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Technical Consultation on the Draft African Union Ten Year Action Plan to Eradicate Child Labour, Forced Labour, Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery

Technical Consultation on the Draft African Union Ten Year Action Plan to Eradicate Child Labour, Forced Labour, Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery

February 13, 2019 to February 14, 2019


Technical Consultation on the Draft African Union Ten Year Action Plan to Eradicate Child Labour, Forced Labour, Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery

What: Technical Consultation on the Draft African Union Ten Year Action Plan to Eradicate Child Labour, Forced Labour, Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery.

Who: This event is co-organized by the African Union Department of Social Affairs, and the International Labour Organization (ILO) Regional Office.

When: 13th -14th February 2019 starting at 9:00 a.m.
Where: AU New Complex, African Union HQ.

Why: The AU First Ten Year Implementation Plan of the Agenda 2063 calls for the elimination of child labour on the continent, echoed by the First Five Year Priority Programme on Employment, Poverty Eradication and Inclusive development (2017-2022). It is in line with the AU Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child forbidding child labour (Article 15).

At global level, the UN-Agenda 2030 pursues the same objective through the Target 8.7. UN Agencies have joined their efforts with other stakeholders to create the 8.7 Alliance. UN organizations are actively engaged on the front of child labour eradication and human trafficking elimination on the continent. Using the Regional Coordination Mechanism (RCM), the AUC will work with UN Agencies towards enhanced coordination and increased investment for results.

In order to give a new impetus in addressing these challenges, the AUC is developing a Draft Ten Year Action Plan on Eradication of Child Labour, Forced Labour, Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking in Africa (2018-2030): Agenda 2063-SDG Target 8.7
The objectives of the consultation are to:
a. Review the efforts undertaken by the UN Agencies towards eradication of child labour, forced labour, human trafficking and modern slavery; Introduce the UN Organizations and the AUC Departments/Directorate on the draft Plan of action
b. Collect their comments, inputs and observations on all sections of the draft action plan for it enrichment
c. Further assess and define their positioning on the implementation, M&E
d. Gather key elements for the preparation of a draft UN-Declaration to be presented at the STC3 in April 2019, for a solemn commitment of the UN on priorities and methodologies of their engagement at national, continental and regional levels in support to the eradication of child labour, forced labour, human trafficking and modern slavery on the continent.
e. Share 2019 actions/initiatives.

Expected Results:
The expected results from the consultation are:
a. Better understanding of the roles and potential roles of the concerned stakeholders on eradication of child labour, forced labour, human trafficking and modern slavery on the continent;
b. Identification of synergy, complementarity and potential cooperation areas and mechanisms
c. Improvement of the draft ten Year Action Plan by the participants
d. Adoption of the UN Draft Declaration
e. Network for the implementation of the Plan of Action.
The Participants will comprise AUC Departments and Directorates, and UN organizations based in Addis Ababa.

Representatives of the media, are invited to cover the Technical Consultation on the Draft African Union Ten Year Action Plan to Eradicate Child Labour, Forced Labour, Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery.

For more information related to the consultation, please contact:

Mr. Oumar Diop, JLMP Support Unit Coordinator, African Union Commission, Email:

For media inquiries, please contact:
Mr. Gamal Eldin Ahmed A. Karrar | Senior Communication Officer | Information and Communications Directorate | E-mail:

For further information:
Directorate of Information and Communication | African Union Commission I E-mail: I Website: I Addis Ababa | Ethiopia

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