africa.

    Addis Ababa, 10 July 2015 - Professor Vincent O. Nmehielle, The Legal Counsel of the African Union Commission received Professors Giulio C. Zanetti and Laurent Manderieux at the African Union Headquarters, Addis Ababa on Monday, 6th July, 2015 for a week long training workshop titled ‘Intellectual Property in Practice: a Focus on Africa.’

    The workshop was designed pursuant to the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the African Union Commission and Loyola University Chicago towards capacity building within the African Union (AU), its organs, Member States and the Regional Economic Communities (RECs).

    The training workshop on Intellectual Property (IP) was specially designed to provide its participants with, among others, a hands-on approach to the various IP rights that are relevant for African countries, including trademarks; patents and access to lifesaving drugs; copyrights; industrial designs; traditional knowledge and cultural heritage

    The training workshop was conducted under the following schedule:

    On day one of the workshop, Professor Nmehielle welcomed the experts from Loyola University Chicago and gave participants a broad overview of what they are to expect from the programme. Prof. Giulio C. Zanetti commenced with an introduction to intellectual property (IP) including the types of IP rights, with specific focus on trademarks.

    Day two continued with the module on trademarks with a focus on geographical indications and well-known marks, as well as the various protection routes.

    On day three, both Prof. Zanetti and Prof. Manderieux jointly delivered the module on patents and access to pharmaceutical products, with specific discussions on how African countries can gain access to lifesaving drugs registered as patents, using compulsory licensing.

    On day four, the workshop focused on industrial design as an IP right – its characteristics, applicability and the various ways that Africans can protect their creativity and design. The other half of the day focused on traditional knowledge as an IP right and the importance of protecting African traditional knowledge from exploitation by multinational corporations in developed countries.

    Day five marked the final day of the training workshop and commenced with a broad overview of copyright delivered by Prof. Manderieux, including the notion, functions, exceptions and limitations of copyright and the modes of protection of African literal, artistic and musical works.

    At the end of the workshop, participants were asked to complete a self-assessment questionnaire on the knowledge acquired from the training as well as an evaluation of the training instructors.

    Generally, participants were able to:

    1. Describe the strategic and commercial importance of intellectual property (IP) in today’s economy and in particular, its impact on African countries;

    2. Identify the various fields of IP and when they are applicable;

    3. List the main characteristics of IP and the exclusive rights conferred by each type of IP and apply the main principles of the provisions concerned;

    4. Indicate the main routes through which protection of IP rights may be obtained and the main registration systems;

    5. Link their IP knowledge with the existing policies of the African Union.

    At the closing ceremony on Friday, 10 July 2015, the Legal Counsel thanked Loyola University Chicago for organizing the workshop and commented on the growing relationship between the AUC and the University. He also gave a special acknowledgement to the consulting experts for a job well-done in delivering the training and congratulated the participants for successful completion. He once again highlighted the importance of IPR for the growing Africa continent, most especially in the areas of trade and industry, social affairs and pharmaceutical.

    Finally, the Participants were presented with a certificate for successful completion of training workshop.

    Directorate of Information and Communication
    Directorate of Information and Communication | Information and Communication | African Union Commission

    Tel: +251-11-5517700 | Fax: | E-mail: DIC@africa-union.org | Web:www.au.int

    Addis Ababa | Ethiopia

  • Event
    The Role of Arbitration Institutions in the Development of Arbitration in Africa
    mai 12, 2015

    Title: The Role of Arbitration Institutions in the Development of Arbitration in Africa
    Date: Thursday 23 July 2015
    Time: 0900 – 1800
    Venue: African Union Commission, Addis Ababa
    Pre-conference reception
    Wed 22 July 2015, 1800-2000 at Hilton Hotel, Addis Ababa
    Post-conference dinner
    Thursday 23 July 2015, 1930 at Hilton Hotel Addis Ababa

    This conference is will be an intensive dialogue between arbitration institutions in Africa and users on the administration of arbitration in the continent. It will identify any gaps, explore users’ perception of their services of these institutions towards making Africa a more attractive venue for arbitration. This dialogue will also benefit from the experience of arbitration practitioners and institutions from other comparative regions of the world.
    The conference is organised by SOAS, University of London and African Union Commission.


    For Registration: http://store.soas.ac.uk/browse/extra_info.asp?compid=1&modid=1&deptid=19...
    Please contact Christine Djumpah by email cd15@soas.ac.uk or phone +44 (0)20 7898 4402

  • Event
    Call for nomination for membership to the African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (ACERWC)
    avril 16, 2015 to mai 05, 2015

    The deadline has been extended to 5 May 2015

  • Event
    Call for nomination for membership to the African Union Commission on Human and People's Rights (ACHPR)
    avril 06, 2015 to mai 05, 2015

    The deadline has been extended to 5 May 2015

  • Event
    The African Union and the Conference of Constitutional Jurisdictions of Africa sign milestone Memorandum of Understanding to establish partnership
    The African Union and the Conference of Constitutional Jurisdictions of Africa sign milestone Memorandum of...
    avril 02, 2015

    Addis Ababa – 2 April 2015: the African Union and the Conference of Constitutional Jurisdictions of Africa (CCJA) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that will establish a partnership with the aim of increasing the effectiveness of both parties in their efforts to promote democracy, good governance, human and peoples’ rights, constitutionalism, fair and free elections and rule of law in Africa.
    Under the MOU the Commission and CCJA shall cooperate closely and undertake joint actions and activities to implement the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights, the 2002 African Union Declaration on the Principles Governing Democratic Elections in Africa, the African Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance and other relevant instruments.

    Professor Vincent Nmehielle, the AU Legal Counsel and Professor Theodore Holo, President of the Constitutional Court of Benin and President of CCJA, signed the MOU on 2 April 2015 at the AU Headquarters in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, in the presence of Mr. Naïm Akibou Ambassador/Permanent Representative of Benin to the African Union, a Representative of the Permanent Mission of Algeria to the AU, Mr. Calixte Mbari representing the Department of Political Affairs and other Officials of the Commission.

    Under the terms of the MOU, the overall objective of the Partnership shall be to strengthen the institutional ties between the Commission, through the Office of the Legal Counsel and the Department of Political Affairs as well as other relevant Departments of the Commission, and CCJA in the field of democracy, good governance, human and peoples’ rights, constitutionalism, fair and free elections and rule of law.

    The objectives of the Partnership shall be achieved through:

    Ø Granting CCJA an observer’s status to the AU, as an organization made up of institutions of Member States of the AU;

    Ø Regular consultations between the Commission and CCJA on policies and procedures;

    Ø Joint training programmes and workshops;

    Ø Development and implementation of joint projects in the areas covered by this MoU.

  • Event
    African Union Evaluates Preparations Ahead of the Commencement of the Hissene Habre Trial
    African Union Evaluates Preparations Ahead of the Commencement of the Hissene Habre Trial
    mars 12, 2015


    Dakar, 12 March 2015 – Prof. Vincent O. Nmehielle, Legal Counsel of the African Union Legal Counsel and Chairperson of the Steering Committee for the Funding of the Hissene Habre Trial says all necessary measures must be taken to ensure that the trial of Mr. Hissene Habre, former president of Tchad from 1982 until 1990, was carried out in line with fair trial standards. The Legal Counsel was speaking in Dakar, Republic of Senegal, on 11 March 2015 while chairing the 7th ordinary session of the Steering Committee responsible for the funding of the trial of Mr. Hissene Habre, on behalf of the Chairperson of the African Union Commission, Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma.

    The purpose of the meeting was to consider preparations for the commencement of the Habre trial particularly since the investigation stage and the confirmation of charges were completed in February 2015; the financial and activity report of the African Extraordinary Chambers (AEC) for the period of July to December 2014; the Draft Communication Strategy of AEC; and the third quarter outreach report.

    The Minister of Justice and Human Rights of Chad, Mr Mahamat Issa Halikimi, who was attending the Steering Committee meeting reiterated the commitment of the Government of Chad to fully cooperate and to ensure that the trial was properly done in a fair and transparent manner especially since the trial was a historical moment for Africa. “This will be the first time that an African former Head of State will be tried in the continent by an African Judicial Mechanism” he underlined. The Minister expressed appreciation for the work done so far by the African Extraordinary Chambers, the Government of Senegal and the African Union and the Partners to ensure that the Decision of the AU Heads of State and Government with respect to the trial of Mr. Hissene Habre was fully implemented.

    The AU Legal Counsel informed the members of the Steering Committee of that the AU delegation and the administrative officials of the Chambers would on 12 March 2015 carry out a visit to the detention center where Mr. Hissene Habre was being held to ensure that appropriate detention standards were complied with as observed by the AU delegation and other members of the Steering Committee in such previous visits since the detention of Habre on 2 July 2013. Mr Habre was indicted by the African Extraordinary Chambers for war crimes, torture and crimes against humanity.

    It is worth recalling that the African Extraordinary Chambers is a Special mechanism set up by the African Union and the Government of the Republic of Senegal to try the most responsible perpetrators of the international crimes committed in Chad during the reign of president Habre from 1982 to 1990.

    For more information, please contact the Office of Legal Counsel of the AU at the following address: E-mail: CamaraF@africa-union.org.

    Interview requests should be addressed to Ms. Esther Azaa Tankou, Head of Information Division, Directorate of Information and Communication of the African Union, Tel: +251 911361185 E-mail: yamboue@africa-union.org / esthertankou@yahoo.com


    For further information contact
    Directorate of Information and Communication | African Union Commission I E-mail: dinfo@african-union.org I Web Site: www.au.int I Addis Ababa | Ethiopia

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  • Event
    Second Ordinary Session of the African Union Commission on International Law, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 8-17 December 2010
    décembre 08, 2014

    The theme for the Second Edition of the AUCIL forum was: “Law of Regional Integration in Africa”.

  • Event
    Second Ordinary Session of the African Union Commission on International Law, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 8-17 December 2010
    décembre 08, 2014

    The theme for the Second Edition of the AUCIL forum was: “Law of Regional Integration in Africa”.

  • Event
    African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights to Hear Application 005/2013 Alex Thomas V United Republic of Tanzania 3-4...
    décembre 02, 2014



    African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights: Arusha, Tanzania 1st December, 2014: The African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights (AfCHPR) will hear an application 005/2013 in the matter of Alex Thomas v United Republic of Tanzania at the African Union Headquarters in Addis Ababa, Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.
    The hearing will be held at the Nelson Mandela Hall, African Union Headquarters, Addis Ababa. The hearings will be live streamed via http://www.livestream.com/afchpr.
    The hearing begins at 10:00 am prompt. Journalists interested to cover the events are kindly requested to confirm their participation to Mr S.Chhatbar, Senior Information and Communication Officer schatbar@african-court.org and skchhatbar@yahoo.com, no later than 2nd December, 2014 noon.
    1. As at October 2014, the Court had received 33 applications on contentious matters and 8 requests for advisory opinion. The Court has disposed of 24 contentious matters and has 9 pending, while it has disposed of 4 requests for advisory and 4 are pending.
    2. The Court is composed of 11 judges, nationals of Member States of the African Union elected in their individual capacity. The Court meets 4 times a year in Ordinary Sessions.
    Further information on the Court can be obtained from the Court’s website at www.african-court.org.

  • Event
    Third Forum on International Law and African Union Law
    décembre 01, 2014 to décembre 02, 2014

    The theme for the Third Edition of the AUCIL forum was: “Codification of International Law at the Regional Level in Africa”.