Documents récents
World Development Report 2011 Security, Conflict and Development
This report comprehensively explores the changing nature of violence in the 21st century. The report draws on comparative analysis to explore how countries might successfully manage to transition away from repetitive violence. There is much that will be of interest to DDR Practitioners.
Improving Security in Violent Conflict Settings: Security & Justice Thematic Pap
This comprehensive but succinct report explores issues related to violence and conflict in complex settings , highlighting clearly the blurred lines across which many development and stabilisation programmes have to operate. It contains an in depth analysis of DDR objectives and considers why 'traditional' DDR responses are inadequate / insufficient to deal with many of the situations in which they are often called for.
Challenges of Security Sector Governance in francophone West Africa
Provides a useful background and analytical framework that can support the implementation of the ECPF, which has security as one of its key components For further related documents, please follow the link below -
The Role of Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Programs in Post-Confl
This paper elaborates on the Africa Development Bank’s experience in operations in post conflict environments where DDR is being carried out and linkages to overall planning frameworks and SSR in particular, Case studies drawn from South Sudan, Liberia and DRC. National ownership issues specifically explored.
Reintegrating ex-combatants in the Great Lakes region - Lessons learned
This wide ranging report is built around an in depth and complex analysis of three DDR processes in: the Central African Republic (CAR), the Republic of Congo and Liberia. It explores issues related to all three main aspects of DDR and, in particular, has a useful analysis on issues related to weapons collection and the provision of reintegration support.
Muilt- Country Demobilisation and Reintegration Program: End of Program Evaluati
End of project review for this ;athe multi-country DDR programme
DDRed in Liberia: Youth Remarginalisation or Reintegration?
This report questions mainstream approaches to the reintegration of youthful ex-combatants. Most ex-combatants are currently unemployed
or underemployed as the programmes initiated first and foremost prepared them for jobs -
Post-Conflict Reconstruction in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). Poli
Report of a Policy Advisory Group meeting that discussed strategic mechanisms for enhancing the effectiveness of the Congolese government, SADC, civil society, the United Nations (UN), and the international communities role in building peace and security in DRC. Chapter 5 specifically explores the relationship between DDR and SSR policies and programmes.
Fresh Insights on Disarmament,Demobilization and Reintegration: A Survey for Pra
Useful examination of available evidence for the impact of DDR in terms of its effect on wider post conflict stabilisation efforts. Specific themes covered include DDR and Post war politics, issues related to the integration of Commanders and the utility of Commander Incentive Programmes and social and political reintegration. Most examples are drawn from Central Asia but findings are highly relevant in many African contexts.
Stabilisation Issues Note Disarmament Demobilisation Reintegration (DDR)
Basic definitions and background - but provides useful checklist/guidance on issues to consider when determining whether DDR or other responses are appropriate in specific types of situation
Second Generation Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) Practices
This document explores key aspects of planning and implementation of DDR in increasingly complex environments identifying key challenges and potential policy and programming options. Thematic areas covered include the role of community based programmes, commander incentive programmes, at risk youth programmes and alternative approaches to weapons collection and management.
Connecting Community Security and DDR: Experiences from Eastern DRC
This report is based on 11 weeks of field research in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) in 2009. Its aim is to connect community security and Disarmament Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) programs in a context-specific way. The collected perceptions are analyzed in the discussion aiming towards practical recommendations for DDR programmers, the international community, and local initiatives involved in DDR processes.
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