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Speech of H.E. Mrs. Rhoda Tumusiime Commissioner for Rural Economy and Agriculture of the African Union (AU) at the Inaugural Conference on Land Policy in Africa, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Speech of H.E. Mrs. Rhoda Tumusiime Commissioner for Rural Economy and Agriculture of the African Union (AU) at the Inaugural Conference on Land Policy in Africa, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

November 11, 2014

11 NOVEMBER 2014

Your Excellency Terera Debrew the Minister of Agriculture of the Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Representatives of the International Organizations
Members of the Diplomatic Community
The Press Corps
Distinguished Delegates and Participants
Ladies and Gentlemen
It gives me honour and pleasure for me to address you during this opening session of the inaugural Conference on Land Policy in Africa. I add my voice in welcoming you all to Addis Ababa which also graciously hosts the Headquarters of the African Union Commission.
Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen
We have come a long way on the road to finding continent-wide solutions to the challenges of land tenure governance and tenure security which adversely affect efforts towards the socioeconomic development of the African continent. We are proud that Africa stands apart from the rest of the world as the only continent that has defined its own agenda for land policy governance and development. This great achievement came out of our collective work in the initial phase of the Land Policy Initiative, a tripartite consortium comprising the African Union Commission, the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa and the Africa Development Bank. The AU Assembly of Heads of State and Government adopted in 2009 the African Union Declaration on land issues and challenges in Africa, calling on African governments, RECs and stakeholders to prioritise land policy development and implementation, and apply the Framework and Guidelines on Land Policy in Africa (F&G) in their land policy processes. Since 2009, the African Continent has advanced steadily in its efforts to confront land related challenges at AU Member State, regional and continental levels. Through the Land Policy Initiative in close collaboration with Continental institutions such as the NEPAD Agency, the Pan-African Parliament, and the Pan African Farmers Organisation as well as Regional Economic Communities, Member States, civil society, stakeholders and partners, we are building consensus, raising awareness, generating evidence, developing capacities and improving coordination to enhance the implementation of the AU Declaration on Land, helping to address some of the most daunting challenges pertaining to land ownership, land tenure and land use. Among the many milestones in this regard is the Guiding Principles on Large Scale Land Based Investments which was endorsed by African Union Conference of Ministers responsible for Agriculture during their recent conference held right here in April this year.
Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen
The importance of land to agricultural development in Africa is underlined by the fact that about 60 percent of the population derives their livelihood and income from farming, livestock production, fisheries and aquaculture, agroforestry and other agricultural related activities. Good land governance in support of improved access to land and tenure security especially for women and other hitherto marginalised groups is critical in tackling some of the seemingly intractable challenges facing Africa: low agricultural development, hunger and poverty. I note here that Africa’s agriculture is yet to match the needs of its growing population. Hence the need for sustained efforts to address these challenges. These and other challenges facing agricultural development are well articulated in the Comprehensive Africa Agricultural Development Program (CAADP) for which a strong partnership has been developed with the AU agenda on land and Land Policy Initiative given that the first of the four pillars of CAADP is Sustainable Land and Water Management.
Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,
The theme for this inaugural conference on land policy “The next decade of land policy in Africa: ensuring agricultural development and inclusive growth” is selected in view of the importance of linking CAADP implementation with the AU agenda on land; and in celebration of the 2014 Year of Agriculture and Food Security also marking the 10th Anniversary of CAADP. Agriculture will remain a key driver of Africa’s economic transformation, with the prime responsibility of providing employment opportunities for a rapidly growing and predominantly youth population, sustainable livelihoods and poverty reduction. Over the last 10 years of CAADP implementation, the agricultural sector in many African countries has evolved rapidly in response to dynamic population growth, and as a result of policies and plans as well as institutional reforms, the private sector is steadily coming on board. The agricultural value chain championed by the private sector provides multiple entry points and pathways for advancing Africa’s transformation agenda toward sustainable development. However, much more needs to be done to enhance learning and sharing of practical solutions to tackle remaining challenges in the land and agriculture sectors.
The Conference on Land Policy in Africa is timely in this regard as it provides such an opportunity to address this gap through learning, exchange of knowledge, information and networking. It also provides a platform for tracking progress in the implementation of the AU Declaration on Land. The Commission supports and is pleased to work with its tripartite and other partners to ensure this Conference succeeds in availing accurate, objective and timely knowledge which is much needed by all stakeholders involved in agriculture and land policy development. We will also be glad to have you share your experiences and expectations.
Your input is critical in the strategy and roadmap being developed for the implementation of the Declaration on Accelerated African Agricultural Growth and Transformation adopted by the AU Assembly of Heads of State and Government in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea.

Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen
The AU Commission acknowledges and appreciates the partnerships developed across the continent among stakeholders, and with development partners in support of the implementation of the AU Declaration on land issues and challenges. These include partnerships with the Pan-African Parliament, Farmers Organizations, Civil Society Organizations, the NEPAD Agency, Regional Economic Communities and the Regional Center for Mapping Resources for Development (RCMRD). We are pleased with our partnership with: FAO, as we jointly apply the Framework and Guidelines (F&G) and the VGs (Voluntary Guidelines on the responsible Governance of the Tenure of Land Fisheries and Forests) in addition to the Partnership to End Hunger by 2025; UN-Habitat in our work on capacity development; and, indeed, many others who are working closely with us. We are also pleased with the support of the European Union-instrumental in building adequate capacity and programs to implement the AU Declaration on land; The Swiss Agency for Development Cooperation (SDC) for targeted support at country and regional levels; and the government of the Federal Republic of Germany for support to our universities and research institutions on land. I am sure this Conference will strengthen these partnerships and enable us to work more closely to move the African growth and development agenda forward.
Ladies and Gentlemen
As we inaugurate this important Conference, I am very pleased to be joined by our host, the Minister of agriculture of the Federal democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Ato Teferra Derebew who also chaired the Ministerial session that adopted the Framework and Guidelines on Land Policy in Africa in 2009. Together, we helped to provide the continent a unique tool to guide their land policy processes; today, we inaugurate a conference--a platform that will see Africa consolidate its lessons in sound land governance supported by evidence and partnerships. The AUC will continue to provide leadership for these important processes.
Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,
I cannot end without thanking the presenters and speakers in this conference. Your papers were selected from many submissions and they will help lay the foundation for the success of this conference this year and of many years to come. In this regard, let me also acknowledge the work of the Scientific Committee members who worked tirelessly to select the papers and contribute to the program for this conference. As you can imagine, it has not been an easy task to organise this conference especially given the many events we have organised in the context of the AU Year of Agriculture and Food Security. Fortunately, with the support of development partners-- represented on this podium and sitting amongst you; and the hard work of the LPI Secretariat, we were able to overcome many hurdles and register impressive results. For all outstanding challenges, we ask for your patience as we work together to make this event a success,

Ladies and Gentlemen
Let me stop here, with a call for a conference that allows open, frank and fruitful exchange and deliberations. I thank you for your attention.

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