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AUC-RECs High-Level Meeting to launch the Joint Labour Migration Programme Strategic Framework

AUC-RECs High-Level Meeting to launch the Joint Labour Migration Programme Strategic Framework

December 07, 2020

What: The African Union Commission (AUC) - Regional Economic Communities (RECs) High-Level Meeting to launch the Joint Labour Migration Programme Strategic Framework.

Who: This event is organized by the African Union Department of Social Affairs, the International Organization for Migration (IOM), and the International Labour Organization (ILO).

When: The virtual high-level meeting will be organized on 7 December, 2020.

Where: Online @

Why: Since 2015, projects totaling over US$17 million are currently being implemented in support of the JLMP covering these areas: social protection and portability of benefits to migrant workers and their families, enhanced skills portability, improved labour migration governance, improved availability of regular up-to-date migration statistics.

The projects are as follows:
• Extending access to social protection and portability of benefits to migrant workers and their families in selected RECs in Africa 2017 – 2020 implemented by ILO covering EAC, ECOWAS and SADC;
• Priority implementation actions of the AUC-ILO-IOM-ECA Joint Programme on Labour Migration Governance for Development and Integration in Africa (JLMP Priority) 2018-2021 covering EAC, ECOWAS and SADC;
• SIDA-funded Capacity Development in Statistics 2019-2021 implemented by Statistics Sweden covering COMESA, EAC, ECOWAS and IGAD;
• GIZ’s Support to the African Union on migration and displacement 2018 – 2020 which has supported the JLMP Priority.

In 2019, the AUC, with sponsorship from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and in cooperation with stakeholders at the RECs and international development partners, developed the JLMP Strategic Framework. The objective of the assignment was to review the status, structure and implementation arrangements among the various JLMP partners and propose a ten-year strategic framework and results framework. The strategic framework and monitoring and evaluation framework were adopted by the Steering Committee of the JLMP in May, 2020.

Regional Economic Communities (RECs) are the pillars of the AU and have a key role in promoting the implementation of JLMP and ensuring coordination, harmonization and collaboration with other regional processes which have a bearing on labour migration. In addition, RECs promote labour migration governance and management as an integral part of the regional development agenda through increased intra-regional trade and investment. They also ensure alignment of RECs policies, strategies, programmes and plans with the JLMP to ensure ownership, commitment and involvement in its implementation, monitoring evaluation and reporting.

The objectives of the Meeting are to:
a) Present and launch the JLMP Strategic and MERL Frameworks;
b) Update the CEOs of the Regional Economic Communities on the activities and achievements of the JLMP till date;
c) Highlight existing and potential challenges with JLMP implementation;
d) Discuss a draft guidance on complementarity and synergy between migration/labour migration programmes and projects at continental, regional and national levels;
e) Jointly review the efficiency of existing communication channels at the RECs and AUC with a view of improvement; and
f) Sensitize more development partners about JLMP and to seek opportunities for partnerships.

Expected Results:
The expected results from the Meeting are:
a) Dissemination of and awareness of the JLMP Strategic Framework among the RECs and other key stakeholders, at highest political level, for ownership and buy-in;
b) Implementation challenges assessed and documented;
c) Guidance document on synergy and complementarity endorsed; and
d) Basic joint communication plan endorsed.

The Participants will comprise the following: CEOs of 8 recognized AU RECs namely CENSAD, COMESA, EAC, ECOWAS, ECCAS, SADC, IGAD, UMA; RECs Liaison Offices and Focal persons at HQ involved with coordination of the JLMP; Relevant AUC Departments; JLMP partners including IOM, ILO, ECA, GIZ, Statistics Sweden; Donor partners including SIDA, EU, SDC, AfDB, Norway, Denmark, Finland, UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO); International/UN Organizations – IOM, ILO, UNECA, UNDP, UN Women, OHCHR; Chair of STC of Labour & Migration.
Representatives of the media, are invited to cover the AUC-RECs High-Level Meeting to launch the Joint Labour Migration Programme Strategic Framework. Attached the Agenda of the Meeting

For more information related to the consultation, please contact:

Mr. Oumar Diop, JLMP Support Unit Coordinator, African Union Commission, Email:

For media inquiries, please contact:
Mr. Gamal Eldin Ahmed A. Karrar | Senior Communication Officer | Information and Communications Directorate | E-mail:

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