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Launching the Study on “Mapping Children on the Move within Africa”

Launching the Study on “Mapping Children on the Move within Africa”

March 18, 2019


Launching the Study on “Mapping Children on the Move within Africa”
What: Launching the Study on “Mapping Children on the Move within Africa”
Highlights for journalists:
• Coverage of the Launch;
• Group photograph;
• Interview opportunities.
Who: This event is organized by the African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (ACERWC) within the Department of Social Affairs.

When: Monday, 18th March 2019 starting from 6:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Where: Sheraton Hotel, Addis Ababa

Why: The ACERWC has presented the findings of the study to the Executive Council at its 34th Ordinary Session which was held on 07 - 08 February 2019 in 
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Considering the Committee’s Report, the Executive Council welcomes the findings and recommendations of the study, and encourages Member States to widely disseminate the report of the study and work towards their implementation
The objectives of the launch include:
1. disseminating the finding of the study among Member States of the Au and other stakeholders;
2. enhancing publicity and continental exposure on the situation of children on the move within Africa;
3. initiating and sustaining dialogue amongst researchers, policymakers, and implementers on the situation of children on the move within Africa;
4. initiating discussions aimed at promoting evidence-based solutions to challenges faced by children on the move within Africa; and
5. identifying workable pathways for states and other stakeholders in implementing the rights and welfare of children on the move in Africa.
Expected Results:
The launch is expected to:
1. Provide a matchless opportunity for key policy makers and other stakeholders to develop new partnerships that facilitate exchange of experiences, lessons learned and good practices amongst countries in the continent on effective protection of the rights and welfare of children on the move with in Africa.

2. Reinforce commitments by the African governments and other stakeholders to the implementation and monitoring of the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child; specifically, in relation to children on the move in Africa.
The Participants will comprise Ambassadors of the AU Member States, the Chairperson of the AUC, Commissioner of Social Affairs, Commissioner of Political Affairs, Commissioner of Peace and Security, Representatives of State Parties to the African Children’s Charter, Members of the ACERWC, AUS staff, representatives from UN Agencies, International Non-Governmental Organisations, academia and the media.

Representatives of the media, are invited to cover the Launching the Study on “Mapping Children on the Move within Africa”.

For media inquiries, please contact:
Mr. Gamal Eldin Ahmed A. Karrar | Senior Communication Officer | Information and Communications Directorate | E-mail:

Mr. Kameni Ngankam| Communication Officer | ACERWC Secretariat | Email:| Phone: +251 941 129 072

For further information:
Directorate of Information and Communication | African Union Commission I E-mail: I Website: I Addis Ababa | Ethiopia

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