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20 African ICT Experts to take part in a training offered by Huawei in China

20 African ICT Experts to take part in a training offered by Huawei in China

December 04, 2015

20 African ICT Experts to take part in a training offered by Huawei in China
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 4 December 2015: Twenty Senior Technical Experts dealing with ICT policies and regulations from the African Union Commission, Regional Economic Communities and Associations of Regulators will take part in the technical training organized by Huawei at its Headquarters in China for a period of two weeks from 06 to 18 December 2015.

The training is offered by Huawei under the Framework of the Africa-China cooperation and in line with the implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed by the African Union (AU) Commission and Huawei on the 27 January 2015. Among other things, the MOU required the two parties to explore areas of partnership for technological exchange and jointly enhance the Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) capabilities and infrastructure development in Africa.

Participants will have the chance to have training on developing ICT regulatory framework and sharing the best practices and latest ICT solutions related to broadband and radio spectrum allocations; e-government solutions; cyber security strategy and approach; Huawei’s corporate culture and management experience; visit Huawei’s exhibition halls and campuses as well as learn about the Chinese culture.
At the ceremony held today at the AU Headquarters the participants underwent a pre departure orientation and guidance given by the African Union Commission, the Mission of People’s Republic of China to the African Union and Huawei Ethiopia.
Addressing the opening ceremony on behalf of the AU Commission, the AUC Commissioner for Infrastructure and Energy, H.E. Dr. Elham Ibrahim, expressed her appreciation to the Government of China and Huawei for their support for the digital transformation of Africa by providing this training for African ICT experts. She further stated that this training is a concert start to implement the MOU signed between the African Union and Huawei. She further pointed out that the topics of the training are very relevant for Africa and urged the participants to use the opportunity to acquire the knowledge to effectively implement the African projects.

On his part the Charge de affair of the Mission of People’s Republic of China to the African Union in Addis Ababa H.E. Mr. Gou Haodong stated that the Chinese foreign police for Africa is mainly informed by the principle of “Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime.” He further said that the training organized by Huawei is in line with this principle and will help Africa in the effort to develop ICT capabilities and digital transformation practice. Finally he urged the participants to explore China during their stay in country for the training.

Speaking on behalf of Huawei, Deputy CEO Ethiopia Mr. Roger Wu stated that we are now living in the world of super interconnectivity and Huawei is well positioned to partner with the African Union and share its experience to build a better connected Africa . He also highlighted that the training is under the program "Seeds for the Future (SFTF)" which the is Huawei’s biggest global corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program in which Huawei leverages its world-leading ICT technologies to cultivate ICT professionals and thus drive knowledge transformation for the development of local ICT industry.

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