Une Afrique Unie et Forte

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  • Africa Young Women Beijing+25 Manifesto
    Africa Young Women Beijing+25 Manifesto
    novembre 27, 2020

    The year 2020 marks the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Fourth World Conference on Women and adoption of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (1995). Before that, the 1st United Nations (UN) World Conference on Women was held in Mexico in 1975, during the UN International Women’s Year. This Conference was the first of its nature to focus solely on women’s issues and marked a turning point in policy development.

  • Facts & Figures of Africa Youth Agency, Challenges & Recovery Roadmap on COVID19
    novembre 27, 2020
  • Update on the ongoing Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Global Epidemic, Brief #45
    novembre 24, 2020

    Outbreak Update: Since the last brief (17 November 2020), 4,123,778 new confirmed coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases and 68,185 new deaths have been reported globally. To date, a total of 58,436,142 COVID-19 cases and 1,385,469 related deaths (case fatality rate (CFR): 2.4%) have been reported from 221 countries and territories. This week, no new country or territory reported its first case.

  • Rapport électoral de la MOEUA: République de Côte d'Ivoire
    novembre 21, 2020

    Rapport de la Mission d'Observation Electorale de l'Union africaine pour l'élection présidentielle du 31 octobre 2020 en République de Cote d'Ivoire

  • Rapport électoral de la MOEUA: République de Guinée
    novembre 21, 2020

    Rapport de la Mission d’Observation Electorale de l’Union africaine pour l’élection présidentielle du 18 octobre 2020 en République de Guinée

  • AUEOM Election Report: United Republic of Tanzania
    novembre 21, 2020

    Report of the African Union Election Observation Mission to the 28 October 2020 General Elections to the United Republic of Tanzania

  • African Trade Statistics 2020 Yearbook
    African Trade Statistics 2020 Yearbook
    novembre 18, 2020

    The African Trade Statistics Yearbook was prepared by African Union Institute for Statistics (STATAFRIC) of African Union Commission (AUC) using data provided AU Member States’ National Statistical Offices, Customs Authorities or their institutions responsible for the production and dissemination of trade statistics.

  • COVID-19 Scientific and Public Health Policy Update – 17 November 2020
    COVID-19 Scientific and Public Health Policy Update – 17 November 2020
    novembre 17, 2020

    In addition to our Weekly Outbreak Brief on the spread of COVID-19 and the actions that Africa CDC is taking to help African Union Member States. Africa CDC shares a weekly brief detailing the latest developments in scientific knowledge and public health policy from around the world, as well as updates to the latest guidance from WHO and other public health agencies.

  • Update on the ongoing Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Global Epidemic, Brief #44
    Update on the ongoing Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Global Epidemic, Brief #44
    novembre 17, 2020

    Outbreak Update: Since the last brief (10 November 2020), 4,036,590 new confirmed coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases and 62,479 new deaths have been reported globally. To date, a total of 54,312,364 COVID-19 cases and 1,317,284 related deaths (case fatality rate (CFR): 2.4%) have been reported from 221 countries and territories. This week, one new territory (Vanuatu) reported its first case.

  • Youth Silencing the Guns Intergenerational Dialogues: Policy Report 2020
    novembre 13, 2020

    Youth Silencing the Guns Intergenerational Dialogues: Policy Report 2020

  • White Paper on the COVID-19 Crisis and the Seed Sector in Africa
    novembre 11, 2020

    Since March 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic has spread across African countries at an alarming rate, threatening lives and livelihoods. The pandemic has adversely affected people’s health and disrupted the economy across Africa. The Governments are combating the pandemic with mobility restrictions, social or physical distancing measures, prohibition of public gatherings and the closure of non-essential businesses.

  • Lettre d’information: Égalité des Sexes et Autonomisation des Femmes (ESAF): UA,
    novembre 11, 2020

    • Au sein du 33eme Sommet de l’Union Africaine
    • Autres événements de haut niveau
    • À l’occasion de la JIF(Journée International des Femmes) 2020
    • Commission de la condition de la femme (CCF) des Nations Unies
    • ESAF(Egalite des Sexes et Auton- omisation des Femmes) Régio- nale et réponse au COVID-19
    • Nouvelles d’ailleurs

  • Update on the ongoing Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Global Epidemic, Brief #43
    novembre 10, 2020

    Outbreak Update: Since the last brief (3 November 2020), 3,863,674 new confirmed coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases and 61,628 new deaths have been reported globally. To date, a total of 50,275,774 COVID-19 cases and 1,254,805 related deaths (case fatality rate (CFR): 2.5%) have been reported from 219 countries and territories.

  • African Decade for Technical, Professional, Entrepreneurial Training and Youth
    African Decade for Technical, Professional, Entrepreneurial Training and Youth
    novembre 07, 2020

    Africa is geared up to overcome its development challenges. The continent’s teeming youth population, which is estimated to rise to 540 million in Year 2030, offers high potential of rapid economic growth and wealth generation if the youths are skilled and engaged in productive work. A skilled labour force attracts foreign investments.

  • Partnership for Evidence based Response to COVID-19 (PERC) Biweekly Report
    novembre 03, 2020

    International media and organizations continue to spotlight Africa as an example of a successful COVID-19 response, particularly as Europe and North America enter large second and third waves.

  • Update on the ongoing Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Global Epidemic, Brief #42
    novembre 03, 2020

    Outbreak Update: Since the last brief (27 October 2020), 3,434,225 new confirmed coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases and 40,289 new deaths have been reported globally. To date, a total of 46,412,100 COVID-19 cases and 1,193,177 related deaths (case fatality rate (CFR): 2.6%) have been reported from 219 countries and territories.

  • COVID-19 Scientific and Public Health Policy Update – 03 November 2020
    novembre 03, 2020

    In addition to our Weekly Outbreak Brief on the spread of COVID-19 and the actions that Africa CDC is taking to help African Union Member States, Africa CDC shares a weekly brief detailing the latest developments in scientific knowledge and public health policy from around the world, as well as updates to the latest guidance from WHO and other public health agencies.

  • Compendium of Good Practices on Drug Use Prevention Treatment and Harm Reduction
    octobre 30, 2020

    The African Union Commission is proud to present this seminal work show casing good practices in addressing drug use challenges in Africa. All the articles in this compendium were compiled and submitted by AU Member States Drug Demand Reduction National Focal points.

  • Update on the ongoing Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Global Epidemic, Brief #41
    octobre 28, 2020

    Outbreak Update: Since the last brief (20 October 2020), 3,025,116 new confirmed coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases and 40,780 new deaths have been reported globally. To date, a total of 42,977,875 COVID-19 cases and 1,152,8883 related deaths (case fatality rate (CFR): 2.7%) have been reported from 219 countries and territories. This week, no new country or territory reported its first case.

  • COVID-19 Scientific and Public Health Policy Update  – 20 October 2020
    COVID-19 Scientific and Public Health Policy Update – 20 October 2020
    octobre 20, 2020

    In addition to our Weekly Outbreak Brief on the spread of COVID-19 and the actions that Africa CDC is taking to help African Union Member States. Africa CDC shares a weekly brief detailing the latest developments in scientific knowledge and public health policy from around the world, as well as updates to the latest guidance from WHO and other public health agencies.

  • Utiliser Les Données Pour Trouver Un Équilibre (Deuxième Partie)
    Utiliser Les Données Pour Trouver Un Équilibre (Deuxième Partie)
    octobre 20, 2020

    Alors que la pandémie de COVID-19 fait rage depuis six mois, les gouvernements ont dû prendre des décisions difficiles, en cherchant tout d’abord à protéger la santé de leurs populations tout en préservant leurs conditions de vie et en réduisant le fardeau social engendré par l’arrêt presque

  • Update on the ongoing Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Global Epidemic, Brief #40
    Bulletin d'information N° 40 : sur la pandémie de la maladie à Coronavirus
    octobre 20, 2020

    Mise à jour sur l’épidémie : Depuis la dernière mise à jour (13 Octobre 2020), 2 524 173 nouveaux cas confirmés de maladie à coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) et 36 810 nouveaux décès ont été signalés dans le monde. À ce jour, un total de 39 952 759 cas de COVID-19 et 1 112 108 décès liés à cette maladie (taux de létalité de 2,8%) ont été signalés dans 219 pays et territoires

  • Africa Migration Report
    Africa Migration Report
    octobre 15, 2020

    The Africa Migration Report takes a distinctly regional approach to inform knowledge on migration in Africa. This first edition, titled Challenging the Narrative, aims to deconstruct negative perceptions of migration in Africa by addressing contextual realities and bringing to light practical interventions and evidence-based knowledge on what is happening on the ground.

    Table of contents:

  • Update on the ongoing Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Global Epidemic, Brief #39
    octobre 13, 2020

    Outbreak Update: Since the last brief (6 October 2020), 2,315,658 new confirmed coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases and 39,532 new deaths have been reported globally. To date, a total of 37,428,586 COVID-19 cases and 1,075,298 related deaths (case fatality rate (CFR): 2.9%) have been reported from 217 countries and territories.