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African Union and European Union Celebrate 25 Years of Strengthened Partnership

African Union and European Union Celebrate 25 Years of Strengthened Partnership

March 25, 2025

The African Union (AU) and the European Union (EU) launched a year-long celebration marking the 25th anniversary of their enduring and unique partnership, since the first Africa-Europe Summit on 3-4 April 2000 in Cairo.

This milestone, aligned with the Africa Agenda 2063 and the Global Gateway Investment Package for Africa, underscores the powerful impact of two unions representing over 1.9 billion people and accounting for more than 40% of the UN’s membership.

In the lead-up to the Ministerial Meeting on 21 May 2025, in Brussels, gathering over 80 governments and the new leadership of both AU and EU, a series of anniversary initiatives will be promoted. These will include joint outreach explaining the development of the partnership and concrete results and open dialogues on shared challenges. These activities will pave the way for the 7th African Union-European Union Summit to be hosted in Africa later this year.

The 25th anniversary will highlight the strategic alignment of the AU-EU partnership around the four central pillars of the Joint Vision for 2030 adopted by African and European leaders at their Summit in 2022.

Key Pillars of the AU-EU Partnership:

1. Prosperity: a prosperous and sustainable Africa and Europe

The AU and EU are committed to fostering regional economic integration and sustainable growth, bringing together people, regions, and organisations. The Global Gateway Africa-Europe Investment Package , actively supports the implementation of the Africa Agenda 2063. The EU is Africa’s first trading partner and AU and EU work together on sustainable trade and investment that create growth and jobs, as well as, on accelerating the green and digital transitions strengthening health systems and improving education and skills.

2. Peace, Security and Governance: Partnering for Stability

The AU and EU are committed to a joint approach to peace, security, and governance, recognising that stability, the rule of law and democratic institutions are fundamental for sustainable development. Under the African leadership, the EU is an active and long-term partner for peace with civilian and military training and security missions and for the African Peace and Security Architecture (APSA).

3. People: Investing in Human Development

Human development remains at the core of the AU-EU partnership. Joint initiatives on migration and mobility, education, culture, exchange opportunities, social inclusion and humanitarian affairs, empower people, especially women and youth, to build prosperous and inclusive societies. The EU and the AU are committed to the rule of law, good governance, democratic principles, respect for human rights, gender equality, and justice.

4. Planet: A Global Force for Multilateralism and Sustainability

Representing more than 40% of the UN’s membership, the AU and EU are a formidable force for strong support for the multilateral system, with the UN Charter at its core, and for environmental sustainability. Both are working to increase the legitimacy and effectiveness of the multilateral system: cooperation within the G20, chaired by South Africa, and the Pact for the Future are two examples. Together, they are driving global action to promote shared fundamental values and to address climate change and protect the planet.


How to stay updated:

More information will be shared along the year under the #AUEU25 at both Unions’ digital platforms:

AU: Website: | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | YouTube

EU EEAS: X/ Facebook/ Youtube - / Instagram / LinkedIn / Website/ Press Material

EU Delegation to the AU:  Website /  X / Facebook /

For further information, please contact:

Wynne Musabayana | Head of Communications | African Union Commission | Email: | Addis Ababa, Ethiopia |

Rita Fortunato Baptista I Political Officer & Strategic Communication | European Union Delegation to the AU | E-mail:

Media Contact:

Janet Faith Adhiambo Ochieng | Communications Officer-Agenda 2063 | African Union Commission | Email: | Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Biruk Feleke I Press & Information Officer | European Union Delegation to the AU | E-mail:

Information and Communication Directorate, African Union Commission I E-mail:



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