Une Afrique Unie et Forte

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Documents récents

  • Status of Women’s Rights in Refugee and Internal Displacement Settings in Africa
    juin 18, 2021

    As the AU declared 2019 the “Year of Refugees, Returnees and Internally Displaced Persons: Towards Durable Solutions to Forced Displacement in Africa,” it become even more pertinent to capitalize on the momentum behind this issue to ensure that future interventions capture the lived experiences of women and girls.

  • Migration and Mobility Newsletter, March 2021 Edition
    mai 04, 2021
  • I Belong To Me (Children's book)
    avril 02, 2021

    “I Belong To Me” is a celebration of the African History and Heritage on Girls’ and Women’s Human Rights and the path towards the elimination of Harmful Practices, Female Genital Mutilation and Child Marriage.

  • Through the Pandemic and Beyond -  Respond To Covid-19 In Africa
    Through the Pandemic and Beyond - Respond To Covid-19 In Africa
    avril 02, 2021

    This report details how African Union and Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) has collaborated with the UNDP to help curb the spread of COVID-19, support African home- grown solutions and make way for socioeconomic recovery that

  • Concept Note on 2021 as the Year of Arts, Curlture and Heritage in Africa
    mars 22, 2021

    Theme: ‘Arts, Culture and Heritage: Levers for Building the Africa We Want’

  • Rapport électoral de la MOEUA: République du Niger
    mars 21, 2021

    Rapport de la Mission d’Observation Electorale de l’Union africaine pour les élections générales 2020-2021 en République du Niger

  • AUEOM Election Report: Republic of Ghana
    mars 21, 2021

    Report of the African Union Election Observation Mission to the 7th December 2020 Presidential and Parliamentary Elections in the Republic of Ghana

  • Mapping Study on the Role and Faces of African Diaspora Humanitarianism during COVID-19
    Étude cartographique sur le rôle et les aspects de l’humanitarisme de la dia
    mars 20, 2021

    L’étude cartographique sur le rôle et les aspects de l’humanitarisme de la diaspora africaine pendant la pandémie COVID-19 a cherché à déterminer la manière dont les différents groupes de la diaspora africaine s’engagent avec leurs pays d’origine, par le biais d’initiatives transnationales qui soutiennent les familles et les communautés en réponse à la pandémie COVID-19.

  • Health, Nutritionand Population- Newsletter Outline December 2020 - February 202
    mars 16, 2021
  • AUEOM Election Report: République de Cote d'Ivoire
    mars 06, 2021

    Rapport de la Mission dObservation Electorale de lUnion africaine pour des Elections Legslatives du 06 mars 2021 en République de Cote d'Ivoire

  • African Union Biennial Report on Home-Grown School Feeding
    mars 01, 2021

    This 2019-2020 Biennial Report builds on data and inputs collected by the African Union and its partners gathered in the HGSF Cluster, including WFP, UNICEF and FAO. This report also builds on the school feeding database developed by WFP for its flagship State of School Feeding Worldwide 2020 report, which contains up-to-date and official data on school feeding programmes at the country level.

  • Égalité des Sexes et Autonomisation des Femmes (ESAF) UA, CEA et ONU Femmes
    février 18, 2021

    • Plaidoyer et Partenariats en lien avec la COVID-19
    • Initiatives Intergénérationnelles
    • 5e Comité Technique Spécialisé sur l’ESAF – Réunions Ministérielles et d’Experts
    • Evénements Commémoratifs

  • AU ECHO 2021
    février 16, 2021

    "Leviers pour construire l'Afrique que nous voulons"

  • Rapport de fin de mandat de la Commission de l'Union africaine 2017-2021
    février 03, 2021

    Faire le point, dessiner l'avenir.

  • Draft Agenda of the 38th Ordinary Session of the Executive Council
    février 03, 2021
  • Consolidated Financial Statements of the AU for the Year Ended 31 December 2019
    février 01, 2021
  • Vision of H.E. Moussa Faki Mahamat for the term of office 2021-2024
    Vision de S.E. Moussa Faki Mahamat pour le mandat 2021-2024
    janvier 24, 2021

    Le mandat qui m’a été confié le 17 Janvier 2017 arrive, à grands pas, à terme. J’en ferais un bilan exhaustif à l’Assemblée lors du prochain sommet de notre Union prévu les 6 et 7 février 2021.

  • Impact of the COVID-19 Outbreak on Governance, Peace and Security in the Sahel
    janvier 22, 2021

    In this G5 Sahel edition, the assessment shows that the crisis has had a moderate impact on governance, peace and security in the G5 Sahel to date—countries include Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Mauritania and Niger. The effect of COVID-19 on the state of governance has varied across the G5 Sahel nations.

  • "Your Voice, Your Future" Report
    "Your Voice, Your Future" Report
    janvier 22, 2021

    Turning Challenges into Solutions

  • Policy paper - GBV in Africa during COVID-19 pandemic
    Policy paper - GBV in Africa during COVID-19 pandemic
    janvier 22, 2021

    Since the outbreak of the Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19), emerging data and reports from those on the front lines have shown that all types of violence against women and girls (VAWG) have intensified in countries affected by the pandemic. Before the pandemic, it was estimated that one in three women will experi- ence violence during their lifetimes.

  • Africa Development Dynamics Report 2021
    Dynamiques du dévelopement en Afrique: Rapport 2021
    janvier 19, 2021

    Transformation digitale et qualité de l'emploi

  • Africa Education Innovations Handbook 2020
    janvier 12, 2021

    Innovations in Harnessing the Capacity of ICT to Ensure Inclusion, Quality and Impact in Education and Training in Africa.

  • Calendrier électoral 2018
    janvier 01, 2021









    16 February





    24 February



    Guinea Bissau

  • Protecting Migrant Workers in the Informal Economy- Inclusion of MW in COVID-19 Responses
    Protecting Migrant Workers in the Informal Economy- Inclusion of MW in COVID-19
    décembre 23, 2020