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Celebration of the Africa Road Safety Day World Remembrance Day “Improve Road Safety to support the Climate change agenda”

Celebration of the Africa Road Safety Day World Remembrance Day “Improve Road Safety to support the Climate change agenda”

December 07, 2021

African experts, stakeholders and leaders in the area Road Safety have celebrated the African Road Safety Day this year on the 21st November 2021. The African Union Commission, the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, the World Bank and the Office of the United Nations Secretary General Special Envoy for Road Safety have joined hands to discuss Road Safety priorities in the African continent and raise awareness on the status of road safety on the continent. The ceremony which took place on 24th November 2021, was organized through videoconference.

In celebrating Africa’s Road Safety Day together with that of the World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims Africa’s High level Policy makers stressed a clear link that exist between these events and the need to come up with appropriate solutions to improve road safety.

In her opening remarks, H.E Dr Amani Abou-Zeid, Commissioner for Infrastructure and Energy highlighted that Road accidents induce loss of 3% of African GDP, as more than 296,000 lives disappear forever each year. The victims include engineers, doctors, businessmen or women, teachers, etc. While advocating for lower speeds, H.E Dr Amani Abou-Zeid recalled that lower speeds can also reduce vehicle emissions.

“Together, we can have better control on imported used vehicles both in terms of emission specifications and safety requirements that can have significant impact on road fatalities causalities and provide safer, livable and sustainable cities”, concluded the Commissioner.

H.E Dr. Monique Nsanzabaganwa, Deputy Chairperson indicated that the Executive Council of the African Union adopted the Decision establishing Africa’s Road Safety Day.

The Deputy Chairperson, stressed that “The establishment of this day is one more instrument for African States in their on-going efforts in fighting against the increasing rate of road traffic accidents”

The Minister of Transport and Logistic of the Kingdom of Morocco, H.E Mr. Mohamed Abdeljalil, on his part, stressed the need to fully implement the African Road Safety Observatory (ARSO) as the continental lead Agency for Road Safety, to overcome the global challenge of halving Road deaths and serious injuries by 2030.

“We encourage all the African countries to ratify the African Road Safety Charter and the Kingdom of Morocco is already in the process to do so. We are hereby reiterating our offer to host the African Road Safety Observatory”, said the Minister

Mr. Matthew Baldwin, EU Coordinator for Road Safety and Representative of the EU Commissioner for Transport, highlighted the willing of the European Union to support recommendations of the EU-AU Task Force on Road Safety for the seven upcoming years both at the continental level and in countries.

” Actions directed to the young people has great potential to improve the situation and we will quickly liaise with the African Union Commission to work together on this project”, he added.

About the African Road Safety Day:

The 18th African Union Summit, held in January 2012 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, (Decision EX.CL/Dec.682 (XX) endorsed the conclusions of the Second Session of the Conference of African Ministers of Transport (CAMT) held in Luanda, Angola in November 2011 which, among others, adopted the third Sunday of November, which is the World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims as Africa’s Road Safety Day.

The establishment of this day is a pivotal instrument for African States in their ongoing struggle against road traffic accidents. The day is an important event of outreach and public information on road safety issues and their socio-economic impact.

The celebration this year was characterized by a good participation of stakeholders from both public and private sectors, as well as civil society, including: Ministers of transport of Ethiopia, Morocco, Mauritius, Cote d’Ivoire as well as the Representative of the European Union Commissioner for Transport, TOTALENERGY Foundation representative, the Executive Director of the International Motor Vehicle Inspection Committee, NGOs, IGOs, road safety professionals, etc. It should also mark a kind of convergence as road safety is good for all.

For media inquiries, please contact:

Molalet Tsedeke| Directorate of Information and Communication| African Union Commission |mobile+251 (0) 911630631| E-mail:|

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