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Agenda 2063 is Africa’s development blueprint to achieve inclusive and sustainable socio-economic development over a 50-year period.
Supply Chain Management Division Operations Support Services Directorate
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Promoting Africa’s growth and economic development by championing citizen inclusion and increased cooperation and integration of African states.
Promoting Africa’s growth and economic development by championing citizen inclusion and increased cooperation and integration of African states.
Agenda 2063 is the blueprint and master plan for transforming Africa into the global powerhouse of the future. It is the strategic framework for delivering on Africa’s goal for inclusive and sustainable development and is a concrete manifestation of the pan-African drive for unity, self-determination, freedom, progress and collective prosperity pursued under Pan-Africanism and African Renaissance.
H.E. Mr. Paul Kagame, President of the Republic of Rwanda, was appointed to lead the AU institutional reforms process. He appointed a pan-African committee of experts to review and submit proposals for a system of governance for the AU that would ensure the organisation was better placed to address the challenges facing the continent with the aim of implementing programmes that have the highest impact on Africa’s growth and development so as to deliver on the vision of Agenda 2063.
The AU offers exciting opportunities to get involved in determining continental policies and implementing development programmes that impact the lives of African citizens everywhere. Find out more by visiting the links on right.
AU-PATTEC organized a regional training workshop for French speaking central Africa countries on application of open source GIS in Tsetse and Trypanosomiasis projects in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia at the AU HQs, from 24- 28 June 2019. The training workshop was attended by participants (data management officers) from Angola, Cameroon, Central Africa, Chad, DRC, Congo-Brazaville, Ethiopia and Gabon who are currently responsible for collecting, organizing, and analyzing and map preparation of T&T data for PATTEC projects. Dr. Gift Wanda,
During the training session, participants made presentations to share the current use of GIS in their programmes and how best they use the tool in their daily activities. Discussions were made before the formal course started. In PATTEC projects, GIS and Remote Sensing tools are widely applied as they help to understand the spatial and temporal distribution of the vector (to learn about the status of the study area before the project intervention), to study the status of trypanosomosis prevalence in the intervention areas, to select intervention techniques and plan intervention operations, to assist monitoring and evaluation activities, etc. Furthermore, the tool can be used to study and identify environmental, ecological and socioeconomic factors contributing to the vector control activities in the intervention areas by providing techniques to assess geographic indicators. The tool helps member states to effectively utilize available resources and enhance efficiency in T&T project implementation.
Mr. Girma Urgeacha, AU-PATTEC GIS/Database Specialist and Mr. Serdebeogo Oumarou from Burkina Faso were resource persons during the training workshop.
Training workshop on Application of Open Source Geographic Information System (GIS) in Tsetse and Trypanosomiasis projects, Addis Ababa, 24- 28 June 2019
Agenda 2063 is Africa’s development blueprint to achieve inclusive and sustainable socio-economic development over a 50-year period.
Supply Chain Management Division Operations Support Services Directorate
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia