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Statement by H.E. Amb. Josefa Sacko Commissioner for Agriculture, Rural Development, Blue Economy and Sustainable Environment African Union Commission

Statement by H.E. Amb. Josefa Sacko Commissioner for Agriculture, Rural Development, Blue Economy and Sustainable Environment African Union Commission

November 29, 2021

Statement by H.E. Amb. Josefa Sacko Commissioner for Agriculture, Rural Development, Blue Economy and Sustainable Environment African Union Commission at 2021 Biennale of Luanda - Pan-African Forum for the Culture of Peace 29 - 30 November 2021 Hybrid Format Luanda, Angola


  • Excellencies
  • Esteemed Experts
  • Representatives of Regional Economic Communities (RECs), African Regional Institutions, Multilateral Development Banks, Development Partners, the Civil Society Group and the Media Personnel
  • Distinguished Delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen,


I have the honour and privilege to deliver this statement on behalf of the African Union Commission at the 2021 Edition of The Biennale of Luanda, a Pan-African Forum for the Culture of Peace, which is a joint initiative of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the African Union (AU) and the Government of Angola.

Distinguished Delegates, the theme of 2021 Edition on: “Arts, Culture and Heritage: Levers for Building the Africa We Want” is an excellent occasion to renew commitments and strengthen ownership at both the Regional Economic Communities (RECs) and national levels so as to inspire active participation of AU Member States. I wish to congratulate the Republic of Angola and UNESCO for convening this 2021 Edition despite the global pandemic. I also wish to commend all the Partners that have joined to facilitate the organization of this 2021 Edition. The large turnout at this unique event is therefore a living testimony to real Pan-Africanism and Renaissance.

Distinguished Delegates, as we all aware that this 2021 Edition will discuss in four Thematic Forums to inspire the implementation of emblematic programmes for Africa, bring together best practices and partners interested in peace and sustainable development in order to develop, on a larger scale, projects and initiatives that have proven to be successful on the African continent, at the local, national or sub-regional level. These Forums will stimulate the implementation of Flagship Initiatives for Africa and is expected to culminate with the Launch of the Alliance of Partners for the Culture of Peace in Africa.

Distinguished Delegates, as we deliberate at the Fourth Thematic Forum on ‘Harnessing the Potential of Oceans for Sustainable Development and Peace’ it is a distinctive Forum because Africa is endowed with vast expanse of oceans and seas. The Maritime zones under the jurisdiction of Africa is about 13 million square kilometers including territorial seas and approximately 6.5 million square kilometers of the continental shelf. In addition, 65% of the continent consists of a huge network of rivers, lakes, floodplains, waterways, wetlands and freshwater aquatic resources with massive potential for socio-economic development. The current COVID-19 global threat has also awakened the whole world to the paramount importance of this sector. Oceans present a huge opportunity for economic growth, creation of green and blue jobs leading to increased employment. Today’s Thematic Forum further associates with the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030) to support efforts to reverse the cycle of decline in ocean health and ensures ocean science can fully support countries in creating improved conditions for sustainable development of the Ocean.

Distinguished Delegates, the latest Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC6) released in August 2021, brings us dire warnings when it comes to water and indeed, the survival of our planet. It stressed that Climate Change is bringing multiple and different changes, which will increase with further warming with changes to snow and ice, coastal areas and oceans, rising sea levels, which will exacerbate saltwater intrusion and salinity.

Africa’s Small Island Developing States are particularly vulnerable as well as the 38 coastal states. Some Land-locked countries will also experience issues of drought and desertification. Some Lakes such as the Lake Chad is already shrinking and the ice on Mount Kilimanjaro is also melting. The impact of climate variability and climate change will no doubt have a severe impact on Blue Economy.

Similarly, the Statement of the High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy (Ocean Panel) at the just concluded 26th Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC COP 26), recognized that the health of the ocean, livelihoods and economies that depend on Blue Economy requires the world to urgently reduce greenhouse gas emissions in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement. This is because a sustainable ocean economy can play an essential role in closing the emissions gap, while providing jobs, reducing inequality, supporting food security, sustaining biological diversity, and enhancing resilience. It stressed a clarion call to urge all actors to join in accelerating progress on key ocean-based climate actions to support the achievement of the Paris Agreement and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Distinguished Delegates, There is therefore an urgent need for development of coherence Blue Economy Policies at the Regional and National levels along with coordination at multiple levels. In this regard, I therefore wish to assure you all that the AU Commission is fully committed to advancing Blue Economy through the implementation of the Africa Blue Economy Strategy (ABES) and other maritime related conventions.

I have no doubt that this Fourth Thematic Forum on Oceans will contribute immensely to the achievement of the Africa Water Vision 2025, 2030 Transformation Agenda on SDGs in realization of the aspirations of Africa Agenda 2063: ‘The Africa we want’. I wish to seize this medium to call upon more Development Partners to come on board as the task of Harnessing the Potential of Oceans for Sustainable Development and Peace is huge and Africa needs the support of all Friends and Partners to advance the concept of a Blue Economy.

Finally, I wish to assure you all of the unwavering allegiance of the African Union Commission to support our RECs and Member States in the Blue Economy sector.

I thank you all for your kind attention and I wish all of us a fruitful 2021 Edition of Biennale of Luanda as I look forward to a dynamic outcome of this conference.

Obrigada!!! Merci beaucoup!!! Asante sana!!! Shukran !!! Muchias Gracias !!!

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