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AUC oversees the election of the new Secretary General of AFCAC

AUC oversees the election of the new Secretary General of AFCAC

December 03, 2018

Livingston, Zambia, 3 December 2018: At the invitation of the President of the Bureau of the African Civil Aviation Commission (AFCAC), the Director for Infrastructure and Energy, Mr. Cheikh Bedda, led an African Union Commission (AUC) delegation to Livingston, Zambia, to assist with the election of a new Secretary General of AFCAC.

The extra ordinary plenary session of AFCAC appointed a new Secretary General, Mr. Tefera Mekonnen Tefera, from the Eastern Region, among the four shortlisted candidates and replacing former Secretary General, Ms. Iyabo Sosina, a Nigerian aviation expert, who led the commission since 2012.

Speaking on behalf on the Chairperson and the AU Commissioner for Infrastructure and Energy, Mr. Cheikh Bedda said “I congratulate the new elected Official and expressed steadfast commitment of the Commission to support the new Executive and AFCAC in the achievement of its mission as a Specialised Agency of the African Union”.

He added that the African Union Heads of State and Government in January 2007 attributed to AFCAC the role of Executing Agency of the Single African Market, a flagship project of AU agenda 2063.

On the same token, the 29th AFCAC Plenary expressed sincere gratitude to the African Union Commission (AUC) for facilitating and in stirring the election process to successful outcome.

The African Union Commission had earlier facilitated the process by procuring the services of an independent Human Resource Expert firm to do the interviewing of fifteen initial candidates and shortlisting to four candidates, who finally participated at the election.

The 30th AFCAC Plenary will continue on the 4th -5th December 2018, to consider the work plan of AFCAC for the triennium.

AFCAC was created by the Constitutional Conference convened by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and the then Organization of African Unity (OAU) in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, in 1964. Headquartered in Dakar, Senegal, AFCAC was fully established and began functioning in 1969 and on May 11, 1978 became an OAU specialized agency in the field of civil aviation.

Directorate of Information and Communication | African Union Commission I E-mail: I Web Site: I Addis Ababa | Ethiopia

Media inquiry Contacts:
Sophia Nesri / PIDA Information Analyst / Department of Infrastructure and Energy / AUC / Tel: +251 115182430 / E-mail:

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