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African Union and European Union expand Mutual Cooperation for Global Health

African Union and European Union expand Mutual Cooperation for Global Health

February 05, 2024 to February 07, 2024

The African Union Commission (AUC) and the European Union convened for a 3-day High-level dialogue from 05 – 07 February 2024 to Strengthen the Health Partnership between Africa and Europe. The aim was to accelerate equal access to health and strengthen the Africa-EU partnership on Global Health, in line with the priorities of the EU’s new Global Health Strategy. The dialogue highlighted the achievements of the joint work kicked off at the 6th EU-AU Summit held in Brussels in 2022, which reaffirmed the joint commitment to the universal right to health and the shared goal of strengthening the continent's health security.

The EU’s Global Gateway will be key to deliver on this partnership, notably through Team Europe Initiatives, increasing the resilience of African and Europe health systems in response to the rapidly shifting health burden, the impact of climate change, and emerging health threats. Building on the constructive partnership, the AU and EU will join their voices together at the international levels to support global health.

A major flagship is the Team Europe Initiative on manufacturing and access to vaccines, medicines and health technologies in Africa (MAV+), which has mobilized more than €1.3 billion. This shows the joint commitment to address the painful lessons of the pandemic, support health sovereignty, and enhance access, availability and affordability of health products for all. AU and EU confirmed their intentions to strengthen their partnership, strategically identify new areas of joint work within the frameworks provided by the Global Health Strategy and the New Public Health Order highlighting the important role the health sector can play in triggering job creation, economic prosperity, pandemic prevention, preparedness and response, the operationalisation of the One Health approach, in particular to fight anti-microbial resistance (AMR) and environmental protection for a generation of sustainable growth.

Speaking at the opening of the dialogue, AU Commissioner for Health, Humanitarian Affairs and Social Development, H.E. Minata Samate CESSOUMA, indicated that fostering stronger partnerships between the AU and EU for the advancement of global health in areas of common interest is critical to address the multifaceted challenges that lies ahead. ‘’The issues we have come together to discuss today are paramount to the well-being of our populations and the stability of our regions. This health partnership presents an opportunity for us to leverage our collective expertise and resources to advance our shared objectives. Public health is at the center of priorities at the African Union as echoed in Agenda 2063, the Union’s flagship vision for the socio-economic transformation of Africa through the pursuance of healthy and well-nourished citizens’’ underscored H.E Samate. 

The Belgian Minister of Development Cooperation and Major Cities, H.E. Caroline Gennez, representing the Belgian EU Presidency, in her remarks, said: “This Team Europe Mission – the first to the AU – comes at a pivotal moment. At a time when polarisation and misinformation is on the rise all over the world, we need to push back and invest in strong partnerships., especially with the African Union. A crucial precondition for a strong partnership is listening to one another. Today I felt real momentum. We need to get it right, now. For the future, but also before the next pandemic. These are the lessons learned from COVID-19. Europe is not safe if Africa is not safe, and Europe is not healthy if Africa is not healthy; thus, we are building a partnership of trust, equity and solidarity towards Africa’s health sovereignty.”

H.E. Stella Kyriakides, the European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, expressed Team Europe’s continuous support and commitment to the ongoing partnerships between the European Commission and the African continent in the area of health security adding, “Our Team Europe visit is a clear sign of our strong commitment to deepen our partnership with the African Union and to take, together, the next steps in building a healthier, more secure future for all our citizens. Working together on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response, One Health and tackling anti-microbial resistance and climate related health effects is at the core of the Global Health Strategy and our discussion. We have to strengthen our capacity to prevent and prepare for future health threats.”

Specific outcomes of the high-level dialogue included the following:

  • The Joint Africa CDC – European Commission Initiative on Genomic Sequencing marks a significant step toward understanding and combating infectious diseases.
  • The Commission announced €9 million for the period 2024–2027 to boost the capacity of the Africa CDC to strengthen the continental health security architecture using a One Health approach.
  • Signed Memorandum of Understanding between Africa CDC and Enabel, the Belgian Development Agency

To implement the expanded strategic partnership, a specific agreement will set up a framework for cooperation, ensuring closer collaboration and exchange of information between the organisations. The AU and EU will continue the discussion on the Africa-EU partnership on Global Health during an upcoming High-Level meeting in Brussels on 20 March 2024.

The mission also had a strong focus on humanitarian aid. Specific attention was also paid to the health needs of those impacted by humanitarian crises – especially girls and women. The AU and EU discussed the current state of the different humanitarian crises on the African continent, and how the response from the EU and AU could be more attuned to the needs on the ground. The UN estimates that about 140 million people on the African continent will need humanitarian assistance in 2024. The main cause of humanitarian crises is still conflict, but the impact of climate change cannot be underestimated, both as a driver and complicating factor.

In address humanitarian emergencies better, the AU, is has made significant progress in setting up the African Humanitarian Agency. The need to scale up support for crises that lack international attention, and thus funding was keenly highlighted. Focusing on these forgotten crises is one of the priorities of the partnership and will be front and centre at the upcoming European Humanitarian Forum in Brussels on 18 and 19 March.

The high-level dialogue was attended by high level officials from the African Union Commission, Africa CDC, the European Commission and ten member states from the European Union.

For further information, please contact:

Ndahafa Nakwafila I Ag. Head of Communication & Public Information Division | Africa CDC | African Union Commission Tel: +251 929 979 820 | E-mail: | Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

King David Cartey I Strategic Communication Expert | Health, Humanitarian Affairs and Social Development | African Union Commission Tel: +251 115 517 700 | E-mail: | Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Rebecca Castermans I Spokesperson Belgian Minister of Development Cooperation and Major Cities Caroline Gennez | Belgian Federal Government | Tel: +32 494 91 45 97 | E-mail: | Brussels, Belgium  

Stefan De Keersmacker I Coordinating Spokesperson I European Commission's spokesperson's service I Tel: +32 2 298 46 80 I E-mail: | Brussels, Belgium

Information and Communication Directorate, African Union Commission I E-mail:
Web: | Addis Ababa, Ethiopia | Follow Us: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | YouTube



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